CC Resolution No. 24-108 Pension Trust Investment PolicyRESOLUTION NO. 24-108
WHEREAS, the City’s Pension Trust, established for sole purpose to benefit the
general public, has available funds to invest in accordance with principles of sound
treasury management; and
WHEREAS, the City invests funds in accordance with provisions of California
Government Code Section 53600; and
WHEREAS, the City’s Audit Committee reviewed and accepted the attached City
Investment Policy for the Pension Trust on October 31, 2024.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Cupertino accepts the attached City Investment Policy for the Pension Trust dated
December 3, 2024.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution is not a project under the
requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, together with related State
CEQA Guidelines (collectively, “CEQA”) because it has no potential for resulting in
physical change in the environment. In the event that this Resolution is found to be a project
under CEQA, it is subject to the CEQA exemption contained in CEQA Guidelines section
15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty to have no possibility that the action
approved may have a significant effect on the environment. CEQA applies only to actions
which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can
be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a
significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. In this
circumstance, the proposed action to accept the City’s Investment Policy would have no or
only a de minimis effect on the environment. The foregoing determination is made by the
City Council in its independent judgment.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino this 3rd day of December 2024, by the following vote:
Resolution No. 24-108
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Vote Members of the City Council
AYES: Mohan, Fruen, Chao, Moore
NOES: None
Sheila Mohan, Mayor
City of Cupertino
Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk Date
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Pension Trust
Investment Policy
Citywide Policy Manual
Attachments: N/A
Effective Date:
December 3, 2024
Responsible Department:
Administrative Services
Related Policies & Notes:
Investment Policy Statement
The City has established a Section 115 Trust with PARS to assist in stabilizing the potential impact
of pension cost volatility on the City’s operating budget. The City intends to use the Section 115
Trust to pre-fund pension costs and proactively address the unfunded liability. The City’s goal
is to have sufficient assets in the trust to increase the funded status to over 80% within 20 years,
as well as fund the difference between a 7.0% and 6.25% discount rate.
Executive Summary
Account Name: City of Cupertino Pension Trust
Account Number: 6746050100
Investment Authority: Full Investment Authority
Current Assets: $23.0 Million (September 2024)
Time Horizon: Long-Term
Target Rate of Return: 6.25%
Communication Schedule: Meetings will be conducted at least quarterly
U.S. Bank Portfolio Manager: Dennis Mullins
U.S. Bank Relationship Manager: Ryan Maxey
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Investment Objective: ‘Balanced’
This investment objective is designed to provide a moderate amount of current income with moderate
growth of capital. Investors should have sufficient tolerance for price and return volatility and substantial
periodic declines in investment value. This objective is recommended for investors with a long-term time
The strategic asset allocation ranges and tactical targets for this objective are listed below:
Investment Guidelines
This document defines the investment policy, guidelines and performance objectives applicable
to the assets of The City of Cupertino’s Pension Trust. The goal of this Policy is to create an
investment framework within which the assets can be actively yet prudently managed.
The purpose of this document is threefold.
First, it will set forth an investment structure for managing the Portfolio assets. This
structure is expected to produce an appropriate level of overall diversification and
total investment return over the investment time horizon.
Second, it will serve as to encourage effective communications between the
organization and parties involved with investment management decisions.
Third, these guidelines will provide a framework to measure ongoing investment
Within the constraints imposed by these policies, Investment Managers are expected to comply
with all applicable fiduciary and due diligence requirements under the “prudent investor” rules,
which state: “Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then
prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of
their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their
capital as well as the probable income to be derived.” All applicable laws, rules and regulations
from various local, state, federal and international political entities that may impact the Portfolio
are to be adhered to.
Asset Class Range
Fixed Income 20-40% 29%
Equities 50-70% 63%
Real Estate 0-15% 5%
Commodities 0-10% 2%
Cash 0-10% 1%
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Your Portfolio Manager is responsible for maintaining the balance between the various asset classes based on the investment objective’s strategic asset allocation. As a general policy, the Investment Manager will maintain reasonable diversification at all times by asset class, credit quality, issuer, sector, industry, and country.
The following parameters shall be adhered to in managing the portfolio:
Fixed Income Assets
• The fixed income investments are to maintain intermediate-term average weighted
duration, between three-seven years.
• At the time of purchase, no single fixed income issuer shall exceed 2% of the total market
value of the Portfolio, with the exception of U.S. Treasury or Agency obligations.
• The direct high-yield portion shall constitute no more than 10% of the total market value
of the Portfolio.
• Hedged fixed income positions shall constitute no more than 10% of the total market
value of the Portfolio
Equity & Growth Assets
• The domestic equity investments are expected to be diversified at all times by size,
industry, sector, and style (Large Cap, Mid Cap, and Small Cap).
• At the time of purchase, no individual equity security shall exceed 2% of the total market
value of the Portfolio.
• The real estate investments shall be captured through the use of diversified mutual
funds or ETFs investing in REITs; and shall constitute no more than 15% of the total
market value of the Portfolio.
• The commodities investments shall be captured through the use of diversified mutual
funds or ETFs; and shall constitute no more than 10% of the total market value of the
• Hedged equity positions shall constitute no more than 10% of the total market value of
the Portfolio
Permitted Asset Classes and Security Types
Fixed Income & Cash Equivalent Investments:
Domestic Certificates of Deposit (rated A-1/P-1 or better)
Domestic Commercial Paper (rated A-1/P-1 or better)
Floating Rate Notes
Money Market Mutual Funds
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Bills and Notes
U.S. Agency (and Instrumentality) Discount Notes, Notes, and Bonds
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
Municipal Bonds and Notes
Corporate Bonds
Mortgage-Backed Bonds (MBS)
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Asset-Backed Bonds (ABS)
High-Yield Bonds (rated B-/B3 or better)
Dollar denominated Foreign Bonds and Notes
Bond Mutual Funds
Equity Investments:
Common & Preferred Stocks
American Depository Receipts (ADRs)
Domestic and International Equity Mutual Funds (Open and Closed)
Emerging Market Equity Funds or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
Alternative Investments:
Commodities Mutual Funds or Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs)
REIT Investment or Pooled Strategy or Fund of REITs
Registered Hedge Funds or Hedge Fund of Funds
Prohibited Asset Classes and Transactions
The Investment Manager is prohibited from purchasing or holding any of the following types of
Partnerships unless investing in Master Limited Partnerships invested in a mutual fund
and limited in scope and allocation of Portfolio based on asset class limitations of table
Letter stock and other unregistered securities; physical commodities or other commodity
contracts; and short sales or margin transactions
Investments in the equity securities of any company with a record of less than three years
continuous operation, including the operation of any predecessor
Investments for the purpose of exercising control of management
Direct or indirect exposure to cryptocurrencies
Leveraged securities, other than registered Hedged Equity and Hedged Fixed Income
Duties and Responsibilities
a) Establish, approve, and maintain investment objectives, guidelines, and policies
(including this Policy).
b) Appoint Investment Managers who can be reasonably expected to adhere to the
investment guidelines and meet the investment objectives as established.
c) Monitor the investment performance of the Portfolio and compare actual investment
performance relative to an appropriate benchmark index given the stated investment
guidelines and objectives set forth in this Policy.
d) Conduct a formal review of the Portfolio’s asset allocation, investment structure and
performance annually or more frequently as the need arises.
e) Periodically review the Portfolio performance against objectives.
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a) Adopt the Policy by resolution of the City Council on an annual basis.
The Portfolio Manager will be responsible for carrying out the activities related to the
Portfolio in accordance with the Policy including:
a) Manage the day-to-day investment of Portfolio assets in accordance with the Policy
guidelines and objectives included herein.
b) Exercise full investment discretion and prudence in the selection and diversification
of investments.
c) Promptly bring to the attention of the City Treasurer or designee any investment that
is subsequently downgraded and fails to meet the quality guidelines, along with a
recommendation of retention or disposal.
d) Provide on a quarterly basis the following investment reporting:
(i) Year-to-date rate of return
(ii) Annualized one, three, five, etc. rates of return
e) Provide annually to the City’s Audit Committee a commentary and analysis of
investment performance to include an evaluation of the current and future investment
environment and potential impact of the investment environment on achievement of
investment objectives.
Investment Policy Statement Review
The City’s Audit Committee will review and the Cupertino City Council will adopt this
Investment Policy Statement at least annually to determine whether stated investment objectives
are still relevant and the continued feasibility of achieving the same. It is not expected that the
Policy will change frequently. In particular, short-term changes in the financial markets should
not require adjustments to the Policy.
If at any time the Portfolio Manager finds the above guidelines too restrictive or possibly injurious
to investment returns, they should communicate that information immediately to the City’s Audit
City Manager’s signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
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Revisions: 11.19.2019, 11.17.2020, 12.7.2021, 12.06.2022, 12.05.2023, 12.03.2024
Director of Administrative Services’ signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________