23-029 SO #16 dated 12-2-24 for West Coast Arborists Inc. SO 16 Linda Vista Trail - 2025-315 CITY OF CUPERTINO MASTER AGREEMENT CONSULTANT SERVICES SERVICE ORDER NO. 16 MA Date:Master Agreement Contract #: Maximum Compensation: Consultant:Firm Name: Address: Contact: Ph: Project Name: Description: (simple project description if appropriate) Attachment A: Includes Description of Project, Scope of Service, Schedule of Performance and Compensation City Project Management Managing Department: Public Works Project Manager: Fiscal/Budget : SO Acc't #:PO #: Project #:Date: Approvals Signatures: Date: Date: Appropriation Certification: I hereby certify that an unexpended appropriation is available in the above fund for the above contract as estimated and that fund are available as of this date of signature City Finance:Date: Encumbrance this Service Order: MA End Date: Consultant/ Contractor Manager/ Supervisor: Management Analyst Master Agreement Maximum Compensation: Master Agreement Unencumbered Balance: Total Previously Encumbered to Date: City of Cupertino Master Agreement Service Order 2023-009 04/14/23 03/31/26$600,000 West Coast Arborists Inc. 390 Martin Ave, Santa Clara,CA 95050, USA Juan Ortiz (408) 855-8660 jortiz@wcainc.com X Euch removal Linda Vista Trail Jonathan Ferrante $600,000 $123,170 $6,900 $469,930 100-86-261 700-702 TBD N/A 11/20/2024 X Quote # 93462 Patrick Mahoney 12/02/2024 Jonathan Ferrante 12/2/2024 JOB LOCATION Stevens Creek Trail at Linda Vista Dr, Cupertino. SCOPE OF WORK Tree only removal of 3 dead Eucalyptus on the trail. leaving 2 stumps about 15 ft high and one at 2 ft high and pick up branches on the ground. CUSTOMER INFORMATION Main Contact Billing Contact JONATHAN FERRANTE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF CUPERTINO 10555 MARY AVENUE CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 408.777.3343 jonathanf@cupertino.org CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 TORRE AVENUE CUPERTINO, CA 95014 408.777.3219   Inventory Needed Link Funds to Job #Purchase Order #DIR Project ID # Yes 83595 MA 2023-009 463536 DESCRIPTIONQTY U/M UNIT PRICE TOTAL 60.00 Crew Rental w/aerial + chipper - per man Man Hour $115.00 $6,900.00 $6,900.00GRAND TOTAL: COMMENTS Proposal based on having access to aerial, crane, dump, and chipper next to the trees. Trail will need to be closed. Trees are dead and unsafe to be climbed. City will remove few wood boards for us to access branches on ground. DISCLAIMER: West Coast Arborists, Inc. ensures the quality of work performed, however, we do not ensure the agency's entire tree population from failure. Conditions are often hidden within trees and below ground. Arborists cannot guarantee that a tree will be healthy or safe under all circumstances. The controlling authority must manage trees and accept some degree of risk. Only work identified in the scope of the proposal and in the contract line item is included in our quote or invoice. All work will be completed in accordance with ANSI A300 standards. Price reflects payment under prevailing wage rates under the wage determination: Tree Maintenance Laborer and report of certified payroll to the Department of Industrial Relations as applicable in accordance with state labor laws. PROPOSAL IS VALID FOR 90 DAYS. CA Contractors License 366764 Federal Tax ID: 95-3250682 CA DIR Registration 1000000956 JUAN ORTIZ 11/18/24 ESTIMATED BY TITLE DATE DATETITLEACCEPTED BY AREA MANAGER WEST COAST ARBORISTS, INC. 390 Martin Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050  408.855.8660 Phone 408.844.8606 Fax WCAINC.COM Proforma # 93462 PROFORMA FOR TREE MAINTENANCE SERVICESPROFORMA FOR TREE MAINTENANCE SERVICES Printed on: 11/18/2024 5:05:06 PM Page 1 of 1 West Coast Arborists Inc. SO 16 Linda Vista Trail Final Audit Report 2024-12-02 Created:2024-11-20 By:Sundari Pilaka (Sundarip@cupertino.org) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAMFTWrjSxN5oiBXo5cS2rEBE8NUMdaGYR "West Coast Arborists Inc. SO 16 Linda Vista Trail" History Document created by Sundari Pilaka (Sundarip@cupertino.org) 2024-11-20 - 11:33:57 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to jortiz@wcainc.com for signature 2024-11-20 - 11:40:45 PM GMT Email viewed by jortiz@wcainc.com 2024-11-20 - 11:49:41 PM GMT- IP address: Email viewed by jortiz@wcainc.com 2024-11-22 - 1:12:26 AM GMT- IP address: New document URL requested by jortiz@wcainc.com 2024-12-02 - 7:10:05 PM GMT- IP address: Email viewed by jortiz@wcainc.com 2024-12-02 - 7:10:34 PM GMT- IP address: Signer jortiz@wcainc.com entered name at signing as Patrick Mahoney 2024-12-02 - 7:12:10 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Patrick Mahoney (jortiz@wcainc.com) Signature Date: 2024-12-02 - 7:12:12 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to jonathanf@cupertino.gov for signature 2024-12-02 - 7:12:14 PM GMT Email viewed by jonathanf@cupertino.gov 2024-12-02 - 7:12:25 PM GMT- IP address: Signer jonathanf@cupertino.gov entered name at signing as Jonathan Ferrante 2024-12-02 - 7:52:15 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Jonathan Ferrante (jonathanf@cupertino.gov) Signature Date: 2024-12-02 - 7:52:17 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to jindyg@cupertino.gov for signature 2024-12-02 - 7:52:19 PM GMT Email viewed by jindyg@cupertino.gov 2024-12-02 - 7:52:27 PM GMT- IP address: Document signing delegated to Jindy Gonzalez (jindyg@cupertino.org) by jindyg@cupertino.gov 2024-12-02 - 11:58:37 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Jindy Gonzalez (jindyg@cupertino.org) Signature Date: 2024-12-02 - 11:59:00 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2024-12-02 - 11:59:00 PM GMT