CC Resolution No. 24-105 Adopt a maximum rate schedule for RP 5 for RecologyRESOLUTION NO. 24-105 A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING A MAXIMUM RATE SCHEDULE FOR RATE PERIOD FIVE PER THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH RECOLOGY CUPERTINO RELATED TO RECYCLING, ORGANICS, AND SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, PROCESSING, AND DISPOSAL; AND AUTHORIZING THE USE OF $394,465 OF RESTRICTED-USE ENTERPRISE FUNDS TO SMOOTH AND MITIGATE THE RATE PERIOD FOUR ADJUSTMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to state constitutional and statutory authority, the City of Cupertino has the authority to regulate the handling of solid waste within its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the City enacted and maintains Municipal Code Chapters 6.24 and 9.16, in part, to satisfy solid waste collection and diversion obligations, and other requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act AB 939, Assembly Bill 1826, the Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Bill of 2016 SB 1383, and related laws and regulations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 6.24.120 and applicable statutory authority, where the public health, safety, and well-being require it, the City may award an exclusive franchise to any person or entity the City Council believes is qualified to perform solid waste collection service; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that collection of solid waste, which includes garbage, recyclables, and organic waste, is a health, sanitary, and safety measure necessary for the promotion, protection, and preservation of the health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the City, and the City and its residents benefit from granting an exclusive franchise for same; and WHEREAS, in 2020 the City entered an exclusive franchise agreement with Recology South Bay d/b/a Recology Cupertino (“Recology”) for collection and processing or recyclable and compostable materials, and the collection of disposal of garbage (the “Existing Franchise Agreement”), the base term of which is scheduled to expire on January 31, 2031; and WHEREAS, the City does not provide solid waste collection services; rather, it regulates the private solid waste collection industry to protect public health, safety and welfare and ensure compliance with applicable laws; and WHEREAS, as part of its regulatory role, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 6.24.150, the City reserves the right to establish a maximum schedule of rates and charges for all levels of solid waste collection services to be rendered by the solid waste collector in order to avoid an abuse of the franchise rights granted; and Resolution No.24-105 Page 2 WHEREAS, the Existing Franchise Agreement with Recology includes a methodology set forth in Exhibit E.1 to the agreement for determining the maximum schedule of rates and charges for all levels of solid waste collection services for Rate Period Five; and WHEREAS, the City reviewed all aspects of the rate request from Recology using the approved methodology; and WHEREAS, the solid waste collector is solely responsible for setting and collecting such rates and charges at a level at or below the established maximum schedule; and WHEREAS, the Resource Recovery Enterprise Fund 520-330 (“Resource Recovery Fund”) is an enterprise fund held by the City whose purpose is to pay for operating costs related to the collection, disposal, and recycling of solid waste performed under franchise; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it would be appropriate to make strategic use of amounts in the Resource Recovery Fund in excess of the recommended reserve to smooth and mitigate rate adjustments for the benefit of ratepayers; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby: 1.Acknowledge the foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated into this Resolution by this reference. 2.Adopt the maximum rate schedule for Rate Period Five (beginning February 1, 2025) (Exhibit A). PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 19th day of November, 2024, by the following vote: Members of the City Council AYES: Mohan, Fruen, Chao, Moore, Wei NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Resolution No. 24-105 Page 3 SIGNED: Sheila Mohan, Mayor City of Cupertino Date ATTEST: Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk Date 12/9/2024 12/9/2024 Additional Charges Extra Bag Tag $11.91 10 Bag Tags $113.31 Extra Can (1-Time) $20.52 Dirty Cart Exchange $46.35 24 HR Container Service Bin By The Day 4 Yard $264.85 Bin By The Day 6 Yard $324.37 Bin By The Day 7 Yard $354.12 Exhibit A Residential Rate Schedule City of Cupertino February 1, 2025 Single Family Dwelling Curbside 24 gallon $41.65 Curbside 32 gallon $44.30 Curbside 64 gallon $85.26 Curbside 96 gallon $126.21 Curbside Add'l Cart $40.95 Walk-up 24 gallon $63.65 Walk-up 32 gallon $66.31 Walk-up 64 gallon $129.24 Walk-up 96 gallon $192.17 Walk-up Add'l Cart $62.94 Additional Organics/YW Toter: No Charge YW Exempt Residents Are Entitled To A 32g Organics cart: No Charge Low Income Curbside 24 gallon $20.13 Curbside 32 gallon $22.77 Walk-up 24 gallon $32.84 Walk-up 32 gallon $35.49 Late Charge Fee 1.2% Per Month Deliquent (Not compunded) Key Service $81.57 Special Services $136.00 Steam Clean and Re-Delivery of Bin (Shall be provided once per year w/o charge) Furnishing Chains (One Time Only) Multi-Family Garbage Rate Schedule City of Cupertino February 1, 2025 Front Loader Containers 1.5 CY 1XWK $208.05 1.5 CY 4XWK $832.25 1.5 CY 2XWK $416.14 1.5 CY 5XWK $1,040.33 1.5 CY 3XWK $624.18 1.5 CY 6XWK $1,248.35 Extra P/U $64.53 2 CY 1XWK $249.73 2 CY 4XWK $998.66 2 CY 2XWK $499.30 2 CY 5XWK $1,248.35 2 CY 3XWK $749.05 2 CY 6XWK $1,497.99 Extra P/U $80.64 3 CY 1XWK $332.89 3 CY 4XWK $1,331.61 3 CY 2XWK $665.77 3 CY 5XWK $1,664.48 3 CY 3XWK $998.66 3 CY 6XWK $1,997.36 Extra P/U $88.19 4 CY 1XWK $416.14 4 CY 4XWK $1,664.48 4 CY 2XWK $832.25 4 CY 5XWK $2,080.64 4 CY 3XWK $1,248.35 4 CY 6XWK $2,496.71 Extra P/U $109.96 6 CY 1XWK $582.56 6 CY 4XWK $2,330.27 6 CY 2XWK $1,165.13 6 CY 5XWK $2,912.84 6 CY 3XWK $1,747.69 6 CY 6XWK $3,495.42 Extra P/U $153.02 8 CY 1XWK $749.07 8 CY 4XWK $2,996.05 8 CY 2XWK $1,497.99 8 CY 5XWK $3,745.06 8CY 3XWK $2,247.07 8CY 6XWK $4,494.08 Extra P/U $197.91 Bin Pushout Service 1XWK $73.26 4XWK $293.40 2XWK $146.90 5XWK $366.22 3XWK $219.95 6XWK $440.48 *Pushout service only applies if containers are moved more than 25ft. Cart Pushout Service per set of 3 carts: Garbage, Recycle, Organic 1XWK $17.33 4XWK $69.26 2XWK $34.63 5XWK $86.58 3XWK $51.95 6XWK $103.89 *Pushout service only applies if containers are moved more than 25ft. Rate includes up to 50ft. More than 50ft add an addition 10% for each addition 10ft. Front Load Compactor Per Cubic Yard $58.77 Special Services $136.00 Steam Clean and Re-Delivery of Bin (Shall be provided once per year w/o charge) Furnishing Chains (One Time Only) Front Load Compactor Per Cubic Yard $58.77 Commercial Garbage Rate Schedule City of Cupertino February 1, 2025 Front Loader Containers 1.5 CY 1XWK $208.05 1.5 CY 4XWK $832.25 1.5 CY 2XWK $416.14 1.5 CY 5XWK $1,040.33 1.5 CY 3XWK $624.18 1.5 CY 6XWK $1,248.35 Extra P/U $64.53 2 CY 1XWK $249.73 2 CY 4XWK $998.66 2 CY 2XWK $499.30 2 CY 5XWK $1,248.35 2 CY 3XWK $749.05 2 CY 6XWK $1,497.99 Extra P/U $80.64 3 CY 1XWK $332.89 3 CY 4XWK $1,331.61 3 CY 2XWK $665.77 3 CY 5XWK $1,664.48 3 CY 3XWK $998.66 3 CY 6XWK $1,997.36 Extra P/U $88.19 4 CY 1XWK $416.14 4 CY 4XWK $1,664.48 4 CY 2XWK $832.25 4 CY 5XWK $2,080.64 4 CY 3XWK $1,248.35 4 CY 6XWK $2,496.71 Extra P/U $109.96 6 CY 1XWK $582.56 6 CY 4XWK $2,330.27 6 CY 2XWK $1,165.13 6 CY 5XWK $2,912.84 6 CY 3XWK $1,747.69 6 CY 6XWK $3,495.42 Extra P/U $153.02 8 CY 1XWK $749.07 8 CY 4XWK $2,996.05 8 CY 2XWK $1,497.99 8 CY 5XWK $3,745.06 8CY 3XWK $2,247.07 8CY 6XWK $4,494.08 Extra P/U $197.91 Bin Pushout Service 1XWK $73.26 4XWK $293.40 2XWK $146.90 5XWK $366.22 3XWK $219.95 6XWK $440.48 *Pushout service only applies if containers are moved more than 25ft. Cart Pushout Service per set of 3 carts: Garbage, Recycle, Organic 1XWK $17.33 4XWK $69.26 2XWK $34.63 5XWK $86.58 3XWK $51.95 6XWK $103.89 * Pushout service only applies if containers are moved more than 25ft. Rate includes up to 50ft. More than 50ft add an addition 10% for each addition 10ft. 32 Return Trip Fee $17.27 Commercial Garbage Cart gallon increments $31.95 Key Service $81.57 Special Services $136.00 Steam Clean and Re-Delivery of Bin (Shall be provided once per year w/o charge) Furnishing Chains (One Time Only) Organic Compactor Per Cubic Yard $58.77 Commercial/Multi Family Organic Rate Schedule City of Cupertino February 1, 2025 Front Loader Containers 1.5 CY 1XWK $208.05 1.5 CY 4XWK $832.25 1.5 CY 2XWK $416.14 1.5 CY 5XWK $1,040.33 1.5 CY 3XWK $624.18 1.5 CY 6XWK $1,248.35 Extra P/U $64.53 2 CY 1XWK $249.73 2 CY 4XWK $998.66 2 CY 2XWK $499.30 2 CY 5XWK $1,248.35 2 CY 3XWK $749.05 2 CY 6XWK $1,497.99 Extra P/U $80.64 3 CY 1XWK $332.89 3 CY 4XWK $1,331.61 3 CY 2XWK $665.77 3 CY 5XWK $1,664.48 3 CY 3XWK $998.66 3 CY 6XWK $1,997.36 Extra P/U $88.19 4 CY 1XWK $416.14 4 CY 4XWK $1,664.48 4 CY 2XWK $832.25 4 CY 5XWK $2,080.64 4 CY 3XWK $1,248.35 4 CY 6XWK $2,496.71 Extra P/U $109.96 6 CY 1XWK $582.56 6 CY 4XWK $2,330.27 6 CY 2XWK $1,165.13 6 CY 5XWK $2,912.84 6 CY 3XWK $1,747.69 6 CY 6XWK $3,495.42 Extra P/U $153.02 8 CY 1XWK $749.07 8 CY 4XWK $2,996.05 8 CY 2XWK $1,497.99 8 CY 5XWK $3,745.06 8CY 3XWK $2,247.07 8CY 6XWK $4,494.08 Extra P/U $197.91 Bin Pushout Service 1XWK $73.26 4XWK $293.40 2XWK $146.90 5XWK $366.22 3XWK $219.95 6XWK $440.48 *Pushout service only applies if containers are moved more than 25ft. Cart Pushout Service per set of 3 carts: Garbage, Recycle, Organic 1XWK $17.33 4XWK $69.26 2XWK $34.63 5XWK $86.58 3XWK $51.95 6XWK $103.89 *Pushout service only applies if containers are moved more than 25ft. Rate includes up to 50ft. More than 50ft add an addition 10% for each addition 10ft. Organic Cart Key Service 32 gallon increments $31.95 $81.57 Return Trip Fee $17.27 Commercial/Multi Family Recycle Rate Schedule City of Cupertino February 1, 2025 Front Loader Containers 1.5 CY 1XWK $99.88 1.5 CY 4XWK $399.54 1.5 CY 2XWK $199.77 1.5 CY 5XWK $499.42 1.5 CY 3XWK $299.65 1.5 CY 6XWK $599.29 Extra P/U $30.98 2 CY 1XWK $119.88 2 CY 4XWK $479.42 2 CY 2XWK $239.69 2 CY 5XWK $599.29 2 CY 3XWK $359.59 2 CY 6XWK $719.12 Extra P/U $38.70 3 CY 1XWK $159.82 3 CY 4XWK $639.26 3 CY 2XWK $319.62 3 CY 5XWK $799.05 3 CY 3XWK $479.42 3 CY 6XWK $958.86 Extra P/U $42.34 4 CY 1XWK $199.77 4 CY 4XWK $799.05 4 CY 2XWK $399.54 4 CY 5XWK $998.83 4 CY 3XWK $599.29 4 CY 6XWK $1,198.58 Extra P/U $52.77 6 CY 1XWK $279.67 6 CY 4XWK $1,118.68 6 CY 2XWK $559.34 6 CY 5XWK $1,398.35 6 CY 3XWK $838.99 6 CY 6XWK $1,678.02 Extra P/U $73.46 8 CY 1XWK $359.60 8 CY 4XWK $1,438.28 8 CY 2XWK $719.12 8 CY 5XWK $1,797.85 8CY 3XWK $1,078.73 8CY 6XWK $2,157.44 Extra P/U $95.01 Bin Pushout Service 1XWK $73.26 4XWK $293.40 2XWK $146.90 5XWK $366.22 3XWK $219.95 6XWK $440.48 *Pushout service only applies if containers are moved more than 25ft. Cart Pushout Service per set of 3 carts: Garbage, Recycle, Organic 1XWK $17.33 4XWK $69.26 2XWK $34.63 5XWK $86.58 3XWK $51.95 6XWK $103.89 *Pushout service only applies if containers are moved more than 25ft. Rate includes up to 50ft. More than 50ft add an addition 10% for each addition 10ft. Recycle Cart Key Service 32 gallon increments $15.88 0.050265 $81.57 Special Services $136.00 Steam Clean and Re-Delivery of Bin (Shall be provided once per year w/o charge) Furnishing Chains (One Time Only) Return Trip Fee $17.27 Debris Box Service Rate Schedule City of Cupertino February 1, 2025 Description 16DO 20DO 26DO 30DO 40DO Allowed Tons 3 4 4 5 6 Base Rates $ 701.24 $ 782.91 $ 1,073.08 $ 1,268.80 $ 1,353.50 Add'l Tons $ 130.44 $ 130.44 $ 130.44 $ 130.44 $ 130.44 Processor Newby Newby Newby Newby Newby Source Separated Recycling 08DOR 08DOR 08DO 16DOR-40DOR 16DOR-40DOR Clean Dirt Clean Concrete Asphalt Mix rock, dirt & concrete Clean Wood Sheet Rock Allowed Tons 6 Haul Rate $ 628.24 $ 628.24 $ 1,092.49 $ 628.24 $ 628.24 Recycling Process Rate per ton $ 60.87 $ 60.87 $ 60.87 $ 60.87 $ 60.87 Note: Source Separated Recycling Loads will be charged the regular box rate if contaminated or mixed Other Miscellaneous Rates Description Code Amount Daily Rental Rate For Boxes Beyond 7 Days RENT $ 33.35 Weekly Rental Rate For Boxes Beyond 7 Days RENT $ 211.93 Trip Charge For Empty Debris Box/Compactor (No Dump) TRIP $ 125.65 Dry Run, Scheduled Service Bin Empty TRIP $ 251.30 Relocate Container After Initial Delivery RELOC $ 125.65 Same Day Cancelation (No Dump) CANCL $ 83.78 Steam Clean after exchange bring back to yard TRIP $ 251.30 Garbage, Organic, and Recycling Compactor Rates Description Amount Processor Dirty Garbage Compactor Rates Per Yard Per Pull $ 59.12 Newby N/A Organic Compactor Rates Per Yard Per Pull $ 59.12 Recology $ 73.89 Mixed Recycling Compactor Rates Per Pull $ 568.95 GW Recovery $ 714.72 Mixed Recycling Compactor Rates Per Ton $ 88.10 GW Recovery $ 125.80