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CC Resolution No. 24-101 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending October 11, 2024
RESOLUTION NO. 24-101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL RATIFYING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING OCTOBER 11, 2024 WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative Services or their designated representative has certified to accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby ratify the following claims and demands in the amounts and from the funds as hereinafter set forth in the attached Payment Register. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 19th day of November, 2024 by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Mohan, Fruen, Chao, Moore, Wei NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: ________ Sheila Mohan, Mayor City of Cupertino 12/9/2024________________ Date ATTEST: ________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk _12/9/2024_______________ Date Resolution No. 24-101 Page 2 CERTIFICATION The Finance Manager hereby certifies to the accuracy of said records and to the availability of funds for payment. CERTIFIED: Jonathan Orozco, Finance Manager Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Main Account - Main Checking Account Check 735444 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Advantage Grafix $213.88 Invoice Date Description Amount 48937 09/30/2024 Trees/ROW- Business Card for Jonathan Ferrante $106.94 48935 09/30/2024 Business Cards for Amanda Hui $106.94 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $213.88 735445 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable ALHAMBRA $81.84 Invoice Date Description Amount 14628570 100324 10/03/2024 Employee Drinking Water for BBF $81.84 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $81.84 735446 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable ASBURY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES $102.00 Invoice Date Description Amount I500-01129117 10/09/2024 Street- Used Oil/Mixed Oil Service Charge, EPA Fee $102.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $102.00 735447 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Beekeeper Nova $525.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 0146 09/24/2024 Trees/ROW- Honeybee Removal & Relocation $525.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $525.00 735448 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable CINTAS CORP $2,702.34 Invoice Date Description Amount 4206919390 10/01/2024 Service Center - Uniform Safety Apparel $1,351.17 4207654761 10/08/2024 Service Center - Uniform Safety Apparel $1,351.17 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,702.34 735449 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable County of Santa Clara $276.75 Invoice Date Description Amount IN1319444-2 06/17/2024 BBF Environmental Health Fee - Late Fee $276.75 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $276.75 735450 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Dunn-Edwards Corporation $193.13 Invoice Date Description Amount 2204A02704 10/01/2024 Facilities- Paint $193.13 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $193.13 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 1 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735451 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Happy Donuts De Anza $775.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 10182 09/26/2024 Wellness and Benefits Fair Breakfast $775.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $775.00 735452 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Hard Rock Cafe San Francisco $1,960.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 37715 10/08/2024 Senior Trip: 11/14/24 - Grace Cathedral and Ghiradelli Square $1,960.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,960.00 735453 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable HILTI $761.45 Invoice Date Description Amount 4623501432 10/07/2024 Street- Putty Tape, ADH Anchors, VC Filter, Dust Bag $761.45 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $761.45 735454 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable International Association of Emergency Managers $675.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 229556 09/25/2024 IAEM Annual Conference & EMEX 2024 – Registration for Marta Drow $675.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $675.00 735455 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable IRON MOUNTAIN $1,997.16 Invoice Date Description Amount JVLZ370 09/30/2024 Storage Period - 10/01/2024 - 10/31/2024 $1,997.16 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,997.16 735456 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Michael & Company Inc.$3,068.45 Invoice Date Description Amount 24895 09/16/2024 Fleet- Repair LT Rear Damage as per CCC Estimate $3,068.45 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,068.45 735457 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Mobile Modular Portable Storage $148.41 Invoice Date Description Amount 301535557 10/01/2024 8x20 Storage-Rent 10/01/2024-10/30/2024 $148.41 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $148.41 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 2 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735458 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Mood Media $43.14 Invoice Date Description Amount 58498002 10/01/2024 MOOD MEDIA Recurring Services from 01-OCT-24 to 31-OCT-24 $43.14 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $43.14 735459 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Mountain View Garden Center $234.35 Invoice Date Description Amount 116432 10/01/2024 Grounds- D-Comp $234.35 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $234.35 735460 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Napa Auto Parts $1,121.02 Invoice Date Description Amount 733373 10/02/2024 Fleet- XLT FRD Lincoln Mercury 80BT $112.03 733375 10/02/2024 Fleet- Engine Oil Filter, Cabin Filters, Fuel Filters $393.68 733081 09/27/2024 Fleet- Wheel Cylinder Kits $33.23 733089 09/27/2024 Fleet- Ford H92 Key $274.59 733090 09/27/2024 Fleet- XTL Ford Lincoln Mercury 80BT $140.04 733199 09/30/2024 Fleet- Axle Straps $81.27 733395 10/02/2024 Fleet- Battery $61.44 733682 10/07/2024 Fleet- LIT Lamp $24.74 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,121.02 735461 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 $1,433.25 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 Union Dues pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $1,433.25 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,433.25 735462 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable PETERSON TRACTOR CO.$1,738.82 Invoice Date Description Amount SW080076175 10/03/2024 Fleet- Inspection, Park Brake Cable Repair $1,738.82 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,738.82 735463 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $81,101.61 Invoice Date Description Amount 0092-092724-0 09/27/2024 116367401 -Miller W/S N of Greenwood $20.25 0092-092724-1 09/27/2024 116367359 -Homestead and Heron, traffic control svc $80.42 0092-092724-2 09/27/2024 116367150 -Homestead and Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale $129.82 0092-092724-3 09/27/2024 116367155 -Homestead and Blaney, Cupertino Traffic Signal, Sunny $81.12 0092-092724-4 09/27/2024 116367275 -Homestead and Tantau, Cupertino Traffic Signal, Sunny $121.06 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 3 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 0092-092724-5 09/27/2024 116367013 -112017763 -11370 S Stelling Rd, Irrigation Control $9.26 0092-092724-6 09/27/2024 116644889 19500 Pruneridge ave pole TP16660 $9.26 0092-092724-7 09/27/2024 118007511 -21834 Corte Madera Ln $5.60 0092-092724-8 09/27/2024 1110161867 - Wolfe Rd @ Apple Campus Driveway $92.68 0092-092724-9 09/27/2024 116367793 -101 Skyport Dr, DG A, San Jose, PGandE-Owned St/Highw $815.65 0092-092724-10 09/27/2024 110958527 115145264 -Randy Lane & Larry Way- Streetlights $66.54 0092-092724-11 09/27/2024 111736580 SF Cupertino 075 $5.55 0092-092724-12 09/27/2024 116367357 -N De Anza 188 FT N/Valley Green Dr, Irrig Controller $19.40 0092-092724-13 09/27/2024 116367907 -S/W Corner Stelling and Green leaf, Traffic Signal $106.00 0092-092724-14 09/27/2024 116367113 -Miller E/S 100N off Calle De Barcelona $98.69 0092-092724-15 09/27/2024 116367836 -De Anza Blvd E/S S/O Lazaneo, Sprinkler Control $9.92 0092-092724-16 09/27/2024 116367677 -De Anza and Lazaneo, Sprinkler System $10.13 0092-092724-17 09/27/2024 116367025 -De Anza and Lazaneo, Traffic Signal $106.11 0092-092724-18 09/27/2024 110659172 -N De Anza 455FT S/O Mariani Dr, Irrig Control $14.78 0092-092724-19 09/27/2024 116367035 -De Anza Blvd and Mariani, Traffic Signal/Safety Lts $132.20 0092-092724-20 09/27/2024 116367045 -De Anza Blvd and Hwy 280 S/Ramp, Traffic Signal $129.41 0092-092724-21 09/27/2024 116367050 -NW Corner Stevens Crk, Traffic Signals $106.31 0092-092724-22 09/27/2024 116367055 -Saich Wy and Stevens Crk NE Corner, Traffic Signal $91.24 0092-092724-23 09/27/2024 116367060 -E37R0 Stevens Creek and De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $141.12 0092-092724-24 09/27/2024 116367065 -Stevens Creek Blvd E/Saich Wy, Sprinkler Control $10.73 0092-092724-25 09/27/2024 116367070 -Stevens Creek and Blaney Ave., Traffic Signal $122.10 0092-092724-26 09/27/2024 116367075 -Vallco Pkwy and Perimeter Rd., Traffic Signals $82.39 0092-092724-27 09/27/2024 116367090 -Wolfe and Vallco Pkwy, Traffic Signals $123.85 0092-092724-28 09/27/2024 116367100 -E37H3 Wolfe and 280 SB Loc B, Traffic Signal $121.75 0092-092724-29 09/27/2024 116367105 -Stevens Crk and Wolfe Rd, Traffic Signals $171.90 0092-092724-30 09/27/2024 116367110 -SW Cor Stevens Crk and Portal, Traffic Signal $110.67 0092-092724-31 09/27/2024 116367115 -Stevens Crk and Perimeter Rd, Traffic Control Signal $110.45 0092-092724-32 09/27/2024 116367120 -Vallco Prky/Tantau Ave, Traffic Signal $121.44 0092-092724-33 09/27/2024 116367125 -Stevens Crk and Tantau, Traffic Signals $121.00 0092-092724-34 09/27/2024 116367130 -NW Corner Steven Crk and Torre, Traffic Signal $111.98 0092-092724-35 09/27/2024 116367782 -N/S Stevens Creek Blvd in front of 20301, Irrigation $9.99 0092-092724-36 09/27/2024 116367001 -E37H4 Wolfe and Rte 280 NB Loc A $75.00 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 4 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 0092-092724-37 09/27/2024 116367165 -S/E Wolfe-Pruneridge, Sprinkler Control and Traffic S $141.79 0092-092724-38 09/27/2024 116367170 -Tantau Ave and Tandem D/W, Traffic Signal $121.01 0092-092724-39 09/27/2024 116367175 -S/E Corner Pruneridge and Tantau, Traffic Controller $100.79 0092-092724-40 09/27/2024 116367180 -Finch and Stevens Creek, Traffic Signals $136.90 0092-092724-41 09/27/2024 116367185 -Wolfe Rd 500 Ft S/O Homestead, City/Sign Lighting $41.56 0092-092724-42 09/27/2024 116367195 -Corner Miller and Phil Ln, Traffic Signal $91.21 0092-092724-43 09/27/2024 116367200 -Homestead and De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal/Dept Pub W $153.67 0092-092724-44 09/27/2024 116367205 -Homestead Rd and Franco Ct, Traffic Signals $94.55 0092-092724-45 09/27/2024 116367215 -N/Ramp De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $115.97 0092-092724-46 09/27/2024 116367220 -Homestead Rd and Bluejay Rd, Traffic Signals $94.19 0092-092724-47 09/27/2024 118426656 -WS Portal Btw Amhurst-Wheaton , Portal Prk Ltg, Prk L $388.04 0092-092724-48 09/27/2024 114321565 116367416 -22601 Voss Ave $2,312.29 0092-092724-49 09/27/2024 116367925 -22601 Voss Ave, Outdoor Lighting-MV Park $22.15 0092-092724-50 09/27/2024 116367245 -Stevens Creek Blvd and Janice Ave, Sprinkler Control $19.57 0092-092724-51 09/27/2024 116367269 -Cor/Lucille and Randy Ln, Sprinkler System (011095852 $12.30 0092-092724-52 09/27/2024 116367255 -Lucille and Villa De Anza, Sprinkler Control $424.03 0092-092724-53 09/27/2024 116367815 -19784 Wintergreen Dr $837.49 0092-092724-54 09/27/2024 116367280 -Stevens Creek Blvd and Fwy 85 East Ramp, Traffic Sign $114.73 0092-092724-55 09/27/2024 116367290 -Stevens Creek and Mary Ave, Traffic Signals $113.68 0092-092724-56 09/27/2024 116367408 -Stevens Creek Bl and Mary Avenue, Memorial Park Pump $85.70 0092-092724-57 09/27/2024 116367625 -Stevens Creek Blvd Orange S/W Cor, Irrigation Control $9.85 0092-092724-58 09/27/2024 116367902 -10246 Parkside Ln, Wilson Pk Sprinklers,Snack Shack,I $449.37 0092-092724-59 09/27/2024 116367628 -N/W corner Alpine Dr and Foothill Blvd, Irrigation Co $9.85 0092-092724-60 09/27/2024 116367476 -Salem Ave and Foothill Blvd, Irrigation Control $9.88 0092-092724-61 09/27/2024 116367527 -Foothill Blvd 200' N/O Stevens Creek W/S, Irrigation $10.05 0092-092724-62 09/27/2024 116367740 -Carmen Rd and Stevens Creek S/E corner, Irrigation Co $11.43 0092-092724-63 09/27/2024 116367343 112570652 -Foothill Blvd 150' N/O Alpine E/S, Irrigati $10.42 0092-092724-64 09/27/2024 116367370 -Stevens Creek Blvd and Fwy 85 West Ramp, Traffic Sign $14.78 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 5 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 0092-092724-65 09/27/2024 116367380 -NE Corner Peninsula and Stevens Creek, Traffic Signal $112.13 0092-092724-66 09/27/2024 116367385 -End/Stokes W/Wilson Crt, Sprinkler Control $12.48 0092-092724-67 09/27/2024 116367395 -N/E corner Foothill and Starling Dr, Traffic Signals $98.09 0092-092724-68 09/27/2024 116367067 -Stonydale Dr and Varian Park, walkway lighting and Ir $134.04 0092-092724-69 09/27/2024 116367071 -Linda Vista Dr / Hillside Park, Hillside Park $25.64 0092-092724-70 09/27/2024 116367648 -Linda Vista Park/Linda Vista Dr, Irrigation Control $238.24 0092-092724-71 09/27/2024 116367455 -E37R9 Rodriguez and De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $119.58 0092-092724-72 09/27/2024 116367656 -Scofield and De Anza, 100HP $13.15 0092-092724-73 09/27/2024 116367465 -De Anza Blvd and Scofield Dr, Sprinkler Controller $12.06 0092-092724-74 09/27/2024 116367475 -Foothill and Stevens Creek, Traffic Signal $95.31 0092-092724-75 09/27/2024 116367447 -Stelling Rd Median 500' S/O Peppertree Ln, Landscape $13.40 0092-092724-76 09/27/2024 116367236 -Stelling Rd Median 450' S/O Stevens Crk, Landscape Ir $13.00 0092-092724-77 09/27/2024 116367505 -Stevens Crk and Stelling, Signal $53.83 0092-092724-78 09/27/2024 116367510 -Bubb Rd and Results Wy, Traffic Signal $86.67 0092-092724-79 09/27/2024 116367515 -Bubb Rd and McClellan Intersection, Traffic Signal $147.78 0092-092724-80 09/27/2024 116367520 -Stelling Rd and Peppertree, Traffic Signal $86.49 0092-092724-81 09/27/2024 116367525 -Stelling and McClellan, Signals $128.07 0092-092724-82 09/27/2024 116367530 -Orange Ave and Stevens Creek N/E corner, Traffic Cont $73.11 0092-092724-83 09/27/2024 116367493 -Dumas Dr/Jollyman Park, Jollyman Park Restroom $778.98 0092-092724-84 09/27/2024 116367545 -Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd, Traffic Signal $107.52 0092-092724-85 09/27/2024 116367550 -W/S Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd @ RT85, Traffic Signal $98.99 0092-092724-86 09/27/2024 116367560 -S/E corner De Anza and Pacifica, Traffic Signal $134.14 0092-092724-87 09/27/2024 116367570 -De Anza Blvd, Sprinkler Controller *$12.06 0092-092724-88 09/27/2024 116367585 -Rainbow and Stelling, Traffic Signal $91.95 0092-092724-89 09/27/2024 116367559 -21011 Prospect Rd, Irrigation Control $9.92 0092-092724-90 09/27/2024 116367685 -Ruppell Pl and Moltzen Dr, Sprinkler Control $77.14 0092-092724-91 09/27/2024 115211833 -10300 Anisworth Dr, Ball Park Stevens Creek SV $10.21 0092-092724-92 09/27/2024 116367630 -22100 Stevens Creek Blvd, Golf Pro Shop $556.16 0092-092724-93 09/27/2024 110081495 -10710 Stokes Ave, Somerset Park $37.34 0092-092724-94 09/27/2024 116367044 -10555 Mary Ave NEM $682.28 0092-092724-95 09/27/2024 116367568 -10555 Mary Ave, Corp Yard $242.00 0092-092724-96 09/27/2024 116367474 -10500 Ann Arbor Ave, Field-Garden Gate $350.91 0092-092724-97 09/27/2024 114315284 116367325 -21975 San Fernando Ave, Picnic Area $4,601.03 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 6 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 0092-092724-98 09/27/2024 116367171 -10155 Barbara Ln, Irrigation and Scoreboard $335.00 0092-092724-99 09/27/2024 116367587 -10430 S De Anza Blvd, Holiday Lighting $53.81 0092-092724-100 09/27/2024 116367449 -10350 Torre Ave, Community Hall $3,971.98 0092-092724-101 09/27/2024 111190735 119980351-10300 Torre Ave, City Hall $16,024.53 0092-092724-102 09/27/2024 116367437 -10455 Miller Ave, Creekside Park $746.30 0092-092724-103 09/27/2024 116367988 -21710 McClellan Rd, Playground Reception Area $9.90 0092-092724-104 09/27/2024 116367484 -20220 Suisun Dr, Parks and Rec Free Standing Panel $199.86 0092-092724-105 09/27/2024 116367763 -10630 S De Anza Blvd, Holiday Lighting $59.45 0092-092724-106 09/27/2024 116367332 -821 Bubb Rd #B/Building Concession $76.12 0092-092724-107 09/27/2024 116367274 -1170 Yorkshire Dr.$10.40 0092-092724-108 09/27/2024 116367013 - 1486 S Stelling Rd $9.85 0092-092724-109 09/27/2024 116367941 -7548 Donegal Dr, Irrigation Control /Hoover Park $12.56 0092-092724-110 09/27/2024 116367840 -10185 N Stelling RD $17,181.19 0092-092724-111 09/27/2024 116971849 -21111 Stevens Creek Blvd, Sports Center $13,186.05 0092-092724-112 09/27/2024 116367477 -21121 Stevens Creek Blvd, Memorial Park $3,452.92 0092-092724-113 09/27/2024 (Old116367536) 113736756 -Senior Center 21251 Stevens Creek BLV $6,434.27 0092-092724-114 09/27/2024 116367590 -Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd and Hwy 85, Traffic Signal $91.64 0092-092724-115 09/27/2024 116367605 -E37C1 Prospect and Rte 85, Traffic Signal $110.63 0092-092724-116 09/27/2024 116367615 -Fallenleaf Ln and S De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $114.45 0092-092724-117 09/27/2024 116367620 -S De Anza Blvd and Sharon Dr , Irrigation Controller $20.21 0092-092724-119 09/27/2024 116367610 -E37R6 Kentwood/S. De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $103.77 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $67,359.40 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $556.16 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $13,186.05 735464 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable RPM EXTERMINATORS INC $1,275.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 0111636 09/26/2024 Facilities- Bait Trap Service $1,275.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,020.00 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $255.00 735465 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable San Jose Water Company $42,749.12 Invoice Date Description Amount SJW092024-59 09/20/2024 1198300000-8 - 21979 San Fernando Ave. 6620 (Trail Restroom) $291.11 SJW092024-60 09/20/2024 1332100000-5 - Hyde Avenue $7,097.50 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 7 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference SJW092024-61 09/20/2024 2958510000-0 - 10555 Mary Ave.$89.60 SJW092024-62 09/20/2024 2974010000-2 - 21251 Stevens Creek Blvd $601.05 SJW092024-63 09/20/2024 3207400000-4 - 21710 McClellan 8312 $4,202.25 SJW092024-64 09/20/2024 3953083125-2 - Tuscany Pl $483.84 SJW092024-65 09/20/2024 4012210000-7 - 22601 Voss Av 8304 $6,153.99 SJW092024-66 09/20/2024 4444250747-9 - Tuscany Pl $619.31 SJW092024-67 09/20/2024 5122900000-8 - Portable Meter - Trees & ROW $530.82 SJW092024-68 09/20/2024 5237400000-9 - Dumas Dr, LS $8,715.93 SJW092024-69 09/20/2024 5997110000-9 - 7555 Barnhart Pl $6,397.71 SJW092024-70 09/20/2024 6730700000-9 - 21975 San Fernando Av $438.83 SJW092024-71 09/20/2024 8427420000-9 - 8322 Foothill/Vista Knoll $952.70 SJW092024-72 09/20/2024 8549600000-2 - Bubb Rd.LS $6,174.48 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $42,749.12 735466 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Sharp Electronics Corporation $350.59 Invoice Date Description Amount 9005040158 10/03/2024 Sharp Maintenance Agreement for MFP support 10/01/24 to 10/31/24 $350.59 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $350.59 735467 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable SWANK MOTION PICTURES, INC.$205.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2321687 10/07/2024 Teen Movie Night; Swank, Movie License $205.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $205.00 735468 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Zbagels, Inc DBA House of Bagels $721.35 Invoice Date Description Amount 781721 09/28/2024 Bagels for Bike Fest 2024 $721.35 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $721.35 Type Check Totals:25 Transactions $144,453.66 EFT 40834 10/08/2024 Open Accounts Payable California Public Employees' Retirement System $426,544.18 Invoice Date Description Amount 7158-091624 09/16/2024 Health Premiums $426,544.18 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $307,420.38 642 - Retiree Medical 642 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $119,123.80 40835 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Colonial Life & Accident Insurance $29.16 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 Colonial Products pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $29.16 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 8 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $29.16 40836 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Employment Development $10,853.16 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 State Disability Insurance pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $10,853.16 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,853.16 40837 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable National Deferred (ROTH)$2,755.48 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 Nationwide Roth pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $2,755.48 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,755.48 40838 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable National Deferred Compensation $24,074.44 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 Nationwide Deferred Compensation pp 9/21/24- 10/4/24 $24,074.44 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $24,074.44 40839 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable PERS-457K $13,471.76 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 PERS 457K pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $13,471.76 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $13,471.76 40840 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable State Disbursement Unit $603.49 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 Child Support pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $603.49 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $603.49 40841 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable ABAG POWER- ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS $6,669.78 Invoice Date Description Amount AR036725 10/01/2024 FY 25 AMD Level Charge-Nat Gas $6,669.78 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,003.85 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $665.93 40842 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable ADVANCED CHEMICAL TRANSPORT, INC. $666.76 Invoice Date Description Amount 593498 09/30/2024 Street- Hazmat Waste Collection $666.76 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 9 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $666.76 40843 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable AIRGAS USA LLC $100.61 Invoice Date Description Amount 5511443795 09/30/2024 Fleet- Acetylene & Oxygen Cylinder Rental $100.61 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $100.61 40844 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Amazon Web Services, Inc.$2,297.40 Invoice Date Description Amount 1864723933 10/01/2024 AWS - Applications September 1 - September 30 , 2024 $1,624.76 1864270709 10/01/2024 GIS AWS - September 1 - September 30, 2024 $672.64 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,624.76 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $672.64 40845 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Balance Studios, Inc $16,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 4217 08/20/2024 Augmented Reality McClellan Ranch Change Order 2: Brochures $16,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $16,000.00 40846 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Bubble Marketing LLC $538.80 Invoice Date Description Amount 48852 09/22/2024 C-900 Club Wipes $538.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $538.80 40847 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cal-Line Equipment Inc $137.48 Invoice Date Description Amount 04022626 09/24/2024 Fleet- 3200 Swing Out, Charge Filter $137.48 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $137.48 40848 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable CoreLogic Solutions, LLC.$63.26 Invoice Date Description Amount 30739603 09/30/2024 FY25 Doc Image (Mortgage) & Prop Detail Realquest2 Sept. 2024 $63.26 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $63.26 40849 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Doggie Walk Bags, Inc.$2,182.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 0114832-IN 09/25/2024 Grounds- Unscented Disposable Bags $2,182.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 10 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,182.60 40850 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Eflex Group, Inc $4,605.89 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 FSA pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $4,605.89 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,605.89 40851 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Enterprise FM Trust $572.73 Invoice Date Description Amount FBN5158800 10/04/2024 Fleet- October 2024 Ford Escape Vin# 9773 $572.73 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $572.73 40852 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Ewing Irrigation Products Inc.$3,766.52 Invoice Date Description Amount 23535904 09/27/2024 Grounds- White Aero Paint $3,766.52 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,766.52 40853 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable GARDENLAND POWER EQUIPMENT $143.90 Invoice Date Description Amount 1126338 09/23/2024 Fleet- Carburetor Assembly $110.41 1126341 09/23/2024 Fleet- Front Wheel Assembly $33.49 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $143.90 40854 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Geotab USA, Inc $2,330.50 Invoice Date Description Amount IN401046 09/30/2024 Geotab for Telematics September 2024 $2,330.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,330.50 40855 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable GRAINGER INC $584.92 Invoice Date Description Amount 9270355234 10/03/2024 Street- LED Driver, Red Marking Flags $584.92 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $584.92 40856 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Grassroots Ecology $26,644.24 Invoice Date Description Amount CUST0924 09/30/2024 FY24-25 Quarterly Payment for MCRP Habitat Restoration $26,644.24 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $26,644.24 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 11 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 40857 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable IFPTE LOCAL 21 $2,117.11 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 Association Dues - CEA pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $2,117.11 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,117.11 40858 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable IMPEC GROUP INC,.$70,262.01 Invoice Date Description Amount 2409123 09/30/2024 Facilities- September 2024 Janitorial Service $70,262.01 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $60,735.01 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,159.00 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $8,368.00 40859 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Interstate Traffic Control Products, Inc. $1,168.13 Invoice Date Description Amount 266051 10/07/2024 Street- Right Turn Arrows, Straight Arrow $1,168.13 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,168.13 40860 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Jerry Anderson $110.00 Invoice Date Description Amount JerryA082424 08/24/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement - Jerry A 07.25.24 to 08.24.24 $55.00 JerryA092424 09/24/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement - Jerry A 08.25.24 to 09.24.24 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $110.00 40861 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Joe A. Gonsalves & Son $5,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 161912 09/23/2024 State Legislative Advocacy Services – October 2024 $5,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $5,000.00 40862 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Jonathan Ferrante $495.00 Invoice Date Description Amount JF100224 10/02/2024 BCMA Exam Reimbursement $495.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $495.00 40863 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable KIMBALL-MIDWEST $454.51 Invoice Date Description Amount 102657000 10/01/2024 Street- Swedish Pipe Wrench $29.13 102657127 10/01/2024 Street-Wash&Wax, Wheel Cleaner, Wax&Shine, Glass Cleaner, Disp. $425.38 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 12 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $425.38 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $29.13 40864 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Logik Systems, Inc $1,734.92 Invoice Date Description Amount INV159067 02/29/2024 Storage Capacity: 75 GB; February 2024 Storage Overage $1,734.92 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,734.92 40865 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable MissionSquare $10,680.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 ICMA pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $10,680.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,680.60 40866 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Nexinite, LLC $1,793.50 Invoice Date Description Amount INV-002739 10/03/2024 NexInite CIP Management Hub Support 9/1/2024- 9/30/2024 $1,793.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,793.50 40867 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable NI Government Services Inc $79.04 Invoice Date Description Amount 24092907051 10/08/2024 Telephone & Data Services – August 2024 $79.04 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $79.04 40868 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable PARS/City of Cupertino $4,321.59 Invoice Date Description Amount 10042024 10/04/2024 PARS pp 9/21/24-10/4/24 $4,321.59 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,321.59 40869 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Parts Authority, LLC $580.01 Invoice Date Description Amount 505241 10/03/2024 Fleet- Exide Battery $116.00 625855 10/03/2024 Fleet- Exide Battery $348.01 882880 10/03/2024 Fleet- Exide Battery $116.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $580.01 40870 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Quadient Finance USA, Inc.$999.30 Invoice Date Description Amount 8702-10032024 10/03/2024 Postage funds for machine - October 2024 $999.30 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 13 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $999.30 40871 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable SUNNYVALE FORD, INC.$16.96 Invoice Date Description Amount 245476FOW 10/01/2024 Fleet- HV Tube $16.96 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $16.96 40872 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable SUNSTATE EQUIPMENT CO., LLC $2,208.08 Invoice Date Description Amount 12765096-001 09/16/2024 Grounds- 48" Roller Ride-On Double Drum $2,208.08 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,208.08 40873 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Thomson Reuters - West $805.93 Invoice Date Description Amount 850833292 10/01/2024 Online Subscription, September 2024 - Acct 1000489718 $805.93 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $805.93 40874 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable TPx Communications $1,948.34 Invoice Date Description Amount 181900363-0 09/30/2024 FY25 VoIP Telephone Services September 2024 $1,948.34 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,948.34 40875 10/11/2024 Open Accounts Payable Zayo Group, LLC $3,257.86 Invoice Date Description Amount 2024100030583 10/01/2024 FY25 Disaster Recovery Telecom srvcs October 2024 $3,257.86 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,257.86 Type EFT Totals:42 Transactions $653,669.95 Main Account - Main Checking Account Totals Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 25 $144,453.66 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 25 $144,453.66 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 42 $653,669.95 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 42 $653,669.95 $0.00 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 14 of 15user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/5/2024 - To Payment Date: 10/11/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 67 $798,123.61 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 67 $798,123.61 $0.00 Grand Totals: Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 25 $144,453.66 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 25 $144,453.66 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 42 $653,669.95 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 42 $653,669.95 $0.00 All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 67 $798,123.61 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 67 $798,123.61 $0.00 Monday, October 14, 2024Pages: 15 of 15user: Vi Tran