CC Resolution No. 24-109 amending the operating budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25RESOLUTION NO. 24-109 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 BY APPROPRIATING, TRANSFERRING, AND UNAPPROPRIATING MONIES FOR SPECIFIED FUNDS WHEREAS, the orderly administration of municipal government depends on a sound fiscal policy of maintaining a proper ratio of expenditures within anticipated revenues and available monies; and WHEREAS, accomplishing City Council directives, projects and programs, and performing staff duties and responsibilities likewise depends on the monies available for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has determined that the balances from the funds specified in this resolution are adequate to cover the proposed amended appropriations, and therefore recommends the fund reallocations described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve the recommended fund reallocations and ratifies the attached amended appropriations as set forth in Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 19th day of November 2024, by the following vote: Members of the City Council AYES: Mohan, Fruen, Chao, Wei NOES: Moore ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Resolution No. 24-109 Page 2 SIGNED: ________ Sheila Mohan, Mayor City of Cupertino __12/9/2024______________________ Date ATTEST: ________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk _12/9/2024______________ _________ Date Option B Exhibit A Appropriation Amendment by Fund Appropriation Amendment Revenue Amendment Fund Balance (Use of) General Fund $10,000,000 $ ($10,000,000) Special Revenue Funds $- $- $- Capital Projects Funds $- $- $- Enterprise Funds $- $- $- Internal Service Funds $- $- $- Total Appropriation Amendment All Funds $10,000,000 $- ($10,000,000)