CC 12-03-2024 Item No. 5. Attachment B - Amended Draft Minutes (redline)City Council Minutes November 19, 2024
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Jean Bedord discussed the City Manager and City Attorney performance evaluations.
Louise Saadati discussed the City Manager and City Attorney performance evaluations.
David discussed the rezoning of Linda Vista Drive.
San R discussed various topics including Councilmembers, Council actions, and the election.
Debbie Timmers discussed the City Manager and City Attorney performance evaluations.
Lisa discussed the City Manager and City Attorney performance evaluations.
Sashi Begur discussed various topics including SB 403, transparency, Council actions, and
Mayor Mohan closed the public comment period.
Items 12 and 14 were removed from the Consent Calendar by Councilmember Chao and items 7 and
15 were removed by Councilmember Moore.
Mayor Mohan opened the public comment period and, seeing no one, closed the public comment
MOTION: Fruen moved (no second) to approve the items on the Consent Calendar except for as
indicated. The motion carried with the following vote: Ayes: Mohan, Fruen, Chao, Moore, and
Wei. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.
Items 7, 12, 14, and 15 were placed after the Action Calendar for consideration per rule.
5. Subject: Approve the October 15, 2024 City Council minutes
Recommended Action: Approve the October 15, 2024 City Council minutes
6. Subject: Approve the October 23, 2024 City Council minutes
Recommended Action: Approve the October 23, 2024 City Council minutes
8. Subject: Ratifying Accounts Payable for the periods ending October 4, 2024; October 11,
2024; October 18, 2024; and October 25, 2024
Recommended Action: A. Adopt Resolution No. 24‐100 ratifying Accounts Payable for