CC 12-03-2024 Oral Communications (2)CC 12-03-2024
Written Communications
From:Liang Chao
To:City Clerk;
Subject:Fw: Requesting agendaization of procedures that are not in residents" interests
Date:Tuesday, December 3, 2024 10:47:52 AM
Dear City Clerk,
Please enter the enclosed communication and attachments as written communication
for the upcoming council meeting from a councilmember, per CMC 2.08.100.
I am submitting this comment at the request of my constituents.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
~ Cupertino City Council (elected in 2018, re-elected in 2022)
Dear Resident,
Thank you for reaching out with your comments.
Due to a change in the implementation of how written communication is collected for
the upcoming council meeting, your email will not be included in the official record
unless a councilmember forwards it to the City Clerk.
Dear City Clerk,
Please enter the enclosed communication as written communication for the upcoming
council meeting from a councilmember, per CMC 2.08.100.
I am submitting this comment at the request of my constituents to ensure that
community voices are included in written communications of council meetings as
requested, rather than at the discretion of councilmembers, which might inadvertently
leave out some minority voices.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
~ Cupertino City Council (elected in 2018, re-elected in 2022)
Get Outlook for iOS
Liang Chao
City Council
From: Venkat Ranganathan <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 9:27 AM
To: City Council <>; City Clerk <>
Subject: Requesting agendaization of procedures that are not in residents' interests
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear City Mayor and Council
I am Venkat Ranganathan, a long time resident of Cupertino.
I am writing to express my concerns regarding the conduct and performance of city management and staff, whose
actions during 2023-2024 have largely reduced public transparency and hindered residents' ability to participate in
local government.
Specifically, I object to the following changes:
Reduced Public Input: Limiting oral communication time, restricting speaking opportunities, and eliminating
hybrid meetings.
Lack of Transparency: Removing written reports, eliminating informational items, and overloading consent
Disbanding Committees: Eliminating crucial committees like Economic Development and Environmental
Political Bias: Politicizing agenda setting to favor specific interests.
These changes undermine public trust and erode effective governance. I urge the council to immediately reverse
these policies and restore procedures that prioritize transparency, accountability, and public participation.
I request that the council agendaize an update to council and commission procedures for the 12/17/24
meeting to address these critical issues. As residents of Cupertino, we deserve a city management that upholds the
principles of open and accessible government.
From:Liang Chao
To:City Clerk;
Subject:Fw: Agendaize reversal of below council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council meeting
Date:Tuesday, December 3, 2024 8:26:44 AM
Dear Resident,
Thank you for reaching out with your comments.
Due to a change in the implementation of how written communication is collected for
the upcoming council meeting, your email will not be included in the official record
unless a councilmember forwards it to the City Clerk.
Dear City Clerk,
Please enter the enclosed communication as written communication for the upcoming
council meeting from a councilmember, per CMC 2.08.100.
I am submitting this comment at the request of my constituents to ensure that
community voices are included in written communications of council meetings as
requested, rather than at the discretion of councilmembers, which might inadvertently
leave out some minority voices.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
~ Cupertino City Council (elected in 2018, re-elected in 2022)
Liang Chao
City Council
From: Yuvaraj Athur Raghuvir <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 7:09 AM
To: City Council <>; City Clerk <>
Subject: Agendaize reversal of below council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24
council meeting
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear City Clerk,
Please include the below as written communications for items on agenda for the upcoming city
council meeting on December 3rd, 2024.
Mayor Sheila Mohan
Council Members
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Subject: Concerns Regarding City Manager Pamela Wu's Performance and request to
agendaize reversal of below council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council
Dear Mayor Mohan and Cupertino City Council Members,
I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the conduct and performance of City
Manager Pamela Wu during 2023-2024. Her actions, often unilateral and without council
direction, have severely damaged public trust, undermined transparency, restricted stakeholder
engagement, and eroded residents' ability to communicate effectively with their elected
representatives. Below, I outline critical issues that demand immediate rectification.
I implore you to agendaize an update to city council meeting procedures for the 12/17/24
council meeting to immediately and urgently undo and reverse the below changes brought
about during 2023-24 by city manager Pamela Wu.
1. Unilateral Removal of Written Communications for Oral
Communications: Without council approval, the City Manager removed written
communications for items not on agenda even though oral communications is on
agenda, depriving residents of the opportunity to view and respond to others' concerns.
Transparent discourse is essential; this policy must be reversed immediately.
2. Arbitrary Limits on Oral Comments: Capping oral comments at 30 minutes at the
start of meetings, with the remainder relegated to the end, is both arrogant and
dismissive of residents. When residents take the time to speak, their voices deserve to be
heard fully, not constrained by an arbitrary time limit.
3. Restrictions on Yielding Speaking Time : Requiring five individuals to yield time for
an additional three minutes is an affront to the public's ability to organize and express
themselves. This demeaning rule undervalues the collective voice of residents and must
be abolished.
4. Elimination of Hybrid Meetings: Discontinuing hybrid meetings under the pretense of
cost-saving is indefensible. A webcast is not a substitute for public participation. If the
City Manager can justify taxpayer-funded trips to Taiwan and India, she can fund hybrid
meetings for all commissions, including Parks and Recreation, Audit, and Public Safety.
Also consider enabling hybrid meetings for the public safety commission and audit
5. Abandonment of Written City Manager Reports: Replacing substantive written
reports with superficial video presentations is a disservice to transparency. These reports
must be reinstated immediately to provide residents and council members with detailed
updates on city affairs. Written reports are official narratives that can be searched and
referenced for future communications.
6. Disbanding Critical Committees: The elimination of the Economic Development and
Environmental Review Committees, among others, has crippled the ability of residents
and council to influence policy. These committees must be reinstated without delay.
7. Curtailing Residents’ Ability to Pull Consent Calendar Items: The new requirement
for providing reasons to pull consent items diminishes the symbolic and practical input
of residents. Council and the City Manager work for the public, not the other way
around. This policy must be reversed.
8. Elimination of Informational Agenda Items: Informational items, once a critical
component of transparency, have been eliminated, further eroding public trust. Reinstate
this section to restore proper civic discourse.
9. Overloaded Consent Calendars: Stacking consent calendars with over 15 items,
including $24M contracts, signals a lack of respect of public and council input. This
practice must be reversed immediately.
10. Absence of Directors at Commission Meetings: The absence of directors at
commission meetings weakens the integrity of the civic process. Directors must resume
attendance to provide the necessary expertise and accountability.
11. Disruptive Use of Cell Phones During Meetings: The City Manager’s frequent use of
her cell phone or laptop during meetings raises concerns of focus, including questions of
whether potential Brown Act violations could be a concern. Council should prohibit cell
phone use on the dais to ensure full focus on city business.
12. Political Bias in Agenda Setting: The City Manager has politicized agenda-setting to
delay or suppress items unfavorable to her or her political allies. Residents’ demands,
such as improving the sign ordinance, not eliminating lanes on DeAnza Blvd have been
ignored indefinitely. This overt partisanship is a betrayal of her duty to serve the entire
city impartially. Council needs to have strong directional oversight on agenda setting
and prioritization effective the inauguration of the new council.
The City Manager’s pattern of above changes in 2023-24 reflects a troubling lack of
accountability, professionalism, and respect for stakeholders such as residents and council
members which are the city manager’s chain of command. I urge the council to agendaize an
item to update council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council agenda so that the
above changes may be reversed immediately.
The residents of Cupertino deserve better governance and a City Manager who upholds
transparency, accountability, and respect for the public and council input without imposing
mechanisms to curb such input.
Cupertino Citizen & Resident.
From:Liang Chao
To:City Clerk;
Subject:Fw: Request to agendaize reversal of below council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council meeting
Date:Tuesday, December 3, 2024 8:22:52 AM
Dear Resident,
Thank you for reaching out with your comments.
Due to a change in the implementation of how written communication is collected for
the upcoming council meeting, your email will not be included in the official record
unless a councilmember forwards it to the City Clerk.
Dear City Clerk,
Please enter the enclosed communication as written communication for the upcoming
council meeting from a councilmember, per CMC 2.08.100.
I am submitting this comment at the request of my constituents to ensure that
community voices are included in written communications of council meetings as
requested, rather than at the discretion of councilmembers, which might inadvertently
leave out some minority voices.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
~ Cupertino City Council (elected in 2018, re-elected in 2022)
Liang Chao
City Council
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 8:19 AM
To: City Council <>; City Clerk <>
Subject: Request to agendaize reversal of below council and commission procedures in the
12/17/24 council meeting
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear City Clerk,
Please include the below as written communications for items on agenda for the upcoming city
council meeting on December 3rd, 2024.
Mayor Sheila Mohan
Council Members
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Subject: Concerns Regarding City Manager Pamela Wu's Performance and request to agendaize
reversal of below council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council meeting
Dear Mayor Mohan and Cupertino City Council Members,
I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the conduct and performance of City Manager
Pamela Wu during 2023-2024. Her actions, often unilateral and without council direction, have
severely damaged public trust, undermined transparency, restricted stakeholder engagement, and
eroded residents' ability to communicate effectively with their elected representatives. Below, I
outline critical issues that demand immediate rectification.
I implore you to agendaize an update to city council meeting procedures for the 12/17/24 council
meeting to immediately and urgently undo and reverse the below changes brought about during
2023-24 by city manager Pamela Wu.
1. Unilateral Removal of Written Communications for Oral Communications
Without council approval, the City Manager removed written communications for items not on
agenda even though oral communications is on agenda, depriving residents of the opportunity to
view and respond to others' concerns. Transparent discourse is essential; this policy must be reversed
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
2. Arbitrary Limits on Oral Comments
Capping oral comments at 30 minutes at the start of meetings, with the remainder relegated to the
end, is both arrogant and dismissive of residents. When residents take the time to speak, their voices
deserve to be heard fully, not constrained by an arbitrary time limit.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
3. Restrictions on Yielding Speaking Time
Requiring five individuals to yield time for an additional three minutes is an affront to the public's
ability to organize and express themselves. This demeaning rule undervalues the collective voice of
residents and must be abolished.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
4. Elimination of Hybrid Meetings
Discontinuing hybrid meetings under the pretense of cost-saving is indefensible. A webcast is not a
substitute for public participation. If the City Manager can justify taxpayer-funded trips to Taiwan
and India, she can fund hybrid meetings for all commissions, including Parks and Recreation, Audit,
and Public Safety.
Please agendaize an update to commission procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change
and immediately restore hybrid meetings for parks and recreation commission and consider enabling
hybrid meetings for public safety commission and audit committee.
5. Abandonment of Written City Manager Reports
Replacing substantive written reports with superficial video presentations is a disservice to
transparency. These reports must be reinstated immediately to provide residents and council
members with detailed updates on city affairs.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
6. Disbanding Critical Committees
The elimination of the Economic Development and Environmental Review Committees, among
others, has crippled the ability of residents and council to influence policy. These committees must
be reinstated without delay.
Please agendaize an update to council and commission procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse
this change effective 2025.
7. Curtailing Residents’ Ability to Pull Consent Calendar Items
The new requirement for providing reasons to pull consent items diminishes the symbolic and
practical input of residents. Council and the City Manager work for the public, not the other way
around. This policy must be reversed.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
8. Elimination of Informational Agenda Items
Informational items, once a critical component of transparency, have been eliminated, further
eroding public trust. Reinstate this section to restore proper civic discourse.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
9. Overloaded Consent Calendars
Stacking consent calendars with over 15 items, including $24M contracts, signals a lack of respect of
public and council input. This practice must be reversed immediately.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change and
require that no more than 8 items can be put on consent calendar per council meeting.
10. Absence of Directors at Commission Meetings
The absence of directors at commission meetings weakens the integrity of the civic process.
Directors must resume attendance to provide the necessary expertise and accountability.
11. Disruptive Use of Cell Phones During Meetings
The City Manager’s frequent use of her cell phone or laptop during meetings raises concerns of
focus, including questions of whether potential Brown Act violations could be a concern. Council
should prohibit cell phone use on the dais to ensure full focus on city business.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to prohibit use of cell phones
and laptop based messaging apps while on-Dias during council and commission meetings.
12. Political Bias in Agenda Setting
The City Manager has politicized agenda-setting to delay or suppress items unfavorable to her or her
political allies. Residents’ demands, such as improving the sign ordinance, not eliminating lanes on
DeAnza Blvd have been ignored indefinitely. This overt partisanship is a betrayal of her duty to
serve the entire city impartially.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change and
bring back old procedures for agenda setting for future council meetings. Council majority needs to
have strong directional oversight on agenda setting and prioritization effective the inauguration of
the new council.
13. Eliminate time limits on council member deliberations on-Dias
Please agendaize an update to council procedures on 12/17/24 to immediately eliminate the 5 minute
time limit on council member deliberations on-Dias. Council members must have no limit on
deliberation time on matters critical to the city and to residents.
The City Manager’s pattern of above changes in 2023-24 reflects a troubling lack of accountability,
professionalism, and respect for stakeholders such as residents and council members which are the
city manager’s chain of command. I urge the council to agendaize an item to update council and
commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council agenda so that the above changes may be reversed
The residents of Cupertino deserve better governance and a City Manager who upholds
transparency, accountability, and respect for the public and council input without imposing
mechanisms to curb such input.
Chitra Iyer
Cupertino Resident
From:Liang Chao
To:City Clerk; Deepa Mahendraker
Subject:Fw: Concerns Regarding City Manager Pamela Wu"s Performance and request to agendaize reversal of below
council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council meeting
Date:Tuesday, December 3, 2024 8:21:46 AM
Dear Resident,
Thank you for reaching out with your comments.
Due to a change in the implementation of how written communication is collected for
the upcoming council meeting, your email will not be included in the official record
unless a councilmember forwards it to the City Clerk.
Dear City Clerk,
Please enter the enclosed communication as written communication for the upcoming
council meeting from a councilmember, per CMC 2.08.100.
I am submitting this comment at the request of my constituents to ensure that
community voices are included in written communications of council meetings as
requested, rather than at the discretion of councilmembers, which might inadvertently
leave out some minority voices.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
~ Cupertino City Council (elected in 2018, re-elected in 2022)
Get Outlook for iOS
Liang Chao
City Council
From: Deepa Mahendraker <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 8:17 AM
To: City Council <>; City Clerk <>
Subject: Concerns Regarding City Manager Pamela Wu's Performance and request to
agendaize reversal of below council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear City Clerk,
Please include the below as written communications for items on agenda for the upcoming city
council meeting on December 3rd, 2024.
Mayor Sheila Mohan
Council Members
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Subject: Concerns Regarding City Manager Pamela Wu's Performance and request to
agendaize reversal of below council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council
Dear Mayor Mohan and Cupertino City Council Members,
I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the conduct and performance of City
Manager Pamela Wu during 2023-2024. Her actions, often unilateral and without council
direction, have severely damaged public trust, undermined transparency, restricted stakeholder
engagement, and eroded residents' ability to communicate effectively with their elected
representatives. Below, I outline critical issues that demand immediate rectification.
I implore you to agendaize an update to city council meeting procedures for the 12/17/24
council meeting to immediately and urgently undo and reverse the below changes brought
about during 2023-24 by city manager Pamela Wu.
1. Unilateral Removal of Written Communications for Oral Communications
Without council approval, the City Manager removed written communications for items not
on agenda even though oral communications is on agenda, depriving residents of the
opportunity to view and respond to others' concerns. Transparent discourse is essential; this
policy must be reversed immediately.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
2. Arbitrary Limits on Oral Comments
Capping oral comments at 30 minutes at the start of meetings, with the remainder relegated to
the end, is both arrogant and dismissive of residents. When residents take the time to speak,
their voices deserve to be heard fully, not constrained by an arbitrary time limit.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
3. Restrictions on Yielding Speaking Time
Requiring five individuals to yield time for an additional three minutes is an affront to the
public's ability to organize and express themselves. This demeaning rule undervalues the
collective voice of residents and must be abolished.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
4. Elimination of Hybrid Meetings
Discontinuing hybrid meetings under the pretense of cost-saving is indefensible. A webcast is
not a substitute for public participation. If the City Manager can justify taxpayer-funded trips
to Taiwan and India, she can fund hybrid meetings for all commissions, including Parks and
Recreation, Audit, and Public Safety.
Please agendaize an update to commission procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this
change and immediately restore hybrid meetings for parks and recreation commission and
consider enabling hybrid meetings for public safety commission and audit committee.
5. Abandonment of Written City Manager Reports
Replacing substantive written reports with superficial video presentations is a disservice to
transparency. These reports must be reinstated immediately to provide residents and council
members with detailed updates on city affairs.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
6. Disbanding Critical Committees
The elimination of the Economic Development and Environmental Review Committees,
among others, has crippled the ability of residents and council to influence policy. These
committees must be reinstated without delay.
Please agendaize an update to council and commission procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
reverse this change effective 2025.
7. Curtailing Residents’ Ability to Pull Consent Calendar Items
The new requirement for providing reasons to pull consent items diminishes the symbolic and
practical input of residents. Council and the City Manager work for the public, not the other
way around. This policy must be reversed.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
8. Elimination of Informational Agenda Items
Informational items, once a critical component of transparency, have been eliminated, further
eroding public trust. Reinstate this section to restore proper civic discourse.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change.
9. Overloaded Consent Calendars
Stacking consent calendars with over 15 items, including $24M contracts, signals a lack of
respect of public and council input. This practice must be reversed immediately.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change
and require that no more than 8 items can be put on consent calendar per council meeting.
10. Absence of Directors at Commission Meetings
The absence of directors at commission meetings weakens the integrity of the civic process.
Directors must resume attendance to provide the necessary expertise and accountability.
11. Disruptive Use of Cell Phones During Meetings
The City Manager’s frequent use of her cell phone or laptop during meetings raises concerns
of focus, including questions of whether potential Brown Act violations could be a concern.
Council should prohibit cell phone use on the dais to ensure full focus on city business.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to prohibit use of cell
phones and laptop based messaging apps while on-Dias during council and commission
12. Political Bias in Agenda Setting
The City Manager has politicized agenda-setting to delay or suppress items unfavorable to her
or her political allies. Residents’ demands, such as improving the sign ordinance, not
eliminating lanes on DeAnza Blvd have been ignored indefinitely. This overt partisanship is a
betrayal of her duty to serve the entire city impartially.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change
and bring back old procedures for agenda setting for future council meetings. Council majority
needs to have strong directional oversight on agenda setting and prioritization effective the
inauguration of the new council.
13. Eliminate time limits on council member deliberations on-Dias
Please agendaize an update to council procedures on 12/17/24 to immediately eliminate the 5
minute time limit on council member deliberations on-Dias. Council members must have no
limit on deliberation time on matters critical to the city and to residents.
The City Manager’s pattern of above changes in 2023-24 reflects a troubling lack of
accountability, professionalism, and respect for stakeholders such as residents and council
members which are the city manager’s chain of command. I urge the council to agendaize an
item to update council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council agenda so that the
above changes may be reversed immediately.
The residents of Cupertino deserve better governance and a City Manager who upholds
transparency, accountability, and respect for the public and council input without imposing
mechanisms to curb such input.
Deepa Mahendraker
From:Liang Chao
To:City Clerk; Santosh Rao
Subject:Fw: Concerns Regarding City Manager Pamela Wu"s Performance and request to agendaize reversal of below
council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council meeting
Date:Monday, December 2, 2024 11:47:17 PM
Please include this in the written communication for the 12/3 council meeting.
Get Outlook for iOS
Liang Chao
City Council
From: Santosh Rao <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 11:26 PM
To: City Council <>; City Clerk <>
Subject: Concerns Regarding City Manager Pamela Wu's Performance and request to
agendaize reversal of below council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear City Clerk,
Please include the below as written communications for items on agenda for the upcoming city council
meeting on December 3rd, 2024.
Mayor Sheila Mohan
Council Members
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Subject: Concerns Regarding City Manager Pamela Wu's
Performance and request to agendaize reversal of below council
and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council meeting
Dear Mayor Mohan and Cupertino City Council Members,
I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the conduct and
performance of City Manager Pamela Wu during 2023-2024. Her actions,
often unilateral and without council direction, have severely damaged
public trust, undermined transparency, restricted stakeholder engagement,
and eroded residents' ability to communicate effectively with their elected
representatives. Below, I outline critical issues that demand immediate
I implore you to agendaize an update to city council meeting procedures for
the 12/17/24 council meeting to immediately and urgently undo and reverse
the below changes brought about during 2023-24 by city manager Pamela
1. Unilateral Removal of Written Communications for Oral
Without council approval, the City Manager removed written
communications for items not on agenda even though oral communications
is on agenda, depriving residents of the opportunity to view and respond to
others' concerns. Transparent discourse is essential; this policy must be
reversed immediately.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
reverse this change.
2. Arbitrary Limits on Oral Comments
Capping oral comments at 30 minutes at the start of meetings, with the
remainder relegated to the end, is both arrogant and dismissive of residents.
When residents take the time to speak, their voices deserve to be heard
fully, not constrained by an arbitrary time limit.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
reverse this change.
3. Restrictions on Yielding Speaking Time
Requiring five individuals to yield time for an additional three minutes is
an affront to the public's ability to organize and express themselves. This
demeaning rule undervalues the collective voice of residents and must be
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
reverse this change.
4. Elimination of Hybrid Meetings
Discontinuing hybrid meetings under the pretense of cost-saving is
indefensible. A webcast is not a substitute for public participation. If the
City Manager can justify taxpayer-funded trips to Taiwan and India, she
can fund hybrid meetings for all commissions, including Parks and
Recreation, Audit, and Public Safety.
Please agendaize an update to commission procedures for 12/17/24 meeting
to reverse this change and immediately restore hybrid meetings for parks
and recreation commission and consider enabling hybrid meetings for
public safety commission and audit committee.
5. Abandonment of Written City Manager Reports
Replacing substantive written reports with superficial video presentations is
a disservice to transparency. These reports must be reinstated immediately
to provide residents and council members with detailed updates on city
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
reverse this change.
6. Disbanding Critical Committees
The elimination of the Economic Development and Environmental Review
Committees, among others, has crippled the ability of residents and council
to influence policy. These committees must be reinstated without delay.
Please agendaize an update to council and commission procedures for
12/17/24 meeting to reverse this change effective 2025.
7. Curtailing Residents’ Ability to Pull Consent Calendar Items
The new requirement for providing reasons to pull consent items
diminishes the symbolic and practical input of residents. Council and the
City Manager work for the public, not the other way around. This policy
must be reversed.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
reverse this change.
8. Elimination of Informational Agenda Items
Informational items, once a critical component of transparency, have been
eliminated, further eroding public trust. Reinstate this section to restore
proper civic discourse.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
reverse this change.
9. Overloaded Consent Calendars
Stacking consent calendars with over 15 items, including $24M contracts,
signals a lack of respect of public and council input. This practice must be
reversed immediately.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
reverse this change and require that no more than 8 items can be put on
consent calendar per council meeting.
10. Absence of Directors at Commission Meetings
The absence of directors at commission meetings weakens the integrity of
the civic process. Directors must resume attendance to provide the
necessary expertise and accountability.
11. Disruptive Use of Cell Phones During Meetings
The City Manager’s frequent use of her cell phone or laptop during
meetings raises concerns of focus, including questions of whether potential
Brown Act violations could be a concern. Council should prohibit cell
phone use on the dais to ensure full focus on city business.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
prohibit use of cell phones and laptop based messaging apps while on-Dias
during council and commission meetings.
12. Political Bias in Agenda Setting
The City Manager has politicized agenda-setting to delay or suppress items
unfavorable to her or her political allies. Residents’ demands, such as
improving the sign ordinance, not eliminating lanes on DeAnza Blvd have
been ignored indefinitely. This overt partisanship is a betrayal of her duty
to serve the entire city impartially.
Please agendaize an update to council procedures for 12/17/24 meeting to
reverse this change and bring back old procedures for agenda setting for
future council meetings. Council majority needs to have strong directional
oversight on agenda setting and prioritization effective the inauguration of
the new council.
13. Eliminate time limits on council member deliberations on-Dias
Please agendaize an update to council procedures on 12/17/24 to
immediately eliminate the 5 minute time limit on council member
deliberations on-Dias. Council members must have no limit on
deliberation time on matters critical to the city and to residents.
The City Manager’s pattern of above changes in 2023-24 reflects a
troubling lack of accountability, professionalism, and respect for
stakeholders such as residents and council members which are the city
manager’s chain of command. I urge the council to agendaize an item
to update council and commission procedures in the 12/17/24 council
agenda so that the above changes may be reversed immediately.
The residents of Cupertino deserve better governance and a City
Manager who upholds transparency, accountability, and respect for
the public and council input without imposing mechanisms to curb
such input.
San Rao
Cupertino voter and resident
From:Liang Chao
To:City Clerk; Peter Friedland; Rose Grymes
Subject:Fw: Vista Heights violations
Date:Tuesday, December 3, 2024 3:02:17 PM
Dear City Clerk,
Please enter the enclosed communication and attachments as written communication
for the upcoming council meeting from a councilmember, per CMC 2.08.100.
I am submitting this comment at the request of my constituents.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
~ Cupertino City Council (elected in 2018, re-elected in 2022)
Dear Resident,
Thank you for reaching out with your comments.
Due to a change in the implementation of how written communication is collected for
the upcoming council meeting, your email will not be included in the official record
unless a councilmember forwards it to the City Clerk.
Dear City Clerk,
Please enter the enclosed communication as written communication for the upcoming
council meeting from a councilmember, per CMC 2.08.100.
I am submitting this comment at the request of my constituents to ensure that
community voices are included in written communications of council meetings as
requested, rather than at the discretion of councilmembers, which might inadvertently
leave out some minority voices.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
~ Cupertino City Council (elected in 2018, re-elected in 2022)
Liang Chao
Council Member
City Council
From: Peter Friedland <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 1:54 PM
To: Rose Grymes <>
Cc: City Council <>; City Clerk <>; Connie
Cunningham <>; Shani Kleinhaus <>
Subject: Re: Vista Heights violations
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
I agree with all of my wife's eloquent comments. In addition the developer has been creating
considerable noise during their initial work with much of it very near or possibly intruding on
our property line which is above their project on the hill.
Peter Friedland
On Tue, Dec 3, 2024, 3:27 PM Rose Grymes <> wrote:
Dear Council members and concerned citizens,
I, and my husband, have repeatedly expressed concerns over the apparent violations
observed on the site of the proposed Vista Heights project. The developer’s agents have
been observed undertaking work without obtaining appropriate authorization. These actions
raise significant questions about their commitment to transparency with adjoining residents
(such as ourselves), alignment with planning and safety requirements, and concern for
environmental integrity and mitigation interests.
We urge the council to take an active interest in investigating these activities, some of which
risk ongoing damage to local terrain and would likely lead to undesired and unforseen
consequences to slope stability, wildlife habitat and potential neighborhood intrusion, fire
fighting access, etc.
Rose Grymes
22111 Lindy Lane
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