CC 12-03-2024 Item No. 11. Fiscal Year 2024-25 First Quarter Financial Report_Staff PresentationDecember 3, 2024 Fiscal Year 2024-25 First Quarter Financial Report How We Ended FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 1st Quarter Update Recommended Budget Adjustments Recommendations and Next Steps Agenda 2 How We Ended FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 Actual Revenues $110.3 FY 2023-24 Actual Expenditures -$82.8 Change in Fund Balance $27.5 Year-End Actuals – General Fund ($ in Millions) FY 2023-24 Year-End Fund Balance $166.1 FY 2022-23 Beginning Fund Balance $138.6 FY 2024-25 1st Quarter Update FY 2024-25 Amended Budget – By Fund ($ in Millions) Fund FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget Carryovers Encumbrances Adjustments Approved in 1st Quarter FY 2024-25 Amended Budget as of September 30, 2024 General 90,041,794 24,271,306 4,753,530 78,707 119,145,337 Special Revenue 13,956,348 15,445,956 885,056 300,000 30,587,360 Debt Service 2,676,200 - - - 2,676,200 Capital Projects 22,057,580 20,678,417 2,449,854 300,000 45,485,851 Enterprise 9,271,222 522,360 55,396 - 9,848,978 Internal Service 8,643,349 151,167 837,023 - 9,631,539 Total All Funds 146,646,493$ 61,069,206$ 8,980,859$ 678,707$ 217,375,265$ General Fund Revenues – Year over Year General Fund Expenditures – Year over Year General Fund - Fund Balance (in millions) * Q1 Year-End Projections assume budgeted revenues and expenditures are fully collected and incurred. Fund balances do not consider City Council actions after September 30, 2024. **Excludes unrealized revenues from The Rise * Proposed Budget Adjustments Recommended Budget Adjustments Fund Department Revenue Expenditure Change in Fund Balance Proposal GENERAL FUND 100 General Fund Admin Services - 50,000 (50,000) Chief Negotiator for successor agreements 100 General Fund Admin Services - 75,000 (75,000) General Liablity potential settlement costs 100 General Fund Admin Services - 10,000 (10,000) American Sign Language Translation Services 100 General Fund Innovation & Technology - 314,998 (314,998) Correctly allocate deleted IT Manager (see reduction in internal service funds) 100 General Fund Public Works - 36,822 (36,822) Purchase of a new bio holding tank 100 General Fund Public Works - 25,000 (25,000) Replace structural column and foundation at materials bunker 100 General Fund Public Works - 24,490 (24,490) Replace leaking fire hydrant at Creekside 100 General Fund Public Works - 41,246 (41,246) Purchase of spot cooler and emergency rental costs 100 General Fund Non Departmental - 53,570 (53,570) Transfer Out to fund Consolidated Plan - 631,126 (631,126) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 260 Community Development Block Grant Community Development 53,570 53,570 - Develop the 2025-2030 Consolidated Plan 53,570 53,570 - INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 610 Innovation & Technology Innovation & Technology - (314,998) 314,998 Correcting position elimination 610 Innovation & Technology Innovation & Technology - 15,000 (15,000) Overtime - (299,998) 299,998 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 53,570$ 384,698$ (331,128)$ TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Request Expenditures Revenues Fund Balance Chief Negotiator $50,000 $-($50,000) General Liability Settlement Costs $75,000 $-($75,000) ASL Translator $10,000 $-($10,000) Total $135,000 $-($135,000) Administrative Services Innovation and Technology Request Expenditures Revenues Fund Balance Position Elimination Correction. Net zero costs. $-$-$- General Liability Settlement Costs $15,000 $-($15,000) Total $15,000 $-($15,000) Community Development Request Expenditures Revenues Fund Balance 2025-2030 Consolidate Plan (CDBG)$53,570 $53,570 $0 Total $53,570 $53,570 Public Works Request Expenditures Revenues Fund Balance Purchase of a new bio holding tank $36,822 $-($36,822) Replace structural column and foundation at materials bunker $25,000 $-($25,000) Replace leaking fire hydrant at Creekside $24,490 $-($24,490) Purchase of spot coolers and emergency rental costs $41,246 $-($41,246) Total $127,558 $-($127,558) Non-Departmental Request Expenditures Revenues Fund Balance Transfer out to fund 2025-2030 Consolidated Plan $53,570 $-($53,570) Total $53,570 $53,570 •No requested changes to staffing Staffing •As of September 30, 2024, no funds have been spent. •Staff will continue to report on the use of this fund. City Manager Discretionary Fund 1.Accept the City Manager’s First Quarter Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2024-25; and 2.Adopt Resolution No. 24-XXX approving Budget Modification No. 2425-367, increasing appropriations by $384,698, revenues by $53,570 resulting in the use of unassigned fund balance of $331,128. Recommendations Questions?