PFC 10-06-2020 (Special)CUPERTINO OFFICIAL MINUTES CUPERTINO PUBLIC FACILITIES CORPORATION Tuesday, October 6, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO PUBLIC FACILITIES CORPORATION At 10:58 p.m. Chair Steven Scharf called the Special Cupertino Public Facilities Corporation meeting to order. This was a teleconference meeting without a physical location. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Steven Scharf, Vice Chair Darcy Paul, and Board members Liang Chao, Rod Sinks, and Jon Robert Willey. Absent: None. All Board members teleconferenced for the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR Sinks moved and Scharf seconded to approve the item on the Consent Calendar as presented. Ayes: Scharf, Paul, Chao, Sinks, and Willey. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 1.Subject: Approve the September 15, 2020 Public Facilities Corporation minutesRecommended Action: Approve the September 15, 2020 Public Facilities Corporationminutes ADJOURNMENT At 10:59 p.m. Chair Scharf adjourned the meeting. ls/Kirsten Squarcia Kirsten Squarcia, Recording Secretary