CC Resolution No. 8027 RE5OIlJI'ICN No. 8027 A Resolutien of the City CœlY;:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a cxmrib.1tien to F\mdin:¡ far IDplBDel'ltaticn of the SanU. Cla::a camty HazarcbIs waste ManagPo.... (t; Plan WHmEAS, the camty of Santa Clara prepared and adcpted a HazarcbIs waste ManagEment Plan 'oIhidl. WiIS subsequently EII.J.......ed by the City of OJpertino; and WHmEAS, the Plan ilx1luded an lJIplaœntatien Pk.'": LCIIII to provide Educational and ted1nical services to the PJblic and imustJ:y; and WHmEAS, the cost of the lJIplBDel'ltatien Pk.'": LCIIII is $410,000, with $205,000 paid by imustJ:y and the :t'eIIIaimer cUstribrt:ed éIIIØÇ" the camty and cities based en a fee and a peJ:0EII/tage of the waste stream; and WHmEAS, OJpertino's share of the cost is $8,320 based en a fee of $6,500 and a percentage share of $1,820; and WHmEAS, the City of 0Jpertin0 will benefit iran participatien in the CCUnty lJIplementatien Pk.'": LCIIII by the reductien ar eliminatien of the need far local prograIIS to provide these services; NCM, 'IHmEroRE, næ Cl'lY a:uaL OF næ Cl'lY OF C1IPERl'IN) RE90LVES that a c:ontrib.1tien of $8,320 iran the General FUn:! is authorized as OJpertino's share of the fI.Irx:li1q far the IDplaœntatien Plan. PASSED AND lIOOPI'ED at a regular IIIeetin3 of the City CœlY;:il of the City of OJpertino this 5th day of Februarv , 1990 by the follcwirr:J vote: ~: -- OF næ Cl'lY C'YT'NC'TT. AYES: Goldman, Sorensen, Szabo, Rogers NOES: None lIBSENI' : Koppel ABSTAIN: None APPR:1\TED: /s/ Barbara A. Rogers MAYœ, Cl'lY OF C1IPERl'IN) ATI'EST: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius Cl'lY CLERK pcresos/cc2589