CC Resolution No. 8050 RESOIIJI'ION NO. 8050 A RESOIIJI'ION OF THE CITY romCIL OF THE CITY OF COPERI'INO AMENDmG RESOIIJI'ION NO. 6455, ESTABLISHING A 1JU'~ o.:::MPENSATION PIAN THE CITY romCIL OF THE CITY OF COPERI'INO HEREBY RESOLVES '!HAT Resolution No. 6455 is ëIIIIelJ:Ù!d per attached Exhibit "Alii PASSED AND ADOPl'ED at a regular meetin;J of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 20th day of February, 1990 by the fol~owin;J vote: Vote Members of the city Council AYES: Goldman, KI:ß>el, Szabo, Rogers NOES: None ABSENT: Sorensen ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: Isl Barbara A, Rogers Mayor, City of CUpertino ATI'FSI' : Isl Roberta A. Wolfe Dep.lty City Clerk RESOIIJI'ION NO. 8050 A RESOIIJI'ION OF THE CITY CXJUNCIL OF THE CITY OF aJPERI'INO AMENDING RESOIIJI'ION NO. 6455, ESTABLISHING A DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN '!he City Council of the City of CUpertino resolves that Resolution No. 6455 is amen:led as follows: SECI'ION 1. NAME : '!he name of the Plan is city of CUDertino Deferred Comcensation Plan hereinafter referred to as the "Plan". SECI'ION 2. RJRR:SE: '!he primary purpose of the Plan is to attract and hold personnel by permittin;J them to enter into agreements with the city of aroertino Deferred Comcensation Plan which will provide future payments in lieu of deferred current income upon death, disability, retirement, or other tennil1ation of employment. '!he Plan is interx:led to qualify as an eligible state Deferred CoI1p;nsation Plan within the meanin;J of section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Code"). SECI'ION 3. DEFINITIONS: For the purposes of this Plan, certain words or phrases used herein will have the followin;J meanings: 3.1 "Employer" shall mean the City of aroertino. 3.2 "Employee" shall mean a management, supervisory or other full-tiroe or pemanent part-tiroe employee, City Council member or city Attorney of the Employer who has been designated by the Employer. 3.3 "Participant" shall mean an employee who has elected to participate in the Plan. Only Wividuals who perfonn service for the Employer may be participants. 3.4 "Participation Agreement" shall mean the agreement executed and filed by an Employee with the Employer pursuant to section 4, in which the Employee elects to becane a participant in the Plan. 3.5 "Compensation" shall mean the salary of wages which would be paid by the Employer to or for the benefit of an employee (if they were not a Participant in the Plan) for actual services perfonæd by the Employee. -1- 3.6 "Includible Compensation" shall mean compensation received from the employer that is attributable to services perfo:rned for the Employer and that is includible in the Participant I s gross income for the taxable year. Accordi.rgly I a Participant's includible compensation for a taxable year does not include any am:JlII'lt payable by the Employer that is excludible from the Participant' s gross income urrjer section 457, section 403 (b) and section 911 of the Code. A Participant's includible compensation for a taxable year is detennined without regard to any Cammunity Property laws. 3.7 "Deferred Compensation" shall mean the aIOOlU1t of Compensation which the Participant and the Employer Imltually agree shall be deferred in accordance with the provisions of this Plan. 3.8 "Disability" JreanS the inability of a Participant to engage in hisjher usual occupation by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental iJrpainrent as detennined by the Employer on the basis of advice from a physician or physicians. 3.9 "Nomal Retirement Age" shall mean, as to each participant, the age designated by the Participant in the range of ages erding with 70 l/2 years and beginnin;J with the earliest age at which Participant could retire with no actuarial reduction in benefits under the retirement plan, but in any event not later than the date or age which Participant separates from the service of the Employer. 3.10 "Nomal Retirement" shall mean retirement from service with the Employer which beocmes effective on the Participant's attainment of Nomal Retirement Age. 3.11 "Early Retirement" shall mean retirement from service with the Employer which beocmes effective on the first day of the calen::1ar =nth after the Participant meets the age requirements for early retirement specified in the Employer's qualified retirement plan. 3.12 "late Retirement" shall mean retirement from service with the Employer which beocmes effective after the Participant has passed the Nomal Retirement Age. 3.13 "Termination of Employment" shall mean the severance of the Participant's employment with the Employer prior to retirement. 3.l4 Reouired Beclinnim Date: April 1st of the year followin;J the later of attainment of age 70 1/2 or separation from service. -2- SECI'ION 4. SECI'ION 5. PARrICIPATION: 4.1 Each Enployee may elect to becane a Participant of the Plan and defer payment of hisjher O:Jrpensation by executin;J and deliveriß;J to the Enployer a written Participation Agreement. At the Enployer's option, there may be established one or =re ent:ry dates durin;J the year. Deferral may not start \Jlltll the calen:1ar =nth followin;J the =nth in which the Participation Agreement is executed and filed with the Enployer. 4.2 '!he Participation Agreement shall state the æoount of Compensation to be deferred ¡;xJrSUant to the Plan, which shall not exceed the aIOOlII1ts provided in section 5.2 and 5.3 below. 4.3 A Participant may revoke hisjher Participation Agreement by filin;J with the Enployer an executed written notice of revocation for that portion which they voluntarily defer. In the event such notice of revocation is filed, it will take effect the first pay period of the followin;J =nth. A Participant who revokes hisjher volunta:ry deferral may not resume volunta:ry deferrals until the next open enrollment period. No æoounts shall be payable to an Enployee upon revocation of hisjher Participation Agreement UlÙess otherwise due ¡;xJrSUant to section 10. DEFERRAL OF cx:MPENSATION: , 5.1 For each =nth in which a Participation Agreement of an Enployee is in effect, the Enployer shall not pay the Enployee hisjher full compensation, but shall defer payment of such part of hisjher Compensation as is specified by the Enployee in the Participation Agreement. 5.2 Except as provided in section 5.3, the maximum ancunt that may be deferred urrjer the Plan for any taxable year of a Participant shall not exceed the lessor of: 1. $7,500; or 2. 33 lj3 of the Participant's Includible Compensation for the taxable year, reduced by any æoount excludible fran the Participant' s gross inoane for the taxable year urrjer section 403 (b) of the COde on acx::ount of contributions made by the Enployer. If the Enployer contributes additional æoounts into the Plan, the maximum æoount that may be deferred by the Participant shall be reduced by the æoount of the Enployers contribution. -3- SECl'ION 6. SECl'ION 7. 5.3 For arr¡ one or =re of a Participant's last three (3) taxable years enlin;J before such Participant attains Nomal Retirement Þqe, the maxÍ11'Ø.IIII æoount that may be deferred urrjer the Plan for arr¡ taxable year of the Participant shall not exceed the lesser of $15,000 or the sum of the maxÍ11'Ø.IIII æoount that could be deferred for such taxable year urrjer Section 5.2 above (without regard to this section), plus so nuch of the maxÍ11'Ø.IIII æoount that could be deferred for all prior taxable years, beginnin;J after December 3l, 1978, un:1er section 5.2 (without regard to this Section) as has not theretofore been deferred. In no event may the ærount of Deferred CaI1pensation for the year exceed the total æoount of CaI1pensation for the year. 'Ibis Section shall be interpreted and applied consistent with Section 457(b) (2) and (3) of the Code. 5.4 If an irxtividual is a Participant in =re than one eligible state Deferred CaI1pensation Plan established pursuant to section 457 of the COde, the æoount of CaI1pensation deferred urrjer this Plan when added to the CaI1pensation deferred all such other Plans, may not exceed the maximum æoounts set forth in section 5.2 and 5.3 above. AI:MINISTRATION OF THE PIAN: 6.1 '!he Enployer shall have full authority and power to adopt the roles and regulations for the administration of the Plan, and to interpret, amen:i, alter, and revoke any roles and regulations so adopted. 6.2 '!he Enployer may, at its option, established one or =re Deferred CaI1pensation Plan F\Jrds to which Deferred CaI1pensation is credited at such times as the CaI1pensation would have been payable to irxtividual employees if they were not Participants in the Plan. EARNINGS OF THE FUND: If a furrl is established pursuant to section 6.2, and such furrl is invested and reinvested in a manner interoed to increase Plan assets, the net eamin;¡s of such furrl may be accumulated and held in the furrl, provided that such assets remain the unrestricted assets of the Enployer as set forth in section 8 below. -4- SECl'ION 8. SECl'ION 9. ASSEI'S OF THE PIAN: All annmts of Cclrp3nsation deferred urrjer the Plan, all property and rights purchased with such annmts, and all incane attributable to such annmts, or rights shall remain solely the property and rights of the Enployer, subject only to the claims of the Enployer's general creditors, until made available to the participant or other beneficia:ry. 'Ihe obligation of the Enployer to a Participant for payment of the Deferred Cclrp3nsation and in::rements thereon referred to in this Plan is a contractual obligation only and Participants shall have no preferred or specific interest by way of trust, escrow, annuity or otherwise, in and to the specific assets or fun:)s that may be established. MAINI'ENANCE OF BJOK ACCXXJNl'S: A book account shall be maintained for each Participant. '!here shall be credited to the book account all annmts of Compensation deferred urrjer the Plan and all incane attributable to such annmts. '!he incane attributable to an annmt shall mean the actual earnin:Js of the funj established ¡;xJrSUant to section 6.l of the Plan if such a funj is established by the Enployer, allocated on a pro rata basis but in no event less than the earn.i.rgs that would have been earned if the annmts deferred had been invested from tiIne to tiIne in one or =re of the various investment options available within the Plan. SECl'ION lO. DISTRIIUITON OF BE!'.¡~',I.'l::;: Distribution of benefits to each Participant shall carnrrence not later than sixty (60) days after the erxi of the calemar year followin;J a distribution event. '!he Participant must elect a m:>de of distribution irrevocably not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date on which distribution is to oammence. In the event a distribution event occurs prior to the date the Participant attains (or would have attained) Nomal Retirement lv:Je the Participant may irrevocably elect, prior to the tiIne the annmts becane payable, to defer payment of some or all of such æoounts until such tiIne as the Participant attains Nomal Retirement lv:Je. 10.l Retirement: In the event of early, nomal or late retirement, the annmt credited to the Participants's book account shall be distributed. to them in arr¡ one or =re of the rrethods stated in section 11. 10.2 Termination of EmPlovment: In the event of the Participant's termination of employment with the Enployer all annmts credited to the Participant' s book account shall be distributed to them in anyone or =re of the rrethods as stated in section l1. -5- SECI'ION 11 lO.3 Disabilitv: In the event of termination of enployment by reason of disability distribution of all amamts in the Participant's book account shall be distributed to them in arr¡ one or =re of the methods as stated in section 11. 10.4 ~: In the event of the death of the Participant prior to the cx:mnencement of distribution, all aIIPUI'lts credited to hisjher book account shall be distributed to the name beneficia:ry(ies) or estate. In the event death, beneficia:ry may, at that time, elect distribution by all methods which were available to Participant. '!he only exception is that a non-spousal beneficia:ry IlU.lSt take distribution over a period not to exceed fifteen (15) years. ME'IHOD OF DISTRIIUI'ION: 11.1 All funds credited to a Participant's book account shall be distributed to them or their beneficia:ry in the case of Death Benefits by arr¡ one or =re of the followin;J methods: l1.la. In a lUlTp sum. 11.1b. In monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments for a fixed number of years, not to exceed the life expectancy of the Participant, or Participant and hisjher spouse. Life expectancy shall be deteDnined by the furxling agerq based on the date the initial distribution shall begin. 11.1c. A life annuity purchased by the Enployer. 11.2 Distribution fran this Plan must be made primarily for the benefit of Participants. Mr¡ payment fonn specified above must be such that benefits payable to a Beneficia:ry are not =re than incidental. Benefits payable to a Beneficia:ry shall be incidental if distributions to the participant are in a=rdance with tables to be issued by the Internal Revenue Service and are at least as rapid as these required by section 40l(a) (9) (G) of the Internal Revenue COde of 1986 (re1atin;J to incidental death benefits) 11.3 Upon request of a Participant, the Enployer may allow canunencement of distribution of the Participant' s book account to be delayed not later than sixty (60) days after the en:l of the calemar year in which the Participant retires. -6- SECTION 12. MINIMUM DISI'RIBJl'IONS: 12.l Minimum Distriliutions: Notwithstandin;J arr¡ provisions to the contrazy, this Plan provides that the entire interest of the participant be distribrt:ed begÍl'1r1in;J no later than the Participant's Required BegÍl'1r1in;J Date. Beginnin;J with the calerdar year in which the Participant attains age 70 1/2 (or separates fran service, whichever is later), and for each calerdar year thereafter, distribution durin;J such calerdar year fran the Participant's ao<:x)Imt shall be in an anount not less than that based on the followin;J formula: B = MINIMUM DISTRIWl'ION y x For purposes of the preœdin;J fODlUla, "B" is equal to the value of the Account on December 31 of the preœdin:¡- calerdar year (assuming an April 1 initial payment), "Y" is equal to the life expectancy of the Participant (or the joint life expectancy of the Participant and hisjher Benefici;ny) based on his birthday (or their birthdays) in the 70-l/2 calerdar year, and "X" is the number of calerdar years that have erx:ied since the participant attained age 70-1/2 (includin:.J the 70-1/2 calerdar year) . For purposes of this section, the followin;J rules shall apply when det.erminirY;J the mi:niJm.nn distribution: (i) the IIIlIUlTLIIII distriliution to be made with respect to the 70-1/2 calerdar year may be delayed until no later than April 1 of the followin;J calerdar year; (H) if, pursuant to clause (i), all or part of a miniIm.nn distribution is delayed until after December 31 of the 70-1/2 calerdar year, the value of "B" for the calerdar year followin;J the 70-1/2 calerdar year shall be reduced by the anount of such delayed distribution; (Hi) the life expectancy of a Benefici;ny may be used only if the interest of such person is payable on account of the death of the Participant (Le. such person is a prilrary benefici;ny); (iv) if there is =re than one prilrary benefici;ny, the life expectancy of the oldest prilrary benefici;ny shall be used; -7- (v) (A) except as provided in (B) and (C), prima:ry beneficiaries (and life expectancy) shall be detennined as of the Required Beginnin;J Date of the Participant, (B) with respect to the 70-1/2 calerrlar year, it is pennissible to use the life expectancy of arr¡ beneficiary designated durin;J such year or at arr¡time prior to the Participant' s Required Beginnin;J Date, and (C) if a prima:ry beneficia:ry is added or chan3'ed after the Required Beginnin;J Date of the Participant, the life expectancy of the ner,.¡ prima:ry beneficiary shall be substituted for all subsequent calemar years if the life expectancy of such new beneficiary (detennined as of the Required Beginnin;J Date) was shorter than the life expectancy of the current prima:ry beneficiary (detennined as of the Required Beginnin;J Date); 12.2 Time of Pavment: Participants who attain age 70-l/2 who are not workin;J have until the followin;J April 1st to take the initial mininum payment. Subsequent mininum payments must continue annually, the most llmnediate of those bein;J no later than 12/31 of the same year in which the first minimum payment was made (and eve:ry 12/31 thereafter) . 12.3 Participant Elections: Prior to the date the first payment is due, Participants must choose between sin;Jle or joint life expectancy. If joint life expectancy is elected, the participant must designate the beneficiary, and provide the beneficiary's birthdate. l2.4 Other Reauirements: No payment option may be selected by a participant or beneficia:ry under section 12 unless it shall also satisfy the Minimum Distribution Incidental Benefit (M!)IB) requirements of section 1.401(a) (9)-2 of the Income Tax Regulations. -8- SECl'ION 13. ~CY wrmmAWAlS: If a Participant is faced with all e..e:go..n::y, the Participant may a¡:ply to the Enployer for withdrawal frail the Plan prior to retirement or other tezmination of the Participant's service with the Enployer. SUd1 withdrawals shall be permitted, in the Enployer's discretion, only in circumstanceS of severe emeJ:gencies whim are beyoni the Participant's control, which would cause the Participant great finan::ia1 hardship if early withdrawal were not peDlÚ.tted and which are othexwise within the meanin;J of the term "unforE!f'~~hle emeJ:gency" as defined in section 457(b) (5) of the COde, and as interpreted by such regulations as may be prcm1l.gated by the Secreta:ry of the Treasu:ry. SECTION 14. PlJIN-'ro-PlJIN 'lRì\NSFERS: (a) Transfer to another olan. A Participant who separates from service in order to accept enploymant with an entity other than the enployer, which entity also sponsors an eligible state deferred compensation plan, and who becanes a participant in such plan (the "transferee plan") may have the balance in such participant's participation acx::ount transferred to the transferee plan. Payments of benefits will not commence upon the participant's separation from service, notwithstandin;J arr¡ other provision of this plan, if the transferee plan provides for the acceptance of such balance. (b) Transfer from another olan. A participant who, in order to accept enployment with the enployer, tezminated enployment with an entity other than the enployer, which entity also sponsors an eligible state deferred compensation plan, and who was a participant in such plan (the "transferor plan") shall, upon receipt by the plan of the amounts deferred by such participant in the transferor plan, have such participant's participation acx::ount credited with the balance of such participant's acx::ount in the transferor plan if the transferor plan provides for the transfer of such balance. -9- SECl'ION 15. EMPIDYER PARl'ICIPATION: Notwithstandin;J arr¡ other provision of this Plan, the Ðtployer may, by means of additional deposits in any Deferred Canpensation Plan :fuJ'xi or otherwise, provide for additional Deferred Canpensation for the services ren:1ered by arr¡ ~loyee to the ~loyer ciuriJ'q arr¡ year, but is subject to the lilnitations in Section 5.2. SECl'ION 16. NON-ASSIGNABILITY CIAUSE: It is agreed that neither the Participant nor hisjher beneficia:ry, nor any other designee, shall have arr¡ right to COI11l1Ulte, sell, assign, transfer, or otheJ:wise convey the right to receive arr¡ payments hereun:1er, which payments and right thereto are expressly declared to be non-assignable and non-transferable, and in the event of any attempted assignment or transfer, the Ðtployer shall have no further liability hereun:1er nor shall arr¡ payments be transferable by operation of law in event of bankruptcy or insolverq, except to the exterx:1 otheJ:wise provided by law, notwithstandin;J the above clause. SECl'ION 17. caMJNICATION: lv:rj notice, filin;J or CCII11IIP.1nication directed to the Ðtployer shall be mailed or delivered to the followin;J address: City of CUpertino Deferred Canpensation Plan 10300 Torre AVemle CUpertino, California 95014 lv:rj notice or CCII11IIP.1nication directed to any Participant shall be mailed or delivered to the address provided in his Participation Agreement. -10- SECl'IOO 18. AMENI:MENT OR TERMINATION OF PIAN: '!he Elrployer may, at arr¡ time, teJ:minate this plan for all Participants. Upon sudl teJ:mination, each Participant in the Plan will be deemed to have revoked hisjher Participation Agreement as of the date of sudl teJ:mination. '!he Elrployer may also amend the provisions of this Plan at any time; provided, however, that no amen:hnent shall affect the rights of the Participants or their beneficiaries to the receipt of payment of benefits, to the extent of any ~tion deferred at the time of the amen:hnent as adjusted for incx:me attr:iJ:JUtable to such Deferred Compensation prior to and subsequent to the amen:hnent. '!his Plan is int.emed to qualify as an eligible state Deferred Compensation Plan under section 457 of the COde, and shall be interpreted and administered in a manner consistent with such qualification. '!he Elrployer reserves the right to amend the Plan to the extent that may be necessary to confODll the Plan to the requirements of section 457 of the COde and any other applicable law, regulation or rulin;J, includin;J amen:hnents that are retroactive to the effective date of the Plan. In the event that the Plan is deemed by the Intema1 Revenue Service to be administered in a manner inconsistent with section 457 of the COde, the Elrployer shall correct such administration within the period provided in Section 457 (b) of the COde. '!he Elrployer reserves the right to take sudl action and do sudl thin;Js as 'are required to make the Plan, as administered, consistent with section 457 of the COde. '!he Elrployer hereby establishes this Deferred' Compensation Plan on the tams and conditions set forth herein. DI'œE : 2/20/90 BY: Isl Don Brown City Manager 2120/90 BY: Is I Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk ~:¡71¿~ City Attornéy -11-