CC 12-12-61r
30n SO.AL 94505
Decamber 13 1961
1M 10321 So. Sam le Road
s city,
by R"afts
as of December %ft low'
i Dh or
Councilmo Bch noted that t
three adJ per as 1emellao ftl
20ts e Be said thattbi7nelSbborbeedp a
slope ofthe lots into eowidemtioo so as not to 1
rear of he properties.
The City Clerk posted the neighbor p2maas, lo"tim the
subject site thereon. The lots is 140, x 419', 1.36 aerss.
The ltyor said that no decision should be made on the applica-
tion tonight since this is just a r'study session to allow the
Council to give the matter farther thought. the bearlag is con-
fused to the City Council tecause the public hearing vas cloud
at the last meeting, on December 4. Traffic will be a consideration
as well as the. gathering of people, according to the propoug
Councilman Renettl said that from Information at his disposal
now he can't see thin building In this area belrg used for this
reason. He observed that enough has been said pro and con and at
the present time he lams toward the "con" side.
The Mayor said tl t he Intends to look at the building so that
he can cast his vote on December 18. He advised other C'ounc.-Ilmen
to look at the building and site for themselves so that they too
will be prepared to grayer on December 18.
Councilmanlman Saich said that 1 f the Council approved the appl1 ca-
tion, it would prevent a road from being pat through the rear of the
properties and land-low: the area. If ,some arrangement a ere being
worked out with the adjoining properties so that the rear of the
lots would be usable, it would be different be said, but this
application only accounts for one property.
A spectator started W say something abourc the a;placation.
After a brief dismosion, Councilman Relosl said that he is in
favor of reopening the public hearing if there is something of value
to be said. He moved that the public hearing on the American
logion application be reopened. Councllm&n BWWttI sec(rided the
motion, on the basis that the speaker has ,something to contribute
which bas not already been said.
AXES: Counccilmen: ba-netts, Peloei, Salch, laraneo
UYS: Oounc*1m a:None
A D'1': Coluscilmen:Jewett
Wr. Walkaarlt 08' SWIt Realty said that he would 211w to
speak on behalf of VswW WAnm, the owner. Be said that Nwm bits
a right to dispose ar lds property for a ft l!r prl.ce. He veferred
g hertotheoPropertyatt t 0,orner of
l I
a a%' aim adLq that thv Clty has Issued a use ii t to the
Me r a City Cleft
2 md no voe PendtibW
mved tw-.- -m I ... heart the 11.0 alu
F m
Ah"ad by
well s tcae w0
tted in .d b tUn ts7 the savli tiom that; althomeb
of *tom grates outside tba +pity Uftftq,' tbft r"Iftews
be given caulderatian the City Councll. aftle am Vwple
be said, iðer they 11ve Inside the City or outaUle. The qmestlon
Were the Ctty Council is then or not they deem that a service
ofttion is necessaz7 at this time.
Councilvan Benettl said that one of the imsartanc
Conslats of the record of proceedl_%s at the rezot.:I fig He
mid that the Cour_ci.lmen bare a ecei-vad fr-.m the vlty Cie-4=1: ):Tice,
d13 the minutes of ;he prevIo*:s hearir3s, show mg what va.3 +:
IsOmtlon at that time and what pnsiti.ens cuera taken. 14.. how
faa, distant is the nearest ga. stat..on.
The Mayor said that the Shell Oil station at the corner of
Eb].3inger and 11-Ughway 9 la the closest service station; he ectimsted
the ,distan'ce at one-half mile. The station at the southeast
corner of Blaney and Stevens Creek .i t; about a mile. Li an easterly
d1rectlon alorZ Bollinger Road, a station on Santa C2&=--3aMtqp
Road is the closest station. razing, the aforementioned Nell
ststlon and the Richfield Oil gta tion at the ecr-ter of Silverado
and 81ghuay 9 ire the ones within one-half mile or ther,-rtbauts.
Councilaur, Sake asked x;at type c .` use go on the
property other than a service station, & in dry that the
site is zoned commercial.
In answer, the Mayor said that many uses car: go on tare r*.rt,.,
an many as {
are legitimate uses in a C-1-H zoise. He sai d ath,.L
g2ance at the zii,g r e71'tis and zoning praatict l UAI.-c-t-r-a
that a good nany business cvu24 Soon the property.
Cougncilw*_i Salch said that a service station is aaot.4ar iax
g1madak. for the City and It wcul i mean arii:ional rev+ : s. i-
re armed to a woman sto owWlalned Qf cups. ar4-cane aml li"tla in
the streets, -b:t said tbat a .homer stand, • for excmple, would
more litter and deb .a t1 an a gas stEatioar. 'ire _said A.
tial area W"Ach is ent to commercial is boar d to have
me in amount of this litter.
Mw mar said that be does not believe It .holds true that
praxlftty to a C-1•.H zone hrisaga debris' and litter tothe area.
Me City ClOrK. havjag posted the station design wA -the
tural xvnderingp Omwellmn Benetti aslad the reWesentattve
sent, R. v ..f the Fi+c uv ,to thet
tuts bui ! ¢a to
a Abp_xsv4evdaX his sawlyAMM, subidtted
a & _ _=
j ..ot th*.... 4o m that Stmftrd ftvomtly uses.
i., „, `
7r w€,'. <_
i+'- +,rat,;.a..:
3 Jail,VOr-t 3 ChBS ee<t,
alas tblfiV
on the alto, .
i a' Sian or WDU24 it ._.bre the
n 1 then ire a _ tMW of
owX- Wm and
ku ttornoy m
Ao OW event r tft we pelt,U now before
1 Wd a0mrance before the N Control
to tti's question as to whsther itM- n
a Use pert or condition 8 Control
tft My lbmspr =Ad that the Coancil' can Woe stig-
to the &MUcant and the plans would then go before the
twW and site contvol condttee.
W. Seboadt said that Ids dent is willing to construct any
station that the City Ccuncll requires.
Mw r con the hearing to Dec ember 18. C')•. :ci lm&n
ftnetti asked the appUcant to bring in some renderings of service
afttlow at that time.
The jty Yanager posted a small map of the intersection--
9 and Stevws CYsxek Iload. He said that he has done all
or the explzratory work on the map. At present there are 18
diagonal pawing places on the east side of Highway 9, north of
Call Avenue. The same area would provide stalls to park 17 cars
Llel. :'here are also a few parking pla,.es further south
joining t!_e bank. The Skate Division of Highways will put in the
salftings &nd !* "park parallel" signs .
The W-y1- said tl-Aat it is his understardin„ that 8' '-ies t of
the existing curb is private property. The cars purkea diagonally
at the press°:: time are pnzklng most of their car on private
n Saich said that the City .has tried this before a::d
a into dim zulty. He askad who would be liable 1Q an ac.:'•..dent
or danage :*3L-Ited If the City Imposed parallel parking, in a
altuation Div no curb separated the .private proper:;y frcm public
perty an: the vehicles overladpped" .
The City Mwwger stated that every car diagonally parked a f,
the .waent tiiw is now dolmig so illegally because the cars are
encroachingon the State highV87.
The NWr observed that the cars would have to maneuver about
12 feet out Into the lam of traffic if parallel parking is in-
ed and he said that If he is visualizing the situation
cormetly, thls would wtew to be worse than it is now. He drew the
on the b'icsboard, showing the :new parking positions with
l&tlon to the travelled may, conelusaing that. parallel parking
remat is a 816AWAGn MDre ha4ardow than the present one.
Comellms Paloai _ " . that If he has the rig;' Ingo tion
and t t I:' be era , Matter properly, it would be silly
paw ll l.. the cars are not tp allowed on
seal.'Is abutting t •urb not
u r '
4 ,"'' '`; i4x,,, %
t A r c3 a:
e ¢'
a'.$` ty: ..x," g-
r ,
be an
vftabs"_= imam,, no Z r
i` eat Cif
n as
M .
w fte
t Btte s beef
te for 3 31e .
Qnffwllm tU asked ift'At is necca nary to Mare a mvorWWleloureAmprs, Ift not 'Just thA southea®t aldc.
lsau Sai®h _said that the centerline: is Q-jpposed we
about 48, therefove, .the F;1l abduld 7cs :t 4_
ou the die; l tOr 'IOn. -In addlt:ions he sald the Ward
Of &aP&rftsOrB will Lave to know, since th!F. .Gounty has exc-:Ul C-i a
contract with the State to provide th•:m with the 802 right.-o 4Z.-way.
Councilman Pelosi said that he cannot visualize n,,t takJng t?ice
le Uteraection into consideration.
The Mayor said that hve is willAng to go along wl th a .Gur
covers study, but that the Call and .24aer corners are abaolutely
VOCesaary so that at least those 2 comers should be prepared L•y
the C *,y Rmglaeer.
C*Unailmn ftiOei moved that t:he 0''.ty Mariager be 1natv-act
to confer with the City Rqaneer and .consWer thy: feasiblitty of
providing the cross section and ene4eering c?:-..ta to the Cl
Council on 'December 18. Secondod by Councilman Saich.
otin.^.ilmcr' Beeletl-,A, Jewett, Pal^s1., Saicu1 :::i:G&reo
X1115: CounciUaun:None
W C .M: 5-0
Plarjorie Roche, N & .13 Cleaners, cald that firm has +reR::rtcd
a large pet2ticn, ail, of the people aWring that the C~'_y
diagonal park;rv;. She said that thore P:re .no a.-.-:idents rur,: •.ut
the people backing nt o stalls are. not go ng to wait s1ncv i irry w1i 1
feel they have the ht of way t? they are hacking rather than
diagonally as at present. She said the City-has no Irabli c
Parictag l*ts' Bad that,-people do not hike to walk around the b'lildir_>
an the twouldhave o do if they u$ed the parking aread- in "the "rear.
She said it would be different It there were a public -parking lot
1n the ream, in which ease the b'Alding would have to 'be spiit to
allow passage-ways.
Omils Barber Shops also told th- Councii that
UW* aft very few aLdents them f- the present time and that
1 XWling is safer Pnd allowed more room thar._ parallel
wo e
CQVW.'j62=n Sal ab-asked 1f the QUI fWdlv has be fi-notied by
2 t %b8w d they should bey diVimdthd{beerrt
as Or av o"porty in Qnsuen.
t C4 2,pp pp `
fted id that 11: p T* a1 the
should have raso#' ffitter long ago
On r representative x*= the Cali
LU1.0 said that clal OaU -
I be
6 $~l notip' '` Wg r.
i< me ism 111 iilmoved
In front
M '9
t is fr i cy whichUtorhaveestaDandt10 of setting
a Ofteedent Bch wdl ll vadent to City..
t he dog t 8w3tet in Vhe past and
the snb t OVWr ,la ani8t,t3r S will any
Omer not d a letter or invl on for flngthing
Wat t coneern blia.
The City Clerk advised that public h earIngs are advertised
In the local newspaper and the notices placed on or near the
PrOPertY but this is not a pubile hearing.
Moved by Counel lawn Salch that the Cali family i,a no t i f:i c..1
by letter that parallel pa7king on the southeast co ::er of Highway o
and Stevens Creek Road is being coneldered by the City Ccsvn 311,
asking Mr. tali to furnish information on his property, the &.miter
to be put or the December 18 agenda. Seconded by C.ouncilir"n
AYES: Co:res lmen: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Salch, Lazenec-
N4IM: Counci linen:None
V WKESMD & S7f.LING SIGNALS: Suroiyvale Design Study.
Councilman Pjelosi askod whether the City Engineer has rep•_•.rted
on the Sunny,--ale tap. 1`he answer was in the negative.
The Mayor said that he is 1O0% behind the signal In pr.:":ZcipJ r,
wt financial' as ¢°ar as Cvperti,,..;J i.s concerned. He proposed
t'_mt the City so state in a raso;.ution, acinowledging ty
signal is rery necessary at the corner and 'Uhat the City of
Qu-pertino iti?l support the signal to the utmost in principle, al-
though no moneys will be allocated for the installation. c f.
the corner at the intersection are in other JuriadictionE..
Councilmr, Pelosi said than he ra i.ld like nfor. '-lr,r -•x-:
intersection especiall7 with regard to the property 0- 4 s o tt,1,1
corner. He spoke of the intersection being widened and flared
out and said z!at this would have a bearlit on the traMf a s:v tuati r:,
as it pertained to the City of Caper Lino. r1e. said 0her--e I GUr
pmvWrty owneers involved here and there is more here then meets the
eye. He said he would lid more information before adopting any
mw1ution on the subject. The hayor saald the City °oP Sunnyvale Is
az1cft4g for a Cupertino contribution to the signal.ization of the
Councilmn Jewett sa W itat• .Aipertiao is not obligated to Sunny..
to produce coney far the signal.
Councilxx= Henetti said that v'f- ha wee been talking about
native Wlclec betty L.e ..'. ties, slid with that in mind, what
the Ouperuzo 9081tam be.
r icy , , .
q x
mrth J
WM citya „ tyIN
I at
s old
ffi s matter. x
that we are not fie bot, terry
A here and tftt wk a comider Wolfe mad-es. maei.l ass the
ftftrseet1cm ag Qteig and Homestead for a signal.
The Myor asked vberLs rt9no coed put heir-mmey to
Witter use expeeially In vlew of results of Its neg6t1atq.vit. with
3MCWVale whereir_ "the door Is. contir-uAlly sly f it cur takers"'.
Cc?incIlman Jewett said that If there is any possible Clean re to
got Nav-W Avenue that they should continue to tx7.
Councilman Feloal proposed that the Cupertino City Council
sit down with the SunvWvale City Council in Cupertino City Hall
andt3.mCe of the matter once 3lce as a business propcasitaora ;Aut a
metal hour.
The Nayor instructed the City Vatfiager to set up a meeting with
the Sunnyvale City Council 1n the rear future.
Councilman Jewett said that If we are gc ing to sit down_ with
the City of SLmnyvale, let us :five more information and be betty:_,
pmpared cn time subject than we were- last time.
10 Moved by Cotulellmm Felosl that the LIty Council'. authorize
fir. reimburseamt cf Uwky Stores th she amount of
AlWmmded by Cb mcilm n Jewett.
Ans.. coinci3men: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi: Yaz.,-nco
KTS: Councilmen: done
Councilmen: Now
A-IMINW: Gaunt lam:
tou c
AdO'aurWMt at 9:05 IM
e Nick J. LaWmzo