CC 09-18-67Torre Ate, Cupertino, California QSOlk fie: 252-4M
10-------0-------u.------N--------------------------., ------------------s---
w ifornia
OF M MMM =I= CF M CM WMIL -- A 1967
Caune l Mobery City ft11, 103O Tame Avmwg CupertAnos Cali
v:w P.M.
0ounc. DuMster, Jbhnsouq Sly, t
Omm. absent: Noel
Staff1present: City HumCu, P2lil Stem
City Attorneys am
City Clerk, pill
Director of Flwmingv Adde Iet»ia3
Director of Pablic ilorhs, Frank Floney
Recalvemlon Director, Job
Chi !' quivaft InqMctor, Un Benevich
Assistant Flamerg Jim
Secretary,Recording Iola lumuft
in Kwim cr nm manow mmmw -- sqAa&w 5 and 6, 1967.
Nywed by Cam. Stakeng seconded by Counc. Dmpster, to
the Mim tes Of septmomr 50 196/D as recorded.
AM: Comic. Dempeters, Stakes, Fitzgerald
A M: Came. J
Covnec. Noel
lotion carried, 3-0
Count. Stokes, referring to the Mmate OSier an Pie 6 of the Xlnutes
of September 6th, asked the City mumer if the away rw tie
impravvesult, of Wintergreen Drive In Yet or the Vilsoo Park site
vas not to comae from the paw faxed rather than tkw general fund.
The City Manager confirmed this.
KInates of the Regular meeting :)f t.e r"+-. r:-arc ,
Moved by Comet. Sto'lo-eas, seconded by Count. Dempster., to approve the
wmtes of September 6, 1967, with the above correction.
A Come. Duqpeters Stokes, Fitzgerald
am: NoMal
Conic. Noel
Nations pried, 3-0
A. WaTnN
1. Resolution, dated septaber 14, 1967s from wileon, Jones,
Marton and L7nch9 in regard to the De Ants, Project 66-1.
2. Letter of appeals dated September A. 1967, ioa the
W. W. Vaguer f in regard to the approval of the
Faster Use Permit U-67.
The City Attorney said the Assessment District matter (Project 66-1)
ie a Resolution of Intention to make some changes and be would
bring it up under his report.
Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Lepater, to receive
and file the written cosmmications.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
ABSENT: Counc. Noel
Notion carried, 3-0
1. Mr. Richard Taylor, representing the Santa Clara County
Fusing Authority, said he was there to ask if the City of
Cupertino was interested in joining the group. He discussed
policies and objectives of the Authority. He emphasized
that the people in Cupertino with rental units can rent as
they see fit; what the Authority provides is that people be
allowed to rent. units through the Santa Clara County Housing
Authority, if theft so choose. Mountain View, SurMY&le,
Morgan Hill,and Los Gatos have entered into this program.
a ?,
t .
g ' '
lumm at the segaiar dim z une City Council, 948/67
I&. Tarlmw addled tlmt If go City Council found that tbqy Caere not
bqW with this prapw4 to signed lasses would contimaq but no
to Onalle Be said the Authority MAM heave
at the request or the CamoU with no problems. Me propum is set
up so that tbow cannot mew tfto a camunity Witbout, the City
Council's Ift vVMftV of the property usler Jurisdictior
or the Avibority rorms to boft exterior and interior
pWWUM9 lxmftcsVUgjo brdm u1ndlowl, junkk cars, ate. Nr- 'wlor
elphasized the fit t2at the Authority %M maintain vest elme
scruttW of these tffit.s. IhW till provide a decent and sitar
and soft place to live. Jr fte p9qAe don't cooperates they v1U be
removed from the promises. ftgtw collection and utllities will
be a part of the
Conc. Dempffters, seconded by Counc. Johnson, tit the
UlWor be authorized to s'ap and the City Clerk to attest solution
No. 1508, and it is frA4hw aov+ed that the City of Cvpntino adapt
Se°olution Do. l4M, to endorse and become a member of the Santa
Clara Camay Housivg Authority.
AM: Coin. Dempatery Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
HAYS: Bone
Counc. Mal
Notion curried, 4-Q
S. W. Robert A. i avler, 2385 Silverado, Cupertino, brought to the
attention of the City Council a daneerous condition of an open
trench and large lined hold at the rear of the Crump
property, two doors dam from him, on Silverado Avenue. He
discovered children p2sWing around this area and ca structei a
wooden cover, but asked for immediate remedial action on this;
the vwden cover is a temporary thing. He submitted tos of
tho situation, with winter rains rushing dog this unfenced
ligror Fitzgerald said this matter came before the Council once
before and it was then established that it was outside the jurisdic-
tion of the City Council; it teas a matter for the: county Flrod
moved by Counc. DeMstarg seconded by Counc. Johnson, to refer this
matter to the City Umagar with the instructions that he have the
Director of Public Works check it out.
On the saw subject; u-inc. Stokes also asked that the 6' or 7'
hole at the bridge on Molfe Road also be check. Counc. Johnson also
suggested another area to be checked would be tt•* upstrem side of
the Valfe Road bridge.
AYSS: Cone. DMVWt4%r, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
NAYS. None
ADS=:Counc. Noel
carried, 4-0
Mantes of the Regalar Uwting of t!•-,a City Conned, 9/18/67
OIIvlIO®YMMw Mwwwwow NBYM N w .a.. .._o——O w w0—ww4 w o Noslw..owww Oar Ya
arse at 67)
miessan Butbauft a"OR sett at ire Meeting of
UP 207.
the mattair at have= bw be= rernwed to am 1dd6W of Sl9e r iw
ClUes !bra yossWe s-ozalamnes end m reor U a
week or two.
s secomiled by
Iteel ®A. 1. { J up to be d s
md No I al mina
with Item VI 3 { sine both itan comemm tba am property.
AM: COVOC. Dowwwo Jebwour ftakins r1triverald
Come. Noel
See Minutes of 9/13/67)
Mairman Irwin recqpped the Minutes of the neetift of 9/13/67.
Caunc. Stakes queotioned the advisability of ® voodan fence on the
property line dividing the T-Eleven property and the "Joining
residence. Cbsisaw Irwin add this aspect was discussed od the
Coomittee felt that it would tie in better with the residantial
a Us rafeeT49d to the type of fence a:. W111.1stan Park.
Co>nc. Stokes felt tbe combination wood and concrete block fence
would be more sturdy. Be reiterated the ea With the
fencing dividing the ftyfair Market on East Botelties Drive and
adjacent resideaces.
Mrs. Laura Gi a Silversdo Awe resideert, said the property
x1jacent to the 7 even though there is • house on it at
presents, in also w2ed consercial; this is w1W the petition did
not stipulate a request fora concrete block fence.
Couac. Stokes felt the concrete block fence, per the
requirement, should be a part of the qpproval of this application
and if conditions are fbemd to the contrarr, it could then be
amon"I. Respanslbillty should be left with the epyslicent.
Moved by Cason. by Counc. Jobneons, to aggrove
application 290-W,-67, 7-31eanen dtoree, Includift a 6'vasonry-
fenceg to be qWrowed by the Architectural and Duce Coatrol.
AID: Count. DoWster, Johnson, dtokeev pit
NUS: None
AVOW so"
Notion carried, 4-01
wingbas of the &guiw wetim of the Ci+y Councils 9/1B/67
question wrome ibrtbar or net aVpUcmtUw 903-W.-67 dm2d be
consIdemed s autannu s by the City it voa dented
AV the Arddtartma amd Bite Cmtml OMIttser a0d no OVONa vu
I". "w City Attansay had a0ftsed that Umder fte Ordlumms 82W
Variances or I atoll be board by t2w City Co=cUv ev
miB$ften qrpoa bild not been 21.24d.
s secoWed by Cmm. Jobwang to @Wvv tam
Rimbes of that &cWtectuma and mite Omtma Cmftttm asetim
of 899tedbw 1.39 1967s as manded.
AM• sJdmmp Otdmv Itxgvreld
XUB: Base
Cow. !heal
Nbtlan carried, 6-0
iftor Fitzgerald commended We. Madre Winther far the courtesy
ohm the Rewimblan Deperbsent's Dar COW PIWINS, and present"
bee' with a Plaque of the City in sweelatIon.
vi FU.IC
1. Denies NomemmmIch s t li ion 14- 7
for f residential Ndtiple (ij-2.2) to General
Cmwrci&l (cG) 96W sq. rt.; 1 side of Homesteadd
Roads adjacent to easterly bowdary of Rmosteed HS& School.
Denied by Plaming Co Islice aesclution No. We s Amgwt 14s
1967. ( fr4m the filar Coil aaaet9ng of
Septedmer y, 1967)
The City At the Planning Commission elected to discuss
applications 14-Z-67 and 6-V-67 tasether 91 they Concerned the
asap prqprty.
Bo aDved by Owanc.f secanded by Come. Johmn
eDmoveterg i0 y ritammuld
RUB: now
ABMW• come.NMI
Wtian carrieC 3-0
Couoc. Stobw stated that he we thr Civil Saginaw an this pr*J*ct
and for this reason he abeftined and left the Com3.t r.
of tbe Regular mmune or the city *rnZcil, 9pa/67
N-a--------- s------_-----
3 ( e4 foal2. $-
V-67 for a 1:1 c
or &ISLUDS wMe Vw 3fi+: to 20; and
rrm am. La 0.3 sing the Mober or annift units
Per o 36. in =Ats Wropma — 7.67 acres
Broom wepw 380GUA moth awe or xMKIMMO
to antaft bowany or sommisat nip iwma. 3„ A. g
5, 107)
W.ble season !br the request for postpone-
sent of bis SVP881 as bha 200t Nbet1fig w due to a death in hia
Era'. Rdhlea was ion or ffia WOMML for
this gudm coqpM= could not be achlemd with the
ed an bullwUn board. For this reawc4 he edwd for
UvUw Po to allow tiaa for his architact to better
parUM the
me City Nw1wx if cbsoges are being nedev that the
matter be referred back to the Flowing Condselon for re-evalua-
tion. W. Robles sadd the ebanges ar.. not material, be world Burt
like the necessary tier to bane a as na"lve VIM to pre-
sent to the Ooane3.l.
Nwed by Come. DaMaterg, seconded by Cam. Johnson, to continue
applications 14-f.-7 and 6-v-67 for two reaps.
Arm JdWscnj Fitzgerald
am: anle
AM z al
awrWs 3-0
4 A. 1. 8tkmesm DwM-Iqpmnt Oorp. -- DIt MP
AppLi 12- 7; qppvzlmd*U 2S acres located
east &ibis of NhMT A'vww, 1700 rest north of 9tevew Caeca
EElvd. **Wmvvd by Plannift Condesion a I I P,Intion Eb. M99
August 2h, 1967.
VI 3. StoEeson ftwelkNupt Corp• -- Dit MAMM
Application. 1§-2P67; from Plamed Dwralalwant (P) Zones,
with tall we, to single-roodu roa ial
R1-7.5). temaed wast side of xh y Avges i700 read;
nxrrth or Blvd. (26 ate).
Re by lla=dzg Conission Re E-. hb8,
Augnat 26, ice. (Council Ordinance No. )
of >dis amplar, mestin or ae city Council, 9,118/67
N---oIYYi o--o N- 0 0000000000-00'i® o.--oo
the rwmning in tug do" and the P.&MIM Mun man aim*
with Uds resonln VININSW UM a UVe t.
s secaded by Counc. JCImVM4 to bMe
Come. RamptaIrs, idwIsons Stob"21 pitqpraulq
s None
AISM:count. NMI
MAIM 4-0
gre title of Ordinance Eb. 3:r3 was rod by the City
The imitative 0Ap ( noes p1wed on the bulletin board. Tin
Director noted tb wo are three trame outlets planneag and
felt this was A. fte width of Nary Ave we discussed#
upon Est of C6umd.. 39 Irea. The Director of PdkLic Varko and
PlannIM Director tre should be a totem uldth of 76', vo itb
901 width close to intersettions. The PUnning Director noted
there would be a Ip P I P x valkvmy. And the Public Works Director
noted there would. at this time, be a 42' half-sty, with a
bow policy on tffia suldilwision. 1&. Dita, of Bits!-Creme, was
le to the oadditicimal 2' width on Nary Avenue and stated be Amok
would to instruct bin engineer. Be said he would UM to minas this Ip
mattes along because t1ne :n important, with the 924tew rains
cook M.
2be P'Anc Works Directce, said that when the proparta acre" the
street is dvwelqped than madlan strip will be InstaLled. It is not
fMs121e to put it in at this tuna. In answer to Coune.
quest-4on, the Director of Public Works said this plans of " Avanvs
is sltatgntially the sggmt as vans established i 8-u-465. It win
Sim .a femur soviag James, but no parkizkz an Nary Avenue; and will
Vroville emergmey Varking in the side`klk area.
wed by Counc. Dempaters, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to affrow
application 12- 7 with the 42' half-street., a" with the offer
conditions re by the OUmming CommissiM.
fig: Omm. Dinqpater,, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald.
10IS: Name
iZEM:Come. Noel
Notice carrieds 4-0
There were rA=.
Mostes of the Regular MbetSft +or the city Council, 9/18/67
A. Resolution ND.
ReealutAan No. 25M ee read by Treanarer Stakes.
Mkry by Catme. Momag seconded by Come. DeqMters to
Resolution 36. 250.
Caame.Jobwan,Stokes, flit
Motion earrieds 4-0
A. FMW Qy CI3f Nothing further to report.
H. REM cr Ciff MOMM
1. The City ftangwr requested authorisation by the City
Council to Prepare an Agreement for use of the well
owned by Cupertino tlhion School District on the Nilson
School property.
So mnved by Counc. Despeters seconded by Count. Johnson.
ArES: Counc. Bnoctery Johnson, Stakes, Fltmgerald
NAIS: now
Caemnc. ltl
Motion camled, 4-0
2. The City MmMWr notified the Council that he led
received a 2etter of resignation from the Recording
secretary,, errective, 8eptemeber 30, 1967. Me City
Manager 1 wed a Resolution subeitted alow with the
letter of ion..
3. The City Nmmww said he bad meet again with the Cemty
Idbrwy mm. At this meeting it van brogght to
light the Ow mrany for the library nut eme from the
220 tax mom. More will be another awtift an this
muter is WO !
4. The City U=Wr het a meeting in regerd to canwnity
b br Ma t l and Mile an Pmrks. Ibis matter elan
discussed its dqpft at the time of the t of the
jusubw of the Regular wing of :_r C—,.y Council, 4,/13/67
a- ----------------------------
g- i yNam
rhe Director summerized his repart of BqAssber 18th.
D. RMP= (W C presented by the Director of Public
1. St. JudeChureb; SR corner McClellan and Stelling Roads.
Upon recamM, tion of th,t; Director of Public Varkep it was roved
Stakes,by 0ounc.seconded by Come. Dempster, Resolutiontoadopt
1b. 156, final plans for,the eet f the BE corner
of Stalling awl YACIellan Roads.
Ate: Counc. Dempster,, Johnsor, Stokes, Fitzgerald
Coon.. Noel
Motion carried, 4-0
Upon rep ion of the Director of Public it was moved
by Counc. Dempsters seconded by Counc. Stakes., to adopt Resolution
No. 1507, authorizing execution of an agreement by the XBror and the
City Clerk.
AYES: Counc. Dempster., Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
NAYS: None
Counc. Noel
K tion carried, 4-0
The Director of Public Works then reviewed the staff report relating
to improvement of a small portion of Voss Avenue, west of Foothill
Blvd., as requested by the City Council. This can be accomplished
an a temporary basis at a cost of $600 or as permanent streeting for
1500. In answer to the City s question, the Director of
Public Works confirmed the possibility of tearing up a portion of
this street in the future when utilities are put in.
Counc. Stokes noted that it may be sacral years before this park
property is developed. It was his recommendation to use base rock
and hot mix on top rather than just installing cold mix on .top of
base rock because there would be the edditiaeal cost for repairs
on top of the initial outlay of $600.
In answer to Caunc. Johnson's question, the Director of Public Vb2lw
said that it might have to be trenched in the future. Another factor
is that if the church property develops, we wan't nerd this itaaess.
mutes of the Regular Nbeting of the City Council' 9/18/67
On the basis d the above discussion, the staff was instructed to
discus* the nattiar with 1&. Nmmzd Ruth in regard to participation
In the off-sift hunts because s,oU t is will be
44w an t of his siei.sion.
lowed by Come. Stdoss, seem-A by Coum. Jdhnson., to have the
Director ou' bole Works contact W. Howard Ruth and reflect the
feeliqp of the Coil and to ash if be is ®enable to participw.
Lion in the conaftmetion of the permnent street.
AYES: Cam. Despeter, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
Ate': Comm. Noel.
Nation carried, 4-0
1. Progress seems to be developing in the Produce Market sign
situation. The City Attorney and Chief Building Inspector
asked for continuance of this matter for two weeks.
2. Resolution No. 1381-41, a Resolution of Intention, regarding
De Anza Project 66-1, was introduced by the City Attorney.
Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt
Resolution No. 1381-41, sewting it for Public Hearing on Tuesday,
October 24, 1967, at 8 P.M
AYES: Conn. Darter, Johnsen, Stokes, Fitzgerald
NAYS: gone
ABSENT: Comc. Noel
Bbtion carried, 4-0
Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Johnson to set the
Hearing for appeal of application 20-U-67 for Tuesday,
October 24, 1967.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
NAYS: None
ABSZNT: Count. Noel
Motion carriedY 4-0
3. The City Attorney introduced ordinance 374, establishing
the speed livit of 45 MPH for a portion of Wolfe Road
fyros Somestead Road to Stevens Creek Blvd.
ninown or the Beigular meeting of tm C'T,, 1 -:,zacil, g,..,., %i f
by etc. jeqWtww9 secoM d by Come. Johnson, to Mwt
AM: Cow. ftopeterr Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
Come. sl
Mo6ite corrieds, 4-0
4. The City AttoraW introduced Ordinance No. 375, establishing
the $pad liaait on Bteaeas Creels Blvd.,, from the western .
City Limits to Blaney Avenue at 35 ON and Boat Blaney
Avenue to the easterly boundary of the City at 45 WE. c
Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johanson, to enact
Ordinance 375, upon First Reading.
AYE: Counc. Dengeter,, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
NAYS: bone
Counc. Noel
Motion carried, 4-O
E. &TORT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR -- Nothing further.
1. The Director stated the contract documents for Nilson and
Portal Pars are in the hands of the City Clerk, and
ground breaking would take place the following day. He
invited the Councilmen to take part in the ceremonies.
Mrs. Mimi Slater, of the Planning Department had prepared
designs for two possibilities for the community buildings
to be placed on Wilson and Portal Parks. They were placed
on the bulletin boarA, one with a shake roof and the other
similar to the De Anza College architecture. Discussion
The Parks Director felt it would be better to have the restroome
and commmity buildings compatible.
Mayor Fitzgerald asked about th:a cost of the buildings. Mrs. Slater
said she had no figures as yet, but structurally, her proposals
were such less expensive to construct than that used by the
park architect. The Chief Building Inspector noted the multipurpose
building was quoted by the architect at $35 per sq. ft. He did soate
cheeping and cam up with a figure of $2000 for all limber and steel.
liiates of ..ate F!egular Meeting of the-City-Council, 9/18/67 -
Cc.-c. Stokes felt that by constructing the very same building on
both sites, a substantial savings would result. Be felt the build-
ings should be compatible, but he did not think the Council should
st x-; redesiguinf the restrooms of both parka. . .it is too late for
that; it would result in a delay of completion of the parks.
the Iftyor called for a recess at 10:25; the meeting reconvened at
May3r Fitzgerald asked if we are going to build these buildings
o,.L-selves or put them out to bid. Counc. Stokes felt they should
be zt out to bid.
C,a=. Johnson asked if it was the Council's feeling that we could
ge community buildings on both sites for $13,000, total. Counc.
Stckes felt the need for community buildings on both sites was there,
and further felt we could get larger, identical buildings at much
le_= per square foot than quoted by the architect.
M;:r Fitzgerald asked the staff to study this further as to
czzar:a_ibility of the building on each park and the cost breakdown.
Johnson would like to kr.,Yw whether it is feasible for the
o construct these 1000 sc. ft. buildings; the City of Los
s constructed their own corporation yard buildings. The City
N.azazer said this is :mover $2,500; therefore, it must first go out
L: `_ d, which is very time-consuming. This fact was confirmed by
the _ity Attorney,
Cc-_._. Stokes felt the flat roof construction should be used the restro,m -tuilding for Wilson Park has been designed
a:_ =.roved and fur':er, t?;' the cheapest style. Counc.
Der._ er was opposed this chinking. Much money is being spent
e development of : ur parks and the quality of the community
should not detract from the overall quality of the parks.
Mrs:. Slater did not "relieve a recreation center design si:ould be
de-_:-mined by the design of a restroom.
Dempster move; to accept the shake roof design, if the
r_-s are compatible to building it. This motion was not seconded.
Mz ei by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to 'have the
shake roof design brc:ght in with the Portal restroom; with cost
The s&r,e type of floor plan is to be used for the recrea-
tc_ center in Wilson Park and roof design to be compatible with
t}a_ on the restroom, similar to that on City Hall.
of the Regaiar M-eti:a, ---' li uncil, 9/18/67
Comc. StoMd fait t°!mV, aboaid arrive at one roof design for both
bullfilApt Ws d :Luto the motion by
AM: Owme- DOWister, Jobneon, Stakes, F°itsg avid
lotion euvIedo 4-e
G. EZFWT OF D=W= Cir RAMW -- Notbift ftrtbw.
1. In addition to his written report the Finance Director
asked for adoption of Resolution 471 C (2), for the inclu-
sion of the position title Crossing Guard, which had been _.
omitted froze the resolution establishing titles and pI
So stead by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson.
AYES: Counc. DoWster, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
HAYS: None
Counc. Noel
Xoticn carried, 4-0
A. it has been brought to the attention of the City Manager that one
member of the Library Commission has missed most of the meetings
since being appointed, and the Commission asked for a replace-
Moved by Counc. DenpxUr,, seconded by Nbyor Fitzgerald, to forward a
letter to the person in question, asking for her resignation.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
MM: None
Counc. Noel
latior. carried, 4-0
011 Rummmmusom On
Wautes of the Rqptlar Nw-MUngof the City Council, 9/18/6T
B. The Assistant Planner )*as been offered another position at a
higber rite or pW. The City Manager commended the Assistant
Planaw's east and recommended his pay be raised to $T84 per,
So moved by Coune. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Dempster.
AYES: Counc. DampaUr, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
RAYS: alone
Counc. goal
Motion carried, 4-0
C. Attention vas directed to the vacancy on the Library Coarlesion.
loved by Count. Stokes, seconded by Counc. ,Johnson, that the
Recreation Commission vacancy and probably Library Commission
vacancy be noted in the newspapers.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Counc. No:l
Motion carried, 4-0
XI M BUSINESS--There was none.
Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adjourn
the meeting at 11:05 P.M.
Ls/ Jerry Fitzgerald
s/ Ym. E. order
City Clerk