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CC 08-21-67
2MMIdnie Avenue, lw, T OM4 mkm: CIT ! 81 CvpzR !' IS ® to to 6M 001M v AIMM 06 IW ftog ato F.iL I mm im am CALL Cie. present: Duffosterp JON08014 heel, stdmt Come. absent: Now present:fterr City Mhomwri, lfll ®tom MY Sm Andwson City CIm&9 WU Rpder DIrector or AMU Saks, Fri FImW Krwtw or Adds !amr!n Cif ambamp so Emp* 8 Jet putm Mier Smildift Sill momwich Assiwsmt der, Jia grin Recardift sIola UNWas iXMM OF PBMOUS AMW 79 1967 Mmmd by Conk. del, secowded by Caerac. Stakes, to anvere the l8nutes of August a, 1 , as recaraed. AMM: Omm. _ Seel, Stakes, Fit BRIM: Agee Come. Dampater latiao 4-0 ago, Fitzgerald tvadmallm Harr Reins gains, a visitm trans Vienna, Austria, idw was vUIUM ble sister, MUd Blaterp at the Slamming IMMI . XW aM AND A. Letter' !kon W mim, des, Mwt4m it cannon action an Res So. 39, Fps at at. t fiat 6&1. Me City Attorney regumbed pendamia® to take trim up ]sir an tag ag"da. s o frM F&Wka Aqpftdated 25s IL , for emtim a 6-T-ft aid A— C. Letter l9tm the now&de t smrs, statics thou am NOMW of 00 fW Or aaA set of rl in sate 401ioded with the omcla of t sSNUM of ANgat AS IM thst Arm= the rsDOMAUWat rood sidl lfg2ot tivat Pd110 of the neat lvgcaw MU: coune. Dayster, idimsom, 30019 ftdms a ntqPread tore Motim® caffldbeds 5-® s Upon the advice Of fife City AttOrIM9 it was moved by Conic. ftakess seconded by O0IRIC. U0e19 to accept; the abonficumout of Use Permit #124U-67 and to ralemoet the applicant of OW reMPWIwdbIlIt7 is connectim Vitt it. Ate: 001111c. Der, Jahmson, toela Stokes, Fitzgerald IS: tone lotion s 5-0 CM CMGMCAi : A. Mr. Arlie Gilmore, 203Mloaders Drive, Cupertino, merle an oral ian and dommaded that his remarks be printed, voesbatin, In the minutes. ffie Nmww ruled that the time and PU was IWWP OF ate for the talking of ate action and that the tape recording of his rown2im would be sufficient. D. we. Caldsells Al Calde, Cupertino, said she'd had misgiviRw chant GMMZbW to the Pity of Cupertino, but had found the staff very we and helpful, and wanted to to an reed as such. C. llljmr N. A. Perhiess 1173.7 Regnort, Dosch cupertino, ammo edted the abaft of 32-U479 but raised a question evBs on the pimporty and the emnselve nier of horsas being bowdod on the property adjoinUM-sx63ect property. Se add people have limas InOwned that lessons will, eoertinne the 2~ Me City Attorney adrUM Vbmtv with the 0986 Hill,I of VW Vse fit, the Tuck to its prior roar. lamed by Cotmc. y. V meamded by Cask. Joboxei4 In vUw of statements ode by teddAst to instruct UO CW NWWr to arrive a letter to the efY ea:t h or Use PWadt bw ban aceWbed by the OMW CnncU; and the stars was to dbe& an the COU aid f' l" On suhaect yrqprty and advim it mW earreetive action to nmeW. come. DoWsters J'obmsan, Noel, ftobwq 1Pl None HatIm carried, 5-0 Loved by Come. Dempdars seconded by Come. Stakes, to receives the Witten C AYES: Counc. Dempster, Jobneon, Abel, Stokes, Fitmg"al,d NM: gone M tion carried, 5-0 I® A. better from Wilson, Jams, Morton & 16neh, wing Council action on Resolution so. l l-399 regarding De Awa, et al., Improvement District Project 66-2. The City Attorney reviewed Resolution 1381-39 and reca smended V" adoption. Moved by Counc. Stakess seconded by Comae. Dempster, to aft Resolution No. 13ft-39. A N: Counc. Dempstery Johnson, ltel, Stokes, fitr4prald NAYS: None Notice earriesd, 5-0 B. The City Engineer reported the: results of the perk bids, presenting a written report to the Councilam. In answer to Coune. Noel's qUeStIms the City Engineer said the law bid of 328,000 for cooggetlee of both parks was vltbta $238.00 of the architects' estImates. Parks Chairman Weefty regnsated a joint neetiM of the Parks omission and City Council, now that the bids acre in. The City Attorney aftimed the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder of tha bye b1ft and to negotiate On the -ark uni^ 8. y Come.&wed by leaq Wmaded by Cam. ftobw., to bm the Cites MWIDOW to the bsft bids glee possible cabingttmS of vffits to us vaftous poewbMues of imer bids am that h 8640d to be *Mc end and to reowt baft Utar in the mWtft. AM Come. Delpfterso MWwmsl, sjj t bW a. s by s thr th® city s to put this Qftfta mater *Tar to tho ed at tie meftft. AM; Cam.MUISM,ftafteg Pl RIM: am Notion s V A. ROM tW Seen MWutw of AvCst 14, 107) Mailman BRUmmth reviewed the actin® taken by the Flooning Cc®ds- sion at their meeting of August 34, 1967. 1. Nellie XWarak (20.9"7)s Tentative lkp, '103 3 one acre located was side of ikaut Crest Rive at south egad. Appov+ed by Planning Ca mission Read2ution No. 4410 August 249, 1967. Mr. Neil Chase, reprosen am the applicant, explained the decision of the Planning Ca minsien leases them in a sort of qwmfty because of the condition stipulating the grade of the road cannot emceed 17%. He said t1W are 175' frm the nearest fire hpdront. He stated that the Fire Marshal told him their reason for l t. ing the grade not to emceed 17% was because with a grade in smogs of that the hose has a tendency to fall Off the track. The Director of Public Barks said he, too, checked with the lire Marshal and verified) this reas a. In the case of a lot aglit, the City has control Over matters rich as this thrums the 8ubdirisi Ordinance. go advised that tde mars grade should be not more than 17%, but that if only owe house was built on the property, no such condition could be isposed. Chairman Nuthenoth ccmmhd that he did not believe two houses could be put up there safely. Mr. Chose said that in tkie Prospect Rill suWirisia® the main has a 26% grade. He said the r.'Lre Marshal'a CMOs but will serve a grade. 4° Me Ohief Bullftft Inspector said the prft=7 conum of the Dire Department Ito fl&t a possible Sire hwo sd be saw fpsw the PowMY of install#ft a dry staid y5pe. the tre1ble ith tun is UM it 12 a 2*t`ir ovw from the QnM it his TSM7 liMOR &ON1020 oII a VOUC street. Come. Btaken notO 00 Ir the IM11cwt had wt wjUt the l+t tft SM& cw2d 316,4006mr. We are non talkhe dkot tva lots, wt a whole I re ELVANAM. Xwed by O'er. ftofteaq by ftme. DuMstars tbare Is Just am MMU PCrUM or the road the t mW hme to be as mob as a s that gp9l.iration 20-M-67 be Switeds subject to the review of thm gmdlng Plans by the Director of Pbblic Irclxtce before nbegins. AM: Come. Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Stokes, FItzgerald MM: None Notion dried, 5-0 Mr- Walter Ward, Valle* Pawk general Manager, asked if applications 16-"7 w-67 cortad be considered together since they pertained to the soots property. So moved by Coune. Dempster, seconded by come. johmun. MEB: Counc. meter, Jobnson, Noel, Stokes, ritsgerald MYs: None 10oticn carried, 5-0 2. ®all.co Park (164 7): Use Permit for electronics facility, located east side of Tantau Avenue between Ramewtmd and Proneridge, tear 4 acres. ApDroved by Flmning Coomission Resolution No. % August A. 1967. UNN tiffi asa S. IMMM OF iJM AHCE03=aM AIND sib ApawAL 1. Application 7, V&Uco Park, P.O. unwer v, cupertino, requestiM Arefttectural amd Site Apprawa to eaostruct a 9500 sq. f t. bul2atag for NlcaaLwe Researabl, Sta lo emt and the east side of Tantan ems, 5001 south o6 Nomesterl. Road. 4SagpMMMwtodIMi WwoMai ,tj,SstmsuppotamAm61tPoome -ass =aam jaiozwrkmodhvawjoswrsasft 91=T*TE/T-£EOMA: TMSOUND °W Ppzwqunarmso ® vwwvlam& Aii T8BUMTWM4MMVPJWSWJOtry -, PVWWkOWw 64MOTM6VU6AOrTlAL6640=MCWMMOJK 019-a-:wuojpVoTtdib DTIwg4yToeq% looanaqpuIUNUToW J*T96vMvAvP, sputumsee) w=jea%= as" `ASjAWMVrpoMA' ToMMoo04ate 2=nATisftou -==U . dnvdo4Suppoa+ aqsawo=mjofaTApezv L96TdfaWIRMWs °05w-,-= an" sonsea& 13o EanwT Q • 4pmd ®3AV-i-L) MIMUM '1 WGVERMJDZWM4 ownz vtonwinu6vM 9*11 4 ` Akfop*m WOMMMMvMJDMewA 08vasgsoPar eqTTWiQVIRPM Mvaultsm =TMwMswoomas °44 aj if the applicant voald have bow a roof SW and a pole slop if this fteeption is grauted. W. Chame said the did act my furthw signs if the pole OW Is grafted. So said the remon ltsr is that a 5' : 5' r O a , a+et bay' tack fl+aaa the maynt traffle lane, fbr tax type boWnsmer s r®a hU4hUp ffiif.,.t dGVO10p# With dhe or eftecaut Wojwt:Lemp but t did no": am 16020 Oft eidsW at this time q is not bniJLt yet* Parthert at gwtlm heft 1t3 am fto Ordinanceis the mmlt or a coqprngime fkaa even am* rigid seqnUmments that 1J Proposed- WeChumerelt that a balldift an the frou#i property line Frith a 3C' NO roof s1V is lms desirable than a building set ba+A 65' with a smell pale sign oast in fron to identifY the business. In answer to Caws:. l's question, the Chief BulldW IOdPeetoar's qpzdm was that there im n0 bardship in this Case. Moved by Cow. Dmqprtw to qwm application 2934W47. !lotion died for lade of a second. Cbmirmem Irwin said Ceapertim alrea4y has a car wash without a pole sop, which is vaell. bidden behind Oemog this Gaut is asklig for a pole sign is an area that is well travelled. Moved by Counc. seconded by Comnc. Johneon, to approve the Minutes of tt! Architectural and Site Approve,! Cossrittee of Avgmt 9 and 16, 1967, with the e=eption of application 283-W,67. AM: Counc. Johnson, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald NAT.'--. Counc. Dempater lotion carried, 4-1 YX lOIWC ZLanm ire vane nome. V3a 01MMMUM A® RSSaVM= F(M ADO)OTION A. Ordinance No. 370: Remonim 12y-q/" 7) f Agricultural- Residential,, a 15,000 sq. ft. lots ILL-15J. tely one arse, locates east side of Moon Crest Drive. (Second 7- by. Rtd"s secotdOld by Come. Boat to hms Ordlummes ft. M rid title only and the the NWw I reertift eourtitste Me &Momd Reading. Amp: Ovow. 7 Mar 71tsmarim ROOM awls to eft QFMMMW e 370. s JOhWMq N0619 ftd=v Fitspreld None Ome. Davater M curladv s. MAInEmm No. 371: RommIng (L3-"7) from Residentlals 209000 sq. ft. lots Rl•10) to Residential, sis6le-fMil7, 7,500 seg. ft. lots M-7.5). A roodmately 37 acres, located s uft of iiffigoro Barra PreemW and east of pm9med Rhryr Aveme aztenalm. (Second Reading) Mbved by Come. 8takeg, seconded by Conic. Noel, to have Ordinum 1b. 371 read b9 title only and that the I1ey w's reading constitute the Coeac. Joh:asQRp 30019 s, Fitzgerald SM: Name Count. Dempster notion c 4-0 Mb db Come. Stokes, byCounc. Noel, to matt Ordi=mce AMD: Coanc. Jobneo®, lval, ®tomes, Fit:.gerald Rme Come. DempstoGr Notion carried,, 4-0 C. Ordinance No. 369: of certain contiguous uninhabited tOrritorr des Sam to the City of Cupertino. Reading) P Moved by. i7omc. Stakes, seconded by Mama. NwIs to bm prdina=s Yz. 36- read by tide only and that the WWW to constitute the Second beading. AME: C'omme. Jobwout 20019 Btdtesg Fit lone DempsterCome. Notlion iedg 4-0 Novad IW Stakeet seconded by Conn. N6919 to Ordinance No. . AM: Conn. J foals Stokess, Fitzgerald Now1 AWW: Oeme• Dempster NWw Yusgauld caliAd For a recess at 10:05 P.M. The meeting reconvened at10:20PJL VIn PATM BILLS A. elution No. IW and lkM Hasolutics No. Ih87 me read by Treasurer Stokes. movedove te Coin. Noe , by Cunsc. Dempster, to mda pt Resolution No. 1487. AME: Come. Dempsters Jdhnsanq Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald some motion carried, 5-0 Blution No. JWW aam need by Treasurer Stokes. Wwred by Counc. Damlater, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Bssolution No. AN. AMM: Cogw.. Dempster, Jobnson, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald None M tlar carried, 5-0 Ix law= Ot CMCES A. RKPOT OF CM INWASUM Ib bad nothing fwtbw to report. 9- H. MMT Cy CrrY XkNAGN A» the City Nm=WW eat not in full becUd with the Agrealamt drum up by t2ft MW or BWWVMU in raWd to the A N&NOWUM ANd dUd Mmly AV0008. NOW Moved by 9kageftwit oec=W by tome. X004 to to City Mwftw to 00 46M AgrOmmIent. AM: Come-Noel, ritIVIOMM None notion 5-0 E. In accordinew tfth I=LTwtioms from the Cite: OatumlIq the City to time Ban Jogs City rha Gino Cif Clouncals feelings in regard to !lmture ammexations. doved by Counc.+.-htohs» , s by Come. I oell, to tabs' tno's positiael on thiZ W TAcAa 149enCY Y OrIVAiGM CIDIEN10181=1 at ANAL their nw regular neatim. ASS: Come. Deqprter, Jabnson,, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald AM: Name Notion varied, 5-0 Counc. Dempster requawted the City Manager to contact all the Coesesil- m en and Mr. Warner iiil..au, who is a former member of this Commilasicas the nit before this mating. 3. De An" Junior Coll%* is openix49 its doors on SePtmber alt'h- The City Manager suMested some sort of ere sight be in order t--,4 offered his services to promote Was, according to the Ciaza:cil's wishes. Comc. DiMster suggested wov*ing something out in c=Junctim pith VP Do Anna's Open House. 4. TrjW County Library fission recommended to the Board of Siperrisors that it ca®ence work toward the getting of a my and larger library in Cupertino. ' Rived by CouncPftaiww,, seconded by Couna. Dew tom, that the City Heafter be i ma.aructed to give ail possible asei.'.stame $a the preparation of this contract and that a meeting be set up as mon as possible to gent this library matter under way. AXIS: Come. Dempster„ Jabamm# Noel, Stakes, fit S: Haas Motion carried., 5-0 VIP 3r0- 1 C. DEPOW W DT:MVIS CW MU= VWM 1. lie rVriand WS WORan =Wu-t of 8/32/671, csUft a t t t s tDs of the rAlwast of Ow tine 42r4w ems fie. 0=086MV ftd., stakno MRSOM am Mae urtim 2. In sUlticis to NU t, the tbd 1W ftwft Me asprowed a swrKee ntxU= at tie 0 MISIMP or 23.vd. and ftotWU Wbr& ash that tbly vim gbw 6 Ismas ad wft dwed eeitth Is l t2lers. as this dU to Mnmd to the Cite of Cowne. Stakes fill wft 96M effitD the tMnklft tUt tMs an be 6 tO It 1sr11s® sMINK =uld 29w 'to take this up %iti the ftememw Commie. by Cmw. ftmakess amended by Coutc. Jcbwmv Ust MA l ® ofthU Witter L befere tin C tte e, In `iw or the that this is a Part or the i BM: Coaae. DasMa ,. Noel, Dtobeas ntXSWald MAIM am 5-0 3. M Dlir:xter a 2atter fro. W. Goode2l,, of the Premant Saboal BlArlats 9a regard to aldwalks alang stir graft ffi d. D. asp= ®r Ciff 1. !fit lb. 4306s, Manot Cyst Drive. fMINOWWAGG of the City MWUMers, it um moved by Come• by Come. mil, to adept Ruautlw- FO- 2Wq aemptiNg 60ftelaft Mood wd iea., 4om Jams D. ;NatftmJ4 at 62. ME: Come. DavpnUws Jdknmmg Meell, dtoi:es, Fitzgerald AM: awe 2. Tract No. 4341, east side of Babb Road at Presidio Drive. Ank recommendatIon of the C11W it was moved by Conan. Vespiter, seconded by Come. Jchnsm, to adopt Resolution Ho. 1491, AW.-emling Pines Mpg eft-,ftuct No. 4341; City Engineer to sign after ,spWival by Capertim Sanitary District. Coon. Dempster, Jobasm, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald Jone Motion cater, 5-0 3. Speedy Mart, Bubb good at:, Presidio Drive. Upon reconsendation of the City sneer, it was moved by Coin_. Dempstear, seconded by Counc. Jail son, to adopt Resolution No. 1492, aeceptirag nmdvay dedication trom Hugh J. Jackson, et ux. AYES: Co%.mc,. Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 Upon recommendation of the City Engineer, it vas moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolution No. 1493, approvir4; Final Plans for the improvement of the east side of Dubb Road at Presidio Drive. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 Upon recommendation of the -City Engineer, it vas moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to auiopt Resolution No. 1494, authorizing execution of an agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Jot=son, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 4. Greedvood Court, egu,t side of Blaney Avenue at Freeway. Upon recommendation of the City Engineer, it vas moved by Coimc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolution No. 1490, accepting storm drain easement from Goodvin Steinberg, et al. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Jobinstm, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 12- E sREP= O CT f'C 1. 7tt CLIF AttorW, read LtSency Ord1mume No. 002(q). Moved by ssecaided by Come. Zbels to enset Ordingnm No. Dia a drge vlth t he s fh3S ftm our Js t sew tmv 2dwa smsaft Rio U CUPORIWO, wa at an tiWs ai ar 2a VmAftft =Up tit a a. a ton was elfter am or an etftr so Reememy. f. Me P 000P 3} ttis comom wo stufted Smdor to that. Me VilectOr fat thA it one inereamed ow standuft for @ood ressong it abould 4qnft to Be sold we do need the Come. Dempatitr ash for an en&Wds of Un I waft Qt the fad bra 2 pWsft .Mpacm per ftnWag wAt versus 1 w--unit. AME: DamW-ws Jo coons, Doal.s Stakest FI NAYS: Noce Motion earrieds 5-0 F. WRW Cr 1. The Inspector read a the DORTUNNIS oi° Nowelft and Cavity Devet for an mgm asi c it bgr this CownVIL that the Building Codes of Capertlaa 9we 09=1 to or befter than state requirements. Marred by ire. Dempster, seconded by Come. Noels to aasWAisa the Morw to sign sueh a statement. AYW: Coen. D®Paterg Jobnaons SWI,, SUOSS9 NM: None Nation earrieds 5-0 G. FJOW CW SHWUN DIRMCM 1. at CoLUns Schwl vas cbaqpd frca iaesdews 22ad to s Awgut ght&. f, N. RUOIT OF DTF_' W 3 me CwAmcd2amw Oncepresent" with copies of a land use map. M l Y. HOW or CMff DIFAMM s, 1. A fbr s f Race at the agaml 7UM to IPW fbr the fbr-the sty HM. IMB aftiNd had =A been Mama $e' at tw t1w the mw had It be= lac2nded its ada Vvirse TO IOPI Me amount as requested, owed by Cam. Daffoatery feconw by ovum. auaft. S Came,-9 SM19 OWkft g Fltqpmld DEB: Xte Notion pried, 5-0 2. As of interest an time d9wits by Crodker- 2tiee= 2wk In the t of $1,3 •7r.! vas discovered duln = sit of the City°s books, and a request vas side for the retwu of this ®oust. No moved by Oome. Stcbees seconMd by Counc. Dempster. ALBS Cam. unwater, Jahason, Noel, Stokes, yitsgeraad Mat1on carried, 5-0 3. A peW©mt for serwiaw, under Nesolwtion No. 9e5-27 Froject 64-1) in the meant of $7tgO1.01 was requested by Georlp S. Nolte. Be moved by Come. Demrster,, seeded by Couw. goal. AM: Conic. DaMster., Johnsen, Noel, Stokes, lit Wald Nis: None Olden edt 5-0 h. A rftwo6t hW-baW-M%'b the Cite; MgInew for a partW rated of $92,4&.00 to Reynold Watson for suiw ciplo imwoM iftch hwe been com1 . So sad by Cow. D=VAwg seccaded by Come. Johnson. M: Comes Vsqpsbws Jdanon, Noel, Stakes, ti Nye MMm 5-0 F 5. A cl,-Om been oiled against the City by 3 twd Nadforrow for , -eft fair an alleged injury amdalmd m Bqpmrt Bond an Jfte 6. an TaemW,ltis $sop AN to 8:00 no as &URV Gerson Cate, fdr Ow serereadow neectim. Y A. Coane:. Dmpftw afted that his alternate afteM the &A-M4YiW"aws OmIttee zeettft became of a conflict with ble other commit- tee nsetir4s.s oFftered to take baataft Us former p1me an this coadftee. Uned by Count. Daqpftws seconded by Count. RwIq to reappoint 0ount. Stakes to the CWWB Committee. AYE: done. Jdbmm,, Dempster, Noel, Fit ww"ba Cow=. Stdhex Matim carried, 4-0 B. Cmaac. Stokes armed for a staff report on the as which were to brave beenmade at Stevens Creek Garden Center. C. ant. Stones asked for a staff report, on the required fance at the Mobil service statical at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Best Betates Drive. D. The Director of Public Works raped attention of the Councilman to the temporwy Installation of the 7.mw smokers. If satis- factory, they win be permanently metalled in the Council Cher. fhe ComnalAama were in agreement with this. B. Ctmnt. Stokes nated tbwt Stevens O-eek Bled. street improve- ments have r'-3w been co upleted to R•ighveq 85 and .eqaested an engineers' report as to the feasibility of raisin the apoed limit on €ztevens Creek Blvd. .nd am Wolfe Road to 45 NN. AM S: Count%, DeIIJW4AW, Johnson, Noel, Itches. ntrger+cal d NAM: hone Xbtim carried, 5-0 V1 my WSINESS Department of Housing and Community Development, rewarding local building regulations. This natter vw taken cam of under the Chief Building Inspector's report. B. The Council resumed discussion of the park develogssat bids. XDwed b3• Come. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to accept the base bids on Wilson Park and Portal Park, as submitted by Bleily and Collishaw. Ate: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Heel, Stokes, Fitzgerald NAYS: Hone Motion carried, 5-0 be Join teeing of the City Council and Parks Commission vas set W n__6th The staff vacs {not.---- sa to have maintena-:e figures ready so they could be considered with the discussi=— vhich vork units vould be accepted. Y - A JOURNIC-E " loved by Johnson, seconded by Counc. Dempster, to adjourn he meet=_ :_ 7:30 P.M. , Tuesday, August 29th. Meeting adjourned at 11:3 =.`!. Motion carried, 5-0 APPROVED: s1 Jeri Fitzgerald Mayor, City of Cupertino ATT'.. s/ ift. E. Ryier I City Clerk f 16-