CC Resolution No. 8082 RESOI1Jl'ION NO. 8082 A RESOIImON OF THE CITY CXXJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ctJ~J:;t(l'.LÑO AOOPI'ING PROCE'SS FOR GRANI'ING FIIM PERMITS WHEREAS, in 1988, the California Legislature approved Assembly Bill 4680 requirin;J the California FillII camnission to develop and adopt a model process for grantin;J film permits; and WHEREAS, each city is required to adopt the model process; MOO, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the city Council of the city of CUpertino hereby adopts the Model Filming Permit Process, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED that the Canummity Relations Officer be designated the individual to work direct1y with the film industry and that the Director of Cammmity Development be named alternate designee. PASSED AND AOOP!'ED at a regular meetin;J of the City of CUpertino this 2nd day of April followin;J vote Vote Members of the city Council city Council of the , 1990 by the AYES: Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo, Rogers NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATrFST: APPROVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Barbara A. Rogers Mayor, City of CUpertino · f Sf"'E Of CAlIfOltNLA-aJSINf~. f'lAN5I'C:IafAf1C)N AND H()UIS.IHO AG&ICY GKJ tGf D!UI<M!JIAN, 0.- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE @ CAUFotNlA "lM COM MISSION .-22 1tOU'/WOOO IIVI>. sum _ HOl,iwooo. c..¡IPOI..... 90021 1213) m2465 The Model Filming Permit Process 1. The city/county must designate one individual to work directly with the film industry. An alternate designee .ust also be named, in case the designee is unavailable to process the permit. 2. The designee shall work cooperatively and responsively with the industry. 3. Permit application information is to be given by the production company to the city/county by telephone, unless the company representative prefers to file the application in person. 4. The designee shall expedite the permit process by coordinating all city/county department reviews and approvals. 5. The permit shall be issued with the following maximum time requirements: 2 working days for approval and issuance of a "normal" permit; 4 working days for traffic control which exceeds 3 minutes, stunts or special effects; 10 working days for road closures. 6. Unlimited·~ermit "riders" (a written attachment to the permit that accommodates minor changes) shall be used. However, a permit cannot be extended or amended by rider after the completion of the filming activity. 7. If other non-city/county agencies have jurisdiction, the designee shall notify such overlapping jurisdictions and shall inform the permittee in writing on the permit. 8. Permit fees or permit application fees shall not exceed the actual cost of issuing the permit. 9. 8usiness license fees shall not be collected when city/county location use fees are being charged. 10. Each city/county shall use the standardized permit application form attached. 11. Each city/county shall use the standardized insurance form attached. 12. The designee shall establish a cancellation fee which is a portion of the permit cost, and which .ay be applied if the production company cancels the permit after 3:00 pm the last working day before the scheduled shoot. 13. Each city/county shall require the production company to have a copy of the permit on-site at all times. "EXHIBIT A" .. '. rc:..£:· \..'.1. =-....' J.I._;' I,..P"'IL r¡L.I'; I..UtII IJ='='IL,.lli fC'l rl...··· ..:' PHOTOGRAPHY/FILMING PERMIT . . Dale: Permit 1/. COlf1lany: Projecl Tnle: rroducl ion 1 ype: location Mal\ðger: Production M3nager: Address: PhOne: OCher COnlac\: D81t T1me Location and Activity FIClS' . , . .- ·FoImoÇon.1rVCllS1rike To\81 Per¡onnel: To18' Vehlclu/Equlp.: Generator: Call: Trucks: Molorhomes: Other: Special Elfec:ts Permit II: license II Pylglechnic:s: p)'rolechnlclan: Police requIred: Fire required: Other required: Approvals: Police Other provisions: This permll fills! be cancened by personntll allda. Fife OCher Auåchments: or permUlee win charged approximately for In5UI'lnce Corrpany: Explralion Dale: p.rmlllee agrees 10 alllhe terms and condnlons ollhis permlllnclucfmg provisions on the reverse side 01 lhis 10m¡ and any 8\1achmenls. Company Represen,a,ive .._ "__" ____--- _ Represt>nlallve 01'_._ - ------ - '~' . . , , ~ . " . ' . ,,,~ . ~ . '. ::~, ':. GENERAL LIABILITY SJ?ijCIAl' Ê ' ÒORSEMEtnÛ:~ "', '"" " _ ,}.'.t",:" J"t .: "'.....~_~: ",. -t': ~~ 1 \, _110. 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