CC Resolution No. 8152 RESOWl'ION NO, 8152 A RESOWl'ION OF THE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERI'INO SElTING DATE FOR CXJNSIDERATION OF ANNEXING AREA DESIGNATED "I.CJonTA AVENUE 90-07", PROPERl'Y IOCATED ON 'IHE S<XJIH SIDE OF I.CJonTA AVENUE BElWEEN BYRNE AVENUE AND ORANGE AVENUE; APPROXIMATELY ,15 AæE, URRITIA (Am 357-15-09) WHEREAS, the City Council of the city of CUpertino has received a request for annexation of territo:ry designated "IDInita Avenue 90-07" from property owner, KUrt Randall Urritia; and WHEREAS, the property, 0.25± acre on the south side of IDInita Avenue between Byrne Avenue and Oran3'e street (Am 357-15-09) is contiguous to the City of CUpertino and is within its urlJan service area: and WHEREAS, annexation would provide for use of City services; and WHEREAS, this territo:ry is uninhabited and was prezoned on June 4, 1984 to City of CUpertino Rl-7,5 zone; and WHEREAS, city of CUpertino, as Lead Agency for environmental review completed an initial study and granted a Negative Declaration for annexation; and WHEREAS, the County surveyor of Santa Clara County has found the map and description (Exhibits "A" and "B") to be in accordance with Government Code Section 56826, the 1:Jo\.1njaries to be definite and certain, and the proposal to be in compliance with IAFCX)'s road annexation policies; and WHEREAS, the fee set by the County of Santa Clara to cover staff costs for above certification has been paid; and WHEREAS, as provided in Government Code section 56826 the city Council of the City of CUpertino shall be conducting authority for a reorganization including an annexation to the City; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 56837 provides that if a petition for annexation is signed by all owners of land within the affected territo:ry the city Council may approve or disapprove the annexation without public hearin;J ; RESOWl'ION NO, 8152 NCM, 'IHEREF~, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the city of CUpertino hereby initiates annexation proceedings and will consider annexation of the territo:ry designated "Lamita Avenue 90-07" at their regular meeting of JUly 16, 1990, PASSED AND ADOPI'ED at City of CUpertino this following vote: Vote Members of the city Council a regular meeting of the city Council of the 18th day of June , 1990, by the AYES: Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo, Rogers NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATrFSr: APFHJVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Barbara A. Rogers Mayor, City of CUpertino .>. APN 351-15-09 ± . 2.5 c.creS -la.J LOM/TA AVE 8> ',,: lù . \D ;< ß <:: ~ Ie ~ a If c:¡ ; "ORANGE: 9 -2" "ALMADE 80-13// L _ _ ALMAe!~ A,!!._ I-f~ "EXHIBIT A" STEVENS CREEK BLVD \oj ~ ..J GRANADA .. ~ « 0: <{ ... HE.R"'OSA oc " 0- 0 i ~ ... LOMITA z cr Ii; ALMADEN SITE ~~~ FERNANDO LOCATION MAP SCALE 1"= 1000' OLIVE AVE 1 1 ~ ... la.ð PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ENTITLED "LOMITA 90-7 II 5/90 1"=100' (URRUTIA) , I£MITA AVENUE 90-7 (URRUl'IA) All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, state of California, nPre particularly described as follows: Begi.nnin;r at the northeast corner of Lot 80 as shown on that certain map entitled, ''Map of SUbdivision "A" Menta Vista" which map was filed for recxu:ù in the office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County on April 11, 1917 in Book "P" of Maps, Page 20; 'lhence South, 90,82 feet to a point bein;J alon;¡ that certain annexation to the City of a¡pertino entitled "AIMADEN 80-13"; 'lhence West, 50,00 feet alon;¡ said annexation "AIMADEN 80-13"; 'lhence N=th, 130,82 feet; 'lhence East, 155,15 feet to a point being alon;¡ that certain proposed annexation to the City of a¡pertino entitled "ORANGE 90-2"; 'lhence South, 40,00 feet alon;J proposed annexation "ORANGE 90-2" to a point being the nort;heast corner of Lot 79; 'lhence West, 105,15 feet to the Point of Begi.nnin;r, eontaininJ: 0,25 acres, m:re or less, APN: 357-15-09 "EXi'UBil B"