CC Resolution No. 8216 RESOIIJTION NO. 8216 A RESOIIJTION OF '!HE CI'I'Y CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CI'I'Y OF aJPERI'INO APPROVING 0JNl'RACl' CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR CHRISTENSEN DRIVE STREEI' IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECI' 90-108 RESOLVED by the city Council of the city of CUpertino, California, that ~e Order No.1 for chan:Jes to work which has been approved by the Director of Public Works and this day presented to this council, be, and it is hereby approved in conjunction with the project as CHRISTENSEN DRIVE STREEI' IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECl' 90-108 BE IT FURIHER RESOLVED that furxis are available and no further appropriation is necessaJ:Y. PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at City of CUpertino this 6th vote: a regular meetin;J of the City Council of the day of Aucrost , 1990, by the follOlr/in:¡' Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Koppel, Szabo, Rogers NOES: None ABSENT: Goldman, Sorensen ABS'I7üN: None A'ITEST: APPROVED: Isl Dorothv Cornelius City Clerk Isl Ba1:bara A. Rcc:rers Mayor, City of CUpertino