CC Resolution No. 8279 RFSOIDl'ION NO. 8279 A RFSOIDl'ION OF '!HE CITY <XXJNcn. OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERI'INO ADOPl'ING A CHIID CARE roLICY WHERFAS, the shortage of available, quality, safe, accessible and affordable child care has a negative ÍlIpact upon the excellence of life and econamic well being of the camm.mity; and WHEREAS, the City of CUpertino acknowledges the need to assure qualify, safe, accessible and affordable child care to children of all ages as an essential element of an environment that pram:rt:es and sustains family life in CUpertino; and WHEREAS, the City of CUpertino reoognizes that child care provides a vital link between family security and worker productivity from which children, adults, employees as well as the society at large benefit. NCM, 'lHEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED, it is the policy of the city of CUpertino to support and p1:C8oc.te affordable and quality child care services; and FURIHEIM)RE BE IT RFSOLVED, it is the policy of the City of CUpertino to facilitate the deliveJ:Y of child care services by: 1. Cammitting its resources and acting as a catalyst towards attaining the goal of readily accessible and affordable quality child care. 2. Review and coordinate activities of deparbnents within the City to facilitate the establishment of child care programs in the camm.mity. 3. Coordinate with local schcol districts, colleges, child care councils, child advocacy groups and child care providers to maximize utilization of existing resources. 4. Promote cooperative public and private partnerships in the development of child care projects. 5. Identify barriers to the ~ly of child care and develop strategies to reIOOVe these barriers. -1- RESOilll'ION NO. 8279 6. ReccJrnmem and support policies and legislation which build on family stren;Jth and meet the c::harqes and challenges of America's working families. PASSED AND ADOPI'ED at a regular meeting of the city Council of the City of CUpertino this l7th day of December , 1990 by the following vote: vote Members of the Citv Council AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATI'ESI': APPROVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of CUpertino -2-