CC Resolution No. 8309 RESOIIJl'Iœ NO. 8309 A RESOIIJl'Iœ OF 'ItIE CITY OXJNCIL OF 'ItIE CITY OF aJPERl'INO Slik'~.I.rIG TRUCK SAFEr1C WHEREAS, last year in the united states, 100,000 people \ær8 injured am 4,500 killed in traffic accidents involvin;J truc.ks: am WHEREAS, car passerçers are 32 times more liJœly to die in a car-truck collision than the driver of the rig: am WHEREAS, 76% of the truc.ks in truck-related accidents had broken, subs'taI'Dard or defective parts am 41% of them \ær8 so poorly maintained they \ær8 iJ......,.H"te1y ordered cut of service: am WHEREAS, 10I¥Jer cc:.mbination vehicles, such as "Twin 48s" (one truck carryin;J two 48 foot trailers) measurin;J more than one-t1ùxd the size of a football field am wiqhi.n;J as nuch as 134,000 pcœœ haVe accident rate as II1.Jch as 2-3 times that of stan:Jard truc.ks: am WHEREAS, the violent whip-like actions which occur when truc.ks rapidly chan;Je lanes is 3 1/2 times that of stan:Jard truc.ks: am WHEREAS, highway traffic safety am the prevention of accidents is of the ut:JooSt concem to all of us usin;J the highwaYS: NCM, ~~, BE IT RESOLVED that the National AssOCiation of Governor's Highway Safety Representatives am the OJpertino city council su¡;:p:>rt efforts that resist in:::reasin;J the size am wight of cc:mnercial trucks . PASSED AND AOOPrED at City of OJpertino this followin;J vote: a regular meetirg of the City council of the 7th day of January , 1991, by the vote AYES: Members of the City council Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, NOES: ABSENT: None Koppel ABSTAIN: None ATI'EST : APPROVED: Isl Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk Isl Nick Szabo Mayor, City of OJpertino Pro Tempore