CC Resolution No. 8334 RESOIlJI'ION NO. 8334 A RESOIlJI'ION OF THE Cl'I'Y CXXJNCIL OF THE Cl'I'Y OF CXJPERl']NO ACCE:Pl'ING A GRAN!' OF EASEMENT FOR ROArMAY RJRFOSES ~ !OBBY G. BELL AND RITA R. BELL, cx)NSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 0.03 ACRE, LOCATED EAST SIDE OF ORANGE AVENUE NORIH OF I.CMI'm AVENUE WHEREAS, Bobby G. Bell and Rita R. Bell have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway PUJ:poses which is in good and sufficient fonn granting to the City of CUpertino, easement aver certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of CUpertino, IIDre particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof which is as follows: All that certain property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, consisting of approximately 0.03 acre, located on the east side of 0ran;Je Avenue north of Ianita Avenue. NOW, 'IHEREF'ORI!:, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of CUpertino accepts said grant so ten:iered; am IT IS FURIHER RESOLVED that the city Clerk is hereby authorized to record said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED City of CUpertino this following vote: Vote Members of the Citv COImcil at a regular meeting of the City COImcil of the 19th day of February , 1991, by the AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel NOES: None ABSENI': None ABSTAIN: None APImVED: /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of CUpertino ATI'EST: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius city Clerk . .. - ",," ~ phan~t4Q8J2g7~~10~ LOUIS and '''"''' r -;..... "'r-<:: ~ "'-) oor .ro. l'r T" 0 l~ P ; I¡~ fj ,I ¡¡-i fJ,)J 11 ': ,)-,': ~\ ,\"", ,<",. .JJ...¡jI~ 'e l.1.J'~li~1:.:..~..:.l.LJ.. 5..;.;;.;;..L.\:'¡"'íJ 1" i 1~.~i n~! ~~r;i1' j . ~\: p , ¡ , '", ¡ ~ '; t : '778 N. First; St. San ..Jo::1eJ C¡1)a. 851'j 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR STREET DEDICATION FOR PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 614-27 Beginning. at the most North\'lesterly Corner of Parce1 2 as sho\m on Parcel Map recorded in Book 614 of Maps, at Page 27, Santa Clara County Records; thence running S 89 56' 57" E, a distance of 10.0 feet; thence running So lith, a distance of 91.0 feet to the beginning of a curve tot he left with a radius of 20.0 feet, a central angle of 90 03'03" and an arc length of 31.43 feet; thence running N 89 56' 57" VI, a distance of 30.0 feet; thnee runn i ng North, a distance of 111. 0 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1,196 Square Feet more or less. . . .... ~-. i! :: ; _ :., l: ~nt l"; &..i\ì.m~j ~ 3",;"" '"l " " 'I. ,U ~ i z .. .. ¡¡ !;i t: '" OJ: ... a <> a - 3nN3J\ V - 39N'rIHO -- ° ° Q ?£ I'- !.O !J) 10 . <n <0 :<:. , '" !Q Z 13JHì/d L6/ t7f9 Wd I<) ° bi'L 0°'" ..0 ~ 00-: 1:\ (¡)1') II \1 It ~ , , , I I I ! I .0£ I.t..J ::J. <: I.t..J :::,.. <:::( <::( 1- ~ o -.J <: o - I- 't U - a ltJ a I- l.!J Lu Cì: l- V) Cr:: o It.. l- e:( -J Q. :;: 1'-, !,00 ",0 I4)Ò 0.,1') <0 <: . tt g (J, . c:). ~, .,... 0 r- '" > g L ::c: ~ ~ (J 'i _ . 1 ~ ~ ~ II ~ ,...., , ~ P-I - 0 tJ.1 ~ ( -' " A ñ. : !-4 . , "d . ~ ,~ : C': tt ' , . (/) ~ ¡ -. - c . ;:J- Z ,.<> O :,c - . ~ ~~"''''~ - ," .....;;, , ' ,.-." ' . .. .... ~"ì' ,,'~~' ~.~.-~ ~ ~ "{ I- CiS :r: >< "kJ -, -<:> 1 J N ~ ...11 t't (3) - ~ 1 c; ~ l.i .¿ ... I- m <> « 0 (J) a --;) .... .... ~ ~.."',,"... ,~'~:j~ .:X:,~~ ¡ '.:~~ r;: . 1:'~::;¡a¡¡ c.·:-,,~;::~ '." ..:Ø' d:'.;.,.. ..,....~ --- ¡i..Ji...J """ ....