CC Resolution No. 8356 R!:IØ111'Iaf 10. 8356 e, A MSCUJl',IQf (II' 'BIB C1'1'Y aucIL (II' 'BIB C1'1'Y (II' ---~ JW'DIJRIZ1lG AAIIIoN~'.IAod (II' AN lI.oN:.oœNl' B!:1W!I!N 'BIB C1'1'Y (II' ~'.uI) »Ð '11IB Œ'JIGN næ (II' 1RE!ØfNf, 'lUG, »Ð lNuUf'IIZl æERDS, a IICCIIIt of ~ toe a pn1JainIŒy .,..i.gn ~ tar tba "Gran1 ~. pmjec:t bu »Mn)& T .tm to tba City 0::II.1nCi1 an:! Aid IICICIp8 ot ~ :1a ..:. ~",.h'.; an:! IØf .._._~, BE IT RI!:SŒNID that tba CiQl 0::II.1nCi1 autbarizM a" ~I.' _.......iat:1cn of $34,000 trail the c:.wral1'Un:1 to tund the at~ pn1J.a1nary ....~ IIbXIy an:! to autbarlze tba Directar of o=-mJ.QI DWel'~ It to -.:utII an .lIr .t with !1c'.........."', 'l\1nq, an:! Bat;taa1.IIy to ..,«£..... tba ~ ret...._.cecS in Aid seq. ofSCViœ8;;, . -,,,' PASSED »Ð AlA.rnu at a regular ~ of tba City cœncil,oftba City ot apart:ino t:h:1a 18th dæ¡ of March , 199117¡ tba fol1.olodn1 ' VCIta: mø;: vnIR~ OP IJ1fE C!tTY tT"I'N"'TT. AYES: Go1clllan, Soren..n. Rosers. Itoppe1 lOES: Subo ABSENl': Hone ABSTAIN: IIone APPRJYI!D: ~..~f ~. =~"i OF /" ~(J - ATI'ES'l': ~¿4'- Cl'lY c::r..mK '