CC Resolution No. 8357 RESOIlJI'ION NO. 8357 A RESOIlJI'ION OF THE Cl'I'Y CXXJNCIL OF THE Cl'I'Y OF aJPERl'INO RESCINDING RESOIlJI'ION NO. 8055 AND ESTABLISHING Rmæ GOVERNING REC:R1JI'IMENl', APEOINIMENT AND REAPJ:OINIMENT 'IO Cl'I'Y ADVISORY B:>DIES WHEREAS, the City CCmlcil of the City of CUpertino wishes to establish uniform terms and COTXlitions of office to advisory committees and commissions¡ and WHEREAS, there are within the City of CUpertino many citizens with talent, expertise and experieooe who wish to serve the Cl?"l"lnú.ty¡ and WHEREAS, the City CcI.1nCi1 believes it is inp:Irtant to provide these citizens the cwortunity to oontriJ::ute to their nnmml1rlity¡ New, ~\JRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City CCmlcil of the City of CUpertino establishes the fOllowing rules governing recruitment, a~intment am ~intment to City of CUpertino advisory bodies. A. RECRDI'lMEm' 1. '!'.Io m:nths before regular terms expire, or i1lll11OOñiately following receipt of a resignation, the Public Information Officer p.1blishes notice of vacancies in the C'I'lY'\Øri"4nn scene and newspapers am plts the information on cable TV. 2. '!'.Io deadlines are included in the notices. '!he ~lication period is exterDed for five days if an inc::umbent has not ~lied by the first p.1blished deadline. nn-ing the exterDed period only nonincumbents may apply. 3. Applications will be kept active for a maxiJm.un of one year after CCmlcil review. 4. 'Ihœe persons with ~lications on file are advised of the vacarcy by the City Clerk am may activate that awlication. '!he awlication is not reactivated autanatically. Upon receipt of the notice ,the awlicant m.JSt call the city Clerk's Office am state sjhe wishes to be considered. 5. An awlicant my file for a maxiJm.un of trNo ..........i ....ions at arr;¡ one application period. -1- RESOIlJI'ION roo 8357 6. A ~ of an adviscny body, having cœpleted trNo COI'ISacutlve terms, must wait C8'1e year before being eligible to I!RIly for the same nnmmi "'Sion or cxmnittee. 7. Notice of vacancies will be distributed by the City Clerk to the ct""mher of C'nmrnIo>'Ce, service organizations, am other organizations as app...VJ:ILiate with respect to the openings. 8. Notices of the vacancies will be posted in the City Clerk's office. 9. ~licatiCll foms will be available in the City Clerk's office and will be mailed with infonoation aba.rt: the openings upon request. 10. When the final deadline has l""e~ed, the City Clerk's Office will mail I!Rllicants the date, tiJDe and location of the interviews alon:¡ with samples questions to consider. 11. '!he City Clerk's Office will cc:py the I!Rllicant's materials for Ccunc:ilmambers. '!he material will also be available for p.¡blic review in the City Clerk's Office am the 0Jpertin0 Librazy. B. INTERVIEWS AND APR)INIMENI'S 1. After review of the I!Rllications am other material, arr;¡ additional question a ~i'-her wants to have asked will be forwarded to the Mayor prior to the meeting. FollCliMIp questions may be asked by other Counci '_hoors during the interviews. 2. All I!Rllicants shall be present in the roan when the meeting is called to order. '!he Mayor will then ~ the p3::0..-8 am ask that they leave the roan until it is tiJDe for their interview. '!his is cpt:ional as the meeting is p.¡blic. After the I!Rllicant is interviewoed, sjhe may choose to remain in the roan. 3. '!he order in which interviews are sd1edu1ed to take place will be det:emined by a c:lrawin] of names. '!his will be done in advance by the City Clerk. 4. :rntezviews are informal am usually last 5-10 minutes. Counci1members are looking for. (a) familiarity with the subject; (b) decision-making ability; (c) camnitment to the position I!RIlied for -2- · RESOIlJI'ION NO. 8357 5. A¡:p:>iubDeut will be made follCMing' a vote in p¡blic. Ballots will be distril:Art:ed, the Ccuncil"""".....rs will vote am sign the ballots. Votes will be al'1I1OOOOed by the City Clerk. 'n1e 111""...... of ballots will be det:e1:mined by the I'D"""""" of a~licants ani vacancies. (Guidelines for determining the 111""...... of ballots is attached Exhibit "A".) 6. FollCMing' appoill'bDe1.ts, all a~licants will be sent a letter and ~ications will be Jœpt for one year. 7. Presentation of Certificate of A¡:p:>ih1:JDelJt will be scheduled for the next Ccuncil meetin;J. c. GENERAL m:JVISIONS 1. If a vacarx:y occurs for an unexpired tAmn and interviews for appoiu~Jt to that adv!sozy body have been oooducted within the previous ninety days the unexpired tAmn may be filled fran those applications follCMing' the required posti.rq of the vacarx:y. 2. A "'""""'er shall be considered :reIIKJITed fran an adv!sozy body mœr the follCMing' ccrxiitions. (a) A """"....r 'IIIiat'es nDre than three oonsecutive meetings. (b) A ~ 'IIIia-es 25% of the body's meetings in a calemar year. In extraordinary circumstances the Ccunci1 cc:W.d waive this requirement. 3. No ~icatiŒ1 shall be accepted after the deadline. PA9SED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meeting of the City Ccuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 this lst day of April ,1991, by the follCMing' vote: vote -,..", of the city Council NOES: ABSENI': ABSTAIN: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel None None None AYES: A'ITEST: APÆOVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of 0Jpertin0 RESOIlJI'ION NO. # Exhibit "A" GDIDELINEs FUR APFOImMENI'S 'IO AJ:NISI:JI« a::Mu'J."J.i:ES Vacancies 1 Aoolicants Ballots 1-5 1 6-10 2 more than 10 3 1-7 1 8-12 2 more than 12 3 1-9 1 10-14 2 more than 14 3 2 3 .