TCO - SECTOR A5 L3TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FORM CUPERTINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - BUILDING DIVISION ALBERTSALVADOR, P.E., C.B.O., BUILDING OFFICIAL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 - FAX (408) 777-3333 - buildingCWcupertino.org APN: 316-07-049 BP3#20072, 1a020126, 14020131 DATE: 8/9/1 JECT VAOUATION SITE 1 Apple Park Wa ADDRESS: pp y OWNER'S NAME: Campus Holdings, LLC p PHONE #: 408-996-6684 FAX 4 MAILING ADDRESS (if different from site address): 1 Infinite Loop, MS 21-AC2, Cupertino, CA 95014 CONTRACTOR/POINT OF CONTACT: PHONE M Holder Construction Company - Mike Drake FAX #: 708-204-3230 REFUND - CHECK PAYABLE TO: MAILING ADDRESS: Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 21-AC2, Cupertino, CA 95014 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY INFORMATION BOND TYPE: (QSURETY BOND AMOUNT (1% VALUATION ODE []CHECK [I CASH BOND F BOND: 5K min- 10K max) $ (BLDBONDS][EDITION: 2010 TCO EXPIRATION FEE: S329.00/mo TOTAL FEE: $ f 1TEMPOCC] DATE (6 MONTHS MAX): USE TYPE OF CONSTR FLOOR AREA OCC LOAD LEVEL COMMENT Sector A5 L3 1 A 57,016 sf 772 L3 Pods 3-10 OTHER DEPARTMENT 1 AGENCY APPROVALS: annq Signatature:.........................................................Date:...............,....... CIAPPROVED E3 APPROVED WITHCONDITIONS- ire Signature . .................... � Date:. � .172 []APPROVED p APPROVED WITMCONDITIONS" Public Works Signature: . . . ................................................... Date: ................... APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS` Other: Signature: ......................................................... Date:....................... D APPROVED APPROVED WITHCONDITIONS' `CONDITIONS OF COMPLETION - Attach a letter signed by the contractor and owner of the property stating the list of items required to be completed for each individual Department before final occupancy can be granted. Include approximate completion dates for each item. The undersigned covenant and agree as a condition to the approval of the above request for temporary occupancy to have the building or buildings complete and in compliance with all building codes, ordinances and regulations and ready for inspection prior to the expiration date specified. If this Temporary Certificate of Occupancy expires, the total amount of the bond may be forfeited and the non-compliance may result in an enforcement action. Owner / `� Contractor ZI Signature: .. :l......................... Date:. 817f/ F... Signature:....... Date: 8/9/18........ This temporary certificate ensures that all fire protection and life safety systems have been completed, inspected, successfully tested and approved for the specific area of the building specified above to provide a reasonable degree of safety to the occupants from fire and similar emer encies BuildingOfficial: ..... :..................X .....a.....'....... ............ Print: ...... ....! 11. <. ... .......1.1.r.:................. Date: ... .... k:7:.1A.. DEPARTMENT ACTION: After determination, copies to: 1) applicant, 2) permit file etnp0ccFom&7013.doc revised 8/22/17 Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 2:53:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time Subject: Fwd: Status of 4LEAF Recommendation for TCO for A5 Level 3, Pods 3 through 10, Gridlines D-L/57- 65 Date: Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 11:46:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: Dirk Mattern To: Albert Salvador CC: Traci Caton, Chris Fowler Albert, The Santa Clara County Fire Department has no objection to TCO approval for A5 Level 3, Pods 3 through 10, Gridlines D-L/57-65.. Regards, Dirk From: "Traci Caton" <tcaton@41eafinc.com> To: "Dirk Mattern" <dirk. matte rn@sccfd.org>, "Albert Salvador" <AlbertS@cupertino.org> Cc: "Chris Fowler" <cfowler@4leafinc.com>, "Craig Tole" <ctole@41eafinc.com>, "Mike Drake" <mdrake@holder. com>, "Todd Turner" <toturner@holder. com>, "Mike Ossei-Antwi" <mosseiantwi@holder.com>, "Paul Yeomans" <pyeomans@apple.com>, "Bill Keane" <wkeane@apple.com>, "Sean Hatch" <SeanH@cupertino.org> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2018 12:55:58 PM Subject: Status of 4LEAF Recommendation for TCO for A5 Level 3, Pods 3 through 10, Gridlines D-L/57-65 Good afternoon Albert & Dirk, Pending SCCFD approval, 4LEAF is ready to recommend TCO for A5 Level 3, Pods 3 through 10, Gridlines D-L/57-65. The Main Building A5 Level 3, Pods 3 through 10, Gridlines D-L/57-65 are substantially in conformance with approved construction documents & Project Designers revisions. Please see the attached full TCO packet for your review. TCO is pending required approval from Albert Salvador (City of Cupertino Building Official) and Chief Dirk Mattern (SCCFD) of this TCO as requested by Contractor / Design Professional (see attached). OUTSTANDING ITEMS: • SCCFD Approval. • Maintain construction area separation of Pods 1 & 2 per CBC-CH.33 • Obtain City of Cupertino Approval of the E4 TCO. • Fire Resistant Rated Doors shall be self -closing and latching. • Need CSD approval of public tie-in prior to C of O. Flow has been verified for TCO. Pagel of 2