CC Resolution No. 8361 RESOIlJI'ION NO. 8361 \ A RESOIlJI'ION OF THE Cl'I'Y CXXJNCIL OF THE Cl'I'Y OF CXJPERl']NO DEClARING ITS INTENTION 'IO ORDER VACATION OF A EORl'ION OF MIRAM:Nl'E KIA!) IDCATED 1æ ITS SOOIHEASTERLY TERMINUS lIS PRJVIDED m SECTION 8320 EI' SEX;!. OF THE ::i'=.l-::i AND HIGHWAYS <X>DE OF THE STATE OF CALUORNIA, FIXING THE TIME AND PlACE FOR RJBLIC HEARING AND PROVIDING FOR NOl'ICE 'ßiEREX)F WHEREAS, that portion of city street known as Miram:mte Road at its southeasterly te.tmirn1s am JOOre particularly described in description and map attached hereto am made a part hereof as Exhibits "A. 1" am "B. 1", respectively, is unnecessary f= present = prospective p.Jblic street purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Camcil elects to proceed p.¡rsuant to the provisions of section 8320 et seq. of the streets and Highways Code of the state of California; ani WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the p.Jblic interests that the City Camcil elects to proceed to 0J:der said vacation; NCM, 'lfua<I:aoUl(t¡, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Camcil hereby declares its intention to vacate the aforesaid portion of city street. BE IT FURlHER RESOLVED: 1. '!hat the 6th day of May, 1991, at 6:45 p.m., in the Camcil 01amber, City Hall, 10300 Torre AVernJJa, CUpertino, Califomia is the time and place fixed for hearing on the alxwe pL~ vacation: 2. '!hat the aforesaid date is not less than 15 days fran passage of this resolution pJrSUant to law; 3. '!hat the city Clerk shall cause a certified CCfJ'1 of this resolution to be p.Jblished in the manner prescribed by law, ani shall cause certified copies to be posted alan; the line of said property proposed to be vacated at least 10 days before the date of hearing and no ItPre than 300 feet apart with a mininn.nn of 3 being posted. RESOIlJI'ION NO. 8361 PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a City of CUpertino this lst following vote: Vote Members of the city Council regular meeting of the City Council of the day of Aoril , 1991" by the AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel NOES: None ABSENI': None ABSTAIN: None APPRJVED: /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of CUpertino AJ.:.1~: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk , . ,< .) ) ;. DESCRIPTION 0 F RO/J.DWAV EASEMENT TO BEAB.ANDONED BY , CITVOFCUPERTINO TO GLORYpNNEBRATTON FOR pDDITION TO FORMER LOT 44 , All that real property situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point at the "intersection of the northeasterly line of Miramonte Road, 40 feet in width,with a line parallel to and measured ten (10) feet perpendicular distant southeasterly from the north- westerly line of Lot 44, as said Miramonte Road and Lot 44. are shown upon the "~'ap of 9th Addition ~10nta Vista", a Hap of which is recorded in Book "P" of tiaps, page 16, Santa C1 ara County Records; thence along the said northeasterly line of t'1iramonte Road S 39° 12' 11" E, 3B.39 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; thence on a curve to right, having a radius of 30 feet, through a central angle of 78° 24' 22", for an arc length of 41.05 feet to a point on the center line of said t1iramonte Road; thence along the said center line of Niramonte Road, N 39° 12' 11" E, 66.67 feet to the i ntersecti on thereof with the south- westerly prolongation of the said parallel line, parallel to and measured ten (10) feet perpendicular distant southeasterly from the northwesterly line of Lot 44; thence along the said southwesterly prolongation, tl 50° 47' 49" E, 20.00 feet to the point of beginning. u~;\?rf~,~r~~T ~,H ~:_..::::-' .....,.;. ,,¡...-.:_,;.J.....; .J J. , J ,. ..~-------J~! I 52A r------- 0 N\A? I 2ð' ZO' r ~ I 47 ~. '-~ I :C:~ I C)~~ L_______~"<)~ I ... "ItY'1~~ L, .;:)3 A ,.,,' ----,-- ~ I\) -I - II) I ~ ,I IV'StJ°47 '49 HE, I I I I ¡\/ S8"4CJ'27N 1------- I I I -4 J \'\\ u 1" I~ DO ~f> 9 'Cr\ r II ?" -r¡\ I - ~-+~ ------1 \1\:;1 .4.0A I ---------1-- --- ---- I 40 /1 ::.\ ,\ -1"......., r\ --------- /1 -, -rt::. I I I I \ I \ 1_' / -, -r--., ~ -~ ----- - ----1 ,PotÍ1i o.¡:. ge9lnnin~ Æ'/ttI I /I roo -r /I ... -r.;:) £i~i:'-~?~' ¡r "':'~; .:~)J ~7\ -! 1'1' ,',' ',".1 ;,:1,'( ~.íl..~¡::~~~ U U .tfXRfbPr, /3, / . ¿ANDS Or TRUMAN RANSOM BRATTON and GLORY ANN ßRA TTON J ef 1/)( A.Po N. 3ðtí - 01 -0/3 CIVIL Et CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS, INC. 1376 No. 4th SL (408) 437-1858 San Jo.e. California 95112 PLAT TO ACCOMPANY P£5CR/,PT/O/ll orl EX/STING EASEMENTS TO 8£ ABANDON EO 1 SCAL£: /"'fa' DATE: OEC./989 OBNO.89/85-/