CC Resolution No. 8366 RESOIlJI'ION NO. 8366 A RESOIlJI'ION OF THE Cl'I'Y CXXJNCIL OF THE Cl'I'Y OF CDPERI'INO SEITING mTE FUR CDNSIDERATION OF ANNEXING AREA DESIGNATED "BIACKBERRY 91-0", PROPERI'1( LOCATED ON THE SCIUI'H SIDE OF STEVENS CREEK OOUIEVARD BErn'IEEN SCENIC OOUIEVARD AND BYRNE AVENUE; APPROXIMATEIH 32.989 ACRES, NEISONjlCWIS (APNS 357-08-020, 357-12-001, 357-10-004, 357-10-00) WHEREAS, the city Council of the City of CUpertino has received a request for annexation of te=itory designated "Blackberry 91-0" from property owners, Tam Nelson and JUdy I.anas; and WHEREAS, the property , 32.989± acres on the south side of Stevens creek Boulevard between Scenic Boulevard am Byrne Avenue (AmS 357-08-020, 357-12-001, 357-10-004, 357-10-00) is contiguous to the City of CUpertino and is within its uman service area: am WHEREAS, annexation wculd provide for use of City services; and WHEREAS, this te=itory is uninhabited and was prezoned on May 21, 1984 to city of CUpertino AgriculturaljRecreational zone; and WHEREAS, City of CUpertino, as read Agency for enviromental review cœnpleted an initial study and granted a Negative Declaration for annexation; and WHEREAS, the county SUIVeyor of santa Clara County has found the map and description (Exhibits "A" and "B") to be in accordance with Government Code section 56826, the l::x:Jurxiaries to be definite am certain, and the proposal to be in compliance with IAF'CX)'s road annexation policies; and WHEREAS, the fee set by the County of Santa Clara to cover staff costs for above certification has been paid; am WHEREAS, as provided in Government Code section 56826 the City Council of the City of CUpertino shall be con:lucting authority for a reorganization including an annexation to the City; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 56837 provides that if a petition for annexation is signed by all owners of land within the affected te=itory the City Council may approve or disapprove the annexation without public hearing; -1- RESOIlJI'ION NO. 8366 New, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the city of CUpertino hereby initiates annexation proceedings am will consider annexation of the territory designated "Blackberry 91-0" at their regular meeting of May 6, 1991. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this lstday of April ,1991, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATrESr: APPROVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of CUpertino -2- CrNTERLlf, C l ROW PER. 44't "" 57 ,c: ~ I '- ì BLVD ~CREEK l.'~ANNEX^TlON '=' 5í£,J£'~ L___ "BYRNE" r-- lOMIT^ , W~ 78-," AlM....DEN / /; , J -@ p.o. 6. / rllACT 0:;.574\ SAN Fr~N"'Nø/¡ ~@ ¡ (413 11 3.,J5) I ~ ~ I « I- Þ..LCA.t.AR ~ X a::: ~ ----.....- I ~ We ~ - - Ilz~g,~ -- - « I- U t: ANN(~ATION ffi ~ ~ ~ I "STEVENS cREEK ,__ ,n _ 11:g )- LU I No. I" I g, !::: ----- I[ (.) / ,/ STEVENS CRErl{ BLVD SITE" GRANADA LOCATION MAP SeAL.!::' 1 ~ ~ 1000' I I .</ 'I ~l ,/</ ) , ";' // {' I' " ,/ , .. ANNEXATION . STEVENS CREEK NO, II" 5 ____t\J_ - -- -~- " ,_ - .0- '" .~~- ~.¡ ~~~ "'ø 4 ---~~~-L - n c':] 'i: 1 -~-~.V) . - ~~ ""'- ~ w I;; o o 2 ~ Z ~ w ~ Z ~ V) BLACKBERRY FARM 33 '1.cres mOre Or less APN: 351·08 ·020 351- e.~ool 3~1- 10 ·ooq. 351 -10 -001 35ì-IO_00,," 351- 10-005 ~ 12 2 o ~ w Z Z ~ 0 b 0 I N ..- ~ 0'1 LU ..J >- « (.) e:: VI e:: w C;; ID ~ ~ (J r « (.) II: ...J « ID :>: ,,.."" // .... 4 1/ 7"1 11 \-1. / ",- [-=J -( / ,- -==1 ®\>~~~ -,- ~ ®\ I/)'~- j ~ ~/ ,i' ,-' ,~: ~=i ~"I "" "":' J~ -J ~\b ANNEXATiOÑ-- 'M',ClELlIW" RD J ® 81,04 C I 11'\ ,At'NCXAT::-.J: "EXHIBIT A" L, D'AMICO 72,"A , LEGAL DESCRIPI'ION OF BIACKBERRY FARM All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, state ,of California, m:>re particularly described as follows: BÐ:;mNING AT A roINT ON THE SOUIHERLY RIGIfl'-OF-WAY LmE OF m!EVENS æEEK 00ULE.VlIRD AS ESTABLISHED BY RÐX>RD OF SURVEY REXDRDED IN BOOK 469 OF MAPS, PAGE 57, OFFICIAL REX:DRDS OF SANrA CU\RA COUNI'Y AND AS SiU'IN ON PIAN LmE MAP REXDRDED IN BOOK 7 OF PLAN LmE MAPS, PAGES 113 to 121, SANrA CU\RA 00UNT'i REX:DRDS WHIai BEARS SOUlH 89049' 00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 260.77 FEE:!' AND NORm 12030'23" FAST A DISTANCE OF 5.19 FEEl' F.RCM THE IN1'ffiSærION OF BYRNE AvaruE AND OlD m!EVENS æEEK OOULE.VARD AS SiU'IN ON THE MAP OF TRAcr NO. 150, STE.VENS æEEK SUBDIVISION MAP NO.2", REXDRDED IN BOOK 5 OF MAPS, PAGE 5, SANrA CU\RA COUNI'Y REX:DRDS¡ SAID roINT AI£/:) BEING AIDNG 'lliAT CERI'AIN ANNEXATION 'IO THE Cl'I'Y OF aJPERl'INO ENl'ITLED "BYRNE 78-2"¡ 'lhence from said Point of Beginning SOUlH 12030'23" WEST alon:J said annexation "Byrne 78-2" a distance of 302.26 feet to the northwest corner of said Tract No. 150; thence on the westerly line of said Tract No. 150 the following 11 courses: 1. SOUlH 03002'58" FAST a distance of 101.84 feet¡ 2. SOUlH 06043'32" WEST a distance of 126.15 feet; 3. SOUlH l5003'52' FAST a distance of 95.55 feet¡ 4. SOUlH Ol032'17" FAST a distance of 92.26 feet¡ 5. SOUlH 06017'53" FAST a distance of 48.91 feet¡ 6. SOUlH 28055'53" FAST a distance of 141.02 feet¡ 7. SOUlH 04026'48" FAST a distance of 139.85 feet¡ 8. SOUlH 03013'56" WEST a distance of 109.72 feet¡ 9. SOUlH 08029 '30" FAST a distance of 101. 56 feet¡ 10. SOUlH 46015'30" FAST a distance of 46.95 feet¡ 11. SOUlH 00000'00" FAST a distance of 473.35 feet to a point on the northerly line of San Fernando Avenue, said point also being alan;¡ that certain annexation to the City of CUpertino entitled "San Fernando Ave. 84-1"¡ Thence SOUlH 57°30' 00" ' WEST, 165.89 feet alon;¡ said annexation "San Fernando Ave. 84-1" ¡ 'lhence SOUlH 00010'58" WEST, 30.00 feet to a point being alon:J said annexation "San Fernando Ave. 84-l"; Thence SOUlH 69009'51" WEST a distance of 124.87 feet¡ Thence SOUlH 83°09'00" WEST a distance of 239.08 feet to the JOOSt easterly =mer of Parcel "B" as shawn on that Record of SUrvey recorded in Book 146 of Maps, Page 56, Santa Clara County Records¡ Thence SOUlH 42055' WEST alon;¡ said Parcel "B" a distance of 138.86 feet¡ l,· L{,~w W~.:.J~ Û !., :' i Î ¡¡J BlackberrY Farm I.Æqal Des=iption (Continued) Page 2" 'lhenCe SOUIH 36042' 00" EAS1' a distance of 47.56 feet; 'ßlence SOUIH 33°31' 00" EAS1' a distance of 93.06 feet; 'lhenCe SOUIH 30031'00" EAS1' a distance of 79.45 feet; 'ßlence SOUIH 45°33' 00" EAS1' a distance of 189.70 feet to a point being alOIY;J that certain annexation to the City of OJpert:ino entitled "~lellan Rœd 87-04"; 'Ihenœ alOIY;J said annexation ''McClellan Road 87-04" the following 3 CXJW:'ses: 1. SOUIH 11038'08" EAS1' a distance of 61.20 feet; 2. SOUIH 24004'30" EAS1' a distance of 92.58 feet; 3. SOUIH 12051'30" WEST a distance of 172.35 feet to a point being alOIY;J that certain annexation to the City of OJpert:ino entitled "D' AMIOJ 72-6"; '!hence NORIH 90000' 00" WEST alon:¡' said annexation "D' AMIOJ 72-6" a distance of 328.67 feet to a point beID:J alOIY;J that certain annexation to the City of Cupertino entitled "Stevens Creek No. 11"; '!hence alon:¡' said annexation "Stevens Creek No. 11" the following 3 CXJW:'ses: 1. NORIH 02044' 11" FAST a distance of 206.97 feet; 2. NORIH 20025'11" FAST a distance of 153.50 feet; 3. NORIH 58017'31" WEST a distance of 708.51 feet to a point being alon:¡' that certain annexation to the City of OJpert:ino entitled "scenic Blvd. 80-16"; '!hence alon:¡' said annexation "scenic Blvd. 80-16" the follCMID:J 5 courses: 1. NORIH 00010'31" WEST a distance of 31.54 feet; 2. NORIH 18018'25" EAS1' a distance of 124.23 feet; 3. NORIH 44048'25" FAST a distance of 123.86 feet; 4. NORIH 38°03 '25" FAST a distance of 79.23 feet; 5. NORIH 08°03'25" EAS1' a distance of 137.94 feet to a point being alOIY;J that certain annexation to the City of OJpert:ino entitled "Stevens Creek No.1"; U't-'ï7~ ';3 \.' t· EfI ¡',\ !-'; I!..¡i':'. :"': ""g' :,¡'" ' j¡;p 1']'1\" Ii Blackberry Farm Legal Des=iption (Continued) Page' 3. 'Ibence alOTB' said annexation "Stevens Creek No. I" the following 16 courses : 1. NORIH 13011'35" WEST a distance of 82.00 feet; 2. NORIH 76048'25" EAST a distance of 10.00 feet; 3. NORIH 13011'35" WEST a distance of 70.56 feet; 4. NORIH 46046'00" EAST a distance of 206.74 feet; 5. NORIH 49003'05" EAST a distance of 176.14 feet; 6. NORm 52045'45" EAST a distance of 139.19 feet; 7. NORIH 37007'43" EAST a distance of 107.38 feet; 8 NORIH 25037'43" EAST a distance of 54.12 feet; 9. NORm 36037'43" EAST a distance of 199.32 feet; 10. NORIH 24037'43" EAST a distance of 80.26 feet; 11. NORIH 04045'43" EAST a distance of 231.66 feet; 12. NORIH 02059'17" WEST a distance of 122.10 feet; 13. NORIH 44022'17" WEST a distance of 136.68 feet; 14. NORIH 64050'30" EAST a distance of 77.87 feet; 15. NORIH 07028'30" EAST a distance of 119.78 feet; 16. NORIH 00011'00" WEST a distance of 32.91 feet to the aforelOOl1tioned southerly right-of-way line of Stevens Creek Boulevard; 'Ihence NORm 89049"00" EAST,on said southerly right-of-way line a distance of 261.54 feet; '!hence NORm 86053"46" EAST, continuing on said southerly right-of-way line, a distance of 40.56 feet to the Point of BegÍJ1l'ling . NFl' AREA 1,437,025.41 SQUARE FEEl' OR 32.989 ACRES ID.RE OR LESS. ~~£, i',r~ ", r, i0\ ~S" B ", " ;'¡'.;'.. ':"i:J ... , i,~ ~~ì£J ~ . BIACKBERRY FARM WffiSE NO. BEAR]1¥; DISTANCE 1. 512030 '23''W 302.26 2. 503002'58"E 101.84 3. 506043'32"W 126.15 4. 515003' 52"E 95.55 5. 501032'17"E 92.26 6. 506017 '53"E 48.91 7. 528055'53"E 141.02 8. 504026'48"E 139.85 9. 503013' 56''W 109.72 10. 508029'30"E 101. 56 11. 546015'30"E 46.95 12. 500000'00"E 473.35 13. 557030'00''W 165.89 14. 500°10' 58"W 30.00 15. 569009 ' 51''W 124.87 16. S83009'OO"W 239.08 17. 542055'OO'W 138.86 l8. 536042'OO"E 47.56 19. 53303l'OO"E 93.06 20. 530031'OO"E 79.45 21. 545033'OO"E 189.70 22. 511038'08"E 61. 20 23. 524004'30"E 92.58 24. 512051'30"W 172.35 25. N90000'OO"W 328.67 26. N02044'11"E 206.97 27. N20025'11"E 153.50 28. N5So17'31''W 708.51 29. NOOo10 1 3l''W 31.54 30. N1S01S'25"E 124.23 31. N4404S'25"E 123.86 32. N3S003'25"E 79.23 33. NOSo03'25"E 137.94 34. N1301l'35"W 82.00 35. N76048'25"E 10.00 36. N13011'35''W 70.56 37. N46046'OO"E 206.74 3S. N49003'05"E 176.14 39. N52045 '45"E 139.19 40. N37007'43"E 107.38 41. N25037'43"E 54.12 42. N36037'43"E 199.32 43. N24037'43"E 80.26 44. N04045'43"E 231. 66 45. N02059'17"W 122.10 46 N44022'17"W 136.68 47. N64050 '30"E 77.87 48. N07028'30"E 119.78 49. N00011 , OO''W 32.91 50. N89049'OO"E 261.54 51. N86053'46"E 40.56 ""'~~r,~r.ë', ,,"0-:" B'" .. f! 'lit' ,;' ~' , Î'i."':i¡j" ..i'Ìl~ ~~iJ.¡,~