CC Resolution No. 8379 RE3OIlJI'ION 00. 8379 A RE3OIDl'ION OF THE Cl'I'Y CXXJNCIL OF THE Cl'I'Y OF aJPERl'INO AtJIH:,IU:ZIr«; EXEX:m'ION OF Þ.GREEMFNl' AND APPRJPRIATION OF FUNDS WHmEAS, a scc:pa of services far a study to determine the relationship between larñ uses am hoosing needs and possible hoosing mitigation methods has been ~ SCllt:ed to the City O::Iun::il and said scc:pa of services is accept:able¡ am WHmEAS, the Affordable Housing cœmittee has reviewed ~"PC""'1" for this study and has J:ec> ........n!ed that the firm of planning ResOOrCe AssOCiates be selected to con:iUct the study am that O::Iun::il authorize an éIHJL~iation of $26,750 in æR in-lieu fees fran the Affordable Housing Furñ far this CQ ILLaet¡ lU'l ~úRE, BE IT REIDLVED that the City O::Iun::il authorizes an awLl.¥Liation of $26,750 in æR in-lieu fees fran the Affordable Housing Furñ to funj the aforementioned study am authorizes the Director of Cœmmity Develcpnent to execute an agreement with the consulting firm of planning ResOOrCe AssOCiates to perform the services referenced in said Scope of Services¡ PASSED AND ADOPl'ED at a regular meeting of the city O::Iun::il of the City of OJpertino this 6th day of May, 1991 by the follCMing' vote: ~: MEMB~ OF THE Cl'I'Y mr1NC'TT, AYES: OOES: ABSENl': ABSTAIN: Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel None Goldman None APPRJ\1ED: /s/ Barb Koppel MAYeR, Cl'I'Y OF aJPERl'INO A:J.'.l'="l': /s/ Dorothy Cornelius Cl'I'Y c:::LmK SCDPE OF ~I'"R<: 'IO cx:NXJCl' A S'lU)Y 'IO EXAMINE THE RErATIœSHIP OF lAND USE AND THE æEATIœ OF AIDITIONAL HXJSIN:; NEED I. BAŒGRCUND: state law requires that the City of Q¡pertino address identified regional hœsing needs am the relatiooship between job creation and hœsing needs. Hoosing infarmatioo shows that a number of factors oontriJ:ute to a hœsing shartage in 0Jperti.n0. 0Jperti.n0 is an enployment center which provides DX:Ire jots than enployed residents, resulting in a ,^"I~tioo far hœsing. 'Ihe city Council is considering the ~oo of new policies am ¡n...,p;ams to encx:PJrage ar require the provision of lltproved housing UM,JULLünities in CUpertino. As the first stage in a majar General Plan reviE!lil7, the City Ca.mcil has adcpted revised Hoosing Element Policy 3-4 which states that the City shall: "Conduct a study to determine the relatiooship between land uses am hœsing needs am possible a6'''r~rrt: ~. <Oe(b¡res far paying fees, providing hœsing units, ar oontrib.Iti.n1 toward mitigation in other ways. 'Ihe City shall then require that all kims of devel'¥""'lt where such a relatiooship is established shall mitigate increased needs far affordable hœsing thJ:a.1gh fees and in other ways such as direct provisioo of ~ units as part of the develcpœnt." II. SCDPE OF w:>RK: 'Ihe study will potentially consist of trNo p¡ases. RIase I is a nexus study to analyze the relatiooship bebieen develcpœnt (residential, Cu....... cial am i.rñustrial) am the creatioo of additional hœsing needs far varioos inoane groops. If this nexus is established, RIase II of the study ~ analyze alternative hœsing mitigatioo methcds. A. RIase I: 1. Calsider the kind am aun.mt of develcpœnt prevalent in 0Jpertin0 am analyze projecticns far future devel'4,'lIellt in relatioo to the hœsing needs created. 2. Identify am analyze the direct am in:li.rect adverse inpacts of varioos types of new devel'¥""'lt (residential, '^",..........ial, i.rñustrial, etc.) upcn the projected hœsing needs of the city. 3. Quantify these iopacts in such a manner as to furnish su¡:port am justificatim for the iDp:Jsitim of hoosing mitigatim """''''IreS upcn new develcpoent. 4. Pl~ specific criteria regarding the degree and extent that hoosing mitigatim measures can be required of particular types of new devel~rt; based upcn the :i.Dpacts which have been quantified. O::1'Isider whether certain thresholds or types of devel~rt; sha.ù.d be limited or exeupted am/or the annmt of fees be graduated depen;iing on the Jdn:i of devel~rt;. B. R1ase II: 1. DL"C'lSS the relative advantages am disadvantages of collecting hoosing mitigatim fees versus man:1atory bJilding of m site-haJsing. As part of the analysis, consider the annmt of larñ available for hoosing under CUl.Lelrt; zoning. DiEo1SS when hoosing shœld be required versus when an in-lieu fee shœld be accepted. 2. Develq:¡ alternative farnulas which cx:W.d be used if a hoosing mitigatim fee is paid in lieu of providing hoosing units. Disn,,= the merit of using one farm.ùa versus another am why the I'eC' .......J)jed method is preferred. DL<><:"'..... hew it cœpares to alternative methods used in other jurisdictions. 3. O::1'Isidering projecl:ej devel~rt; in CUpertino, est:iJnate the number of hoosing units or annmt of fees that waùd be generated when the alternative methods are a¡:plied. 4. Analyze what pe1:oe1Jtage of hoosing units in residential develq:ments am hoosing units that are provided t'hJ:'Q.¡gh ,_ mixed use devel~rt; shœld be affordable to low am very low imcme hcuseholds. repartB\nexsocpe\