BLD-2023-1633_Re-roof Tear off PolicyRE ROOF I TEAR -OFF POLICY
(4I j 7 322) • rAx l4 } T77-3333 * VulldingMcuuertmo--orq
1Ite re nmf projKt ShmI comply with all applicable provisjanN of the 20n California C iNims and CupLrHno Municipal t•~4k&L
'NGTE- PVr-,obr rermwW from the existing moo to In&tall t-w rs ifing wlll NTirr 4 wratartptnnttt l[u ro4nstallatuin of t'V1Saler
1''' nCis7n:
Art inrsp Lion "ue_-t irn Ix jwtfK- tpjt%1 W to ua_ie bu!4402 daki-lte&M the_retlr,"W inspe.Cti n date_ PI .whedule inspmdom
fin If ui or r3111408) 777-3228harm 7,LMam-,i A)prn (Mtn-Thuts) or %lbm-.13Upm (Friday) tv.5chedgje ft'wpu,'tictns,, "Rocs Tr rr_r artd
"RrFef i'iazvoo 2 Nail" inspediurls ilre-" f CAl. 'Inge-tho s.. Vc u must cAi l ln.on thy -:day *f the irdpecKorL Q N LY after that phase of
the wank is wwpleted. lbv building iospectorAawid b-L, available -within one hour. The hours forth# smviae am T 10Maan and
l:0it-30Vprn IMon-Yhui)s) as4 7;34.10:�Oun xn4 1200-7r30 (Friday). "FAW 8Widink- irtIpr#i" WtH be Sinn in tiro hour.window,
For all newf trues, 5afio ladder aoae$s k6mo sf is tit be provided per 'CA I r OSI ill rpq�irr+m►{nts
(ist ,�: `' ., er..11i-ul, �t�ti l�ia ci = •n t i sl. LaLldvr side rn'ilsmwit exlmd to 41 leam 3 ft abti ve ilrn landing ('roof iurfam)
un icss hand haldsr 4ic.+ pmvid0l, T1w lr +r dike] I by tiff plat<vid yet to prV Vint-sl i} pfng, W It Shal I be tied, bla lkn 1, held, i rr nt'ht rwi �.
aeC4176d to }sii+wcitt Supplier,
"1 a ,r-CJ J" im p€�teina ts_reclufs+e A.11 dr'y-fntW w[Kd:sh4l1 kto x, replaced pnf tart IhiN irupectiurk. All nailtffa uamshAi be
emmpleirly romoved or kna&"-dawn prior lu ibis "p,ediun.
"kaaw ' e oil nif" jnSVeCfl= is Eq Mired R rw*W.-s0l1dalteath1ng is installed_ if Solid *heath inX t4 pst�nI „n k}*ling roof at lime of
'Raid Tiur-O ' ittcpLAc tun, "Roof Plywaird Nail' �oo.�ta�� liu ►7rrtitl4*41.
"i+ino brat t" ins rut ran !rf t�ir�d if 1ri�tallataoa taf tilt, or m lal rthingbo U requ i rod by mmnu Cantu rur, th68 mr {'(W ' I '
i nspectinn, Sm #2 above; Rv xcheduli ini+tri,cNnn5.
NOTFxQ underlay„ rt or "Rog ethalI iiL- applied withnui fiat tobtainiri}t ell riqufft4-Irq*peC ian15 doer,rnesited approvals frtrm
fhLI, uWTdirtg IrtspeTtct, 1Failwr to obtaifi inspechlbo 7porr VA6 wilI moult in rrttmt=11 of pll mat€NiaLg to sh thing io "form requkred
Inspections azu3 y rri-itrp{*t#i}rt f' wi11 Lu5 clerttged. ttxtttitrn fee 9h> paid prior to schedul4rt a�tathrtristsgertitiro
' hw4l Aidl imppelion and aggmy4 vW be abWned from rite building. inspedurwhen thrk rvroofing B.Cmrt Tlet�-rL To mwive
I",rial sign -off, the fallmai1; ll nTis 4o0l tee reguimid and ve f' od,
a:. not roofs disci haves+ a trdnittiuM of fit" per f6ot orslope aril 4ha 114lurxx11bzti2.rnt Poll ding.
1fy. Listings fltsrrr arpruved tmftg aguzadU4 far a11-pn-maGn,.3facLLmd produrl.� uf. sd dill be available un-site tit reek-w .it limit c)f tip'
ln-sf*+Mom Nnty- Verifscation ttl' class "r1" fire rating " be rvquosted by baiIding Inspo+crnr.
n SjmrEan-mlor im-taIllation, daublewall flu#m h niF bmm nit and l" mirl, d-eilTantY4 to nxtf- henthIng, pinMic v,mN:wFa:psaintW
With Warier 4ased syntheni I4Wj; paint, gurierwdowrup niu krimal10d ;md veFJfinitan rf NL
g PVC 1er prt,3 ivii9l3* usstallyd gnd y
diu requircd PVNI' da permil for rt!-liutalkatinn, Alt c`ctttstmctiriri debris is I+P Ix rVrrmVCd.
NQT - City at Cu rAnn dom NOT allow mmr roofing cn roppt r architectural mgg6; 4s.
t`crtify enclt ref tine fi,kanwin� is Inie�rtlt�pra�t�rt�r ow�cr ar ai,,thorl�d t�gcna to &tl cm'tlat: Iti�+crly uwnrr's 1Srh,alf. t iit�i!*Ar�trnxci
alai a}�rr±t± io Comply with the rt roe{ xtatrv.I utrr,va.�tonil thaf ainnkr daL%,', "a"d t~nrhun ntarrnxid.r detectors* :jf r4�tluirrrwtt
to be in lltd 1n ncacordance %Mill Seri smt ;-R3-14 and R,313 oft -20IQ Cdiifctrnli Resi&rrtiBl Cady fT "'FilialBa'
Si�malurc nCltpplit�.�llgeari: � `�-�
k+ru 0i4kv 70Hdry mvitrrl &2-Pr_ 3