CC Resolution No. 8412 RESOIlJI'ION NO. R¿.l ? A RESOIlJI'ION OF THE Cl'I'Y CXXJNCIL of 'THE CITY OF aJPJ:;I{l'Il'IO AOOPl'ING A MEmRANIXJM OF UNDERSTANDING BEIWEEN THE CITY OF aJPERI'INO AND THE aJPERI'INO EMPlDYEE'S ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, several eJ;"":'IlSSions have been held over proposals coI1CeJ:'IUD] wages, hours and other corrlitions and terms of employment between representataives of the City and of the CUpertino ElIployees Association recognized majority representative of the Miscellaneous Unit; and WHEREAS, the agreen-ent mutually obtained through these discussions has been recorded in the Memorandum of Urrlerstanciing signed by both parties, . which 1IIeIOOrandum has been submitted to the City Council for approval; Noo, 'niEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City council of the City of CUpertino does hereby adopt the attached Memorandum of Urrlerstanding between the City of CUpertino and the CUpertino ElIployees Association. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this lst day of Julv ,l99l by the following: Vote Members of the city Council AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel NOES: None ABSENl': None ABSTAIN: None APPR:>VED: /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, city of CUpertino A'ITEST: Is/ Dorothy Corneltus City Clerk CUPERl'INO EMPlDYEES ASSOCIATION INDEX Catecrozv Section SUb; ect Paqe NO DISCRIMINATION 1 No Discrimination 1 SAlARY SaiEDJIE 2 Salary Schedule 1 cur-oF-cI1ISS WAGE PAY 3 out-of-Class Wage Pay 2 HOURS OF w:>RK: OVERrIME 4 Hours of Work Defined 2 Schedules 2 Rest Periods 2 OVertime 3 Payment of OVertime 3 COI!p!nsatory Time Off 3 P.E.R.S. CDNIRIEVI'ION 5 P.E.R.S. Contribution 4 INSURANCE aJVERAGE 6 Health - Medical Insurance 4 Dental Insurance 4 Life Insurance 5 Loß1 Term Disability 5 SAlARY c::cm>ARISON 7 Salary Calparison 5 HOLIDAYS 8 Fixed Holidays 5 Floating Holidays 6 Holiday Pay 7 TEMroRARY DISABILITY 9 TeIrponu:y Disability Benefits 7 USE OF SICK !EAVE 'IO 9.l Use of Sick Leave to SUpplement 7 SUPPUMEN!' TEMP. DISABILITY TeIrponu:y Disability Payments 7 VACATION lO Vacation 7 SICK !EAVE 11 sick Leave 9 PERSONAL !EAVE 12 Personal Leave 13 BEREAvœENl' lEAVE 13 Bereavement Leave 13 MILITARY lEAVE 14 Military Leave 13 PREróNANCY DISABILITY lEAVE 15 Pregnancy Disability Leave l4 AOOPI'ION lEAVE l6 lIdoption Leave l4 Cateaorv Section SUbiect Paqe . . CATAS'I'IDPHIC lEAVE 17 Catastrcphic Leave l5 ABSENCE W.1',LnCATION 18 Absence Notification l7 TRAINING AND 'IUITION 19 Training and Tuition l8 REll1aJRSEMENr Reilllbursement CITY SR:NSORED RECREATION 20 City Sponsored Recreation l8 æx;RAMS Programs WE PROCESS 21 !)Je Process 19 LAYOFFS 22 layoffs 19 REINSTATEMENI' 23 Reinstatement 20 CONTINUATION OF BENJ:;H'l::> 24 Continuation of Benefits 20 SEPARABILITY 25 Separability 20 RATIFICATION 26 Ratification 2l Ðcr'ENDID BENu J,'.1::> 27 Extenied Benefits 2l TERM 28 Tenn 2l MEM)RANIXJM OF UNDERSTANDING BEIWEEN Cl'I'Y OF aJPERI'INO AND aJPERI'INO EMPIDYEES ASSOCIATION 'Ibis agle.:ment, entered into the 1st day of July , 1991 between the City of CUpertino, hereinafter referred to as "City", and representatives of the CUpertino Elrployees Association, hereinafter referred to as "Association", sets forth the agreement resulting fran several discussions held between these two parties C01'1CeD'Iing the wages, hours, terms, and coooitions of enployment for the enployees of the Miscellaneous Elrployees Unit of the City, for which the Association is the recognized .sole and exclusive representative. 'Ibis agreement represents the full and integrated agreement read1ed between the parties. SECrION 1: NO DISCRIMTNJ\.TTON City and Association agree they shall not discriminate in any way on, acx:ount of race, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, political affiliation, sexual preference, or for Association activity. SECrIW 2: SAIARY SCHEI:IJIE '!be City agrees to increase rates of pay for each classification covered by this a<p.""",.ent by 4% in the l'ëIn;¡'es and steps of the awropriate Schedule of Pay Grades effective June 19, 1991. -1- · ' SEcrION 3: CXJI'-<)F-cIASs WAGE PAY 'I'enp:1rary assigrunent, approved in advance by the Department Head, to a classification in a higher pay grade shall be c::oI'I'peI1sated at the step 1 rate of the higher classification, or at a rate five percent greater than that of the regular position, whichever is greater, for the rn.nnber of hours so assigned. SECrION 4: HOOFS OF OORK: OVERI'IME Hours of Work Defined Hours worked shall include all t:iJre not un:ier the =ntrol of the employee whether such hours are worked in the City's work place, or in some other place where the employee is carrying out the duties of the City. 'Ihe normal v.'Ork week shall be 40 hours in seven days. Schedules It will be a management responsibility to schedule the hours of v.'Ork for each employee covered by this àýL.....'ent. Except in unforseen cira.unstances, changes in employee's hours of v.'Ork will be made after ten days prior notice. Rest PerimQ Each employee shall be granted a rest period of fifteen minutes during each v.'Ork period of more than three hours duration. No wage deduction shall be made nor t:iJre off chaxged against Ellployees taking authorized rest periods, nor shall any rights or avertiJDe be accrued for rest periods not taken. -2- OIfertiJre OVertime shall be defined as any work in excess of regular work boors defined above. Holidays and paid time off shall count toward the acx:unulation of the work week. overtime ",.ork for the City by an enployee shall be authorized in advance by the Department Head or their designee. In the event of unforseen circumstanœs, overtime shall be approved after the work is completed. Pavment of overtime All approved overtime work performed by enployees shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (I 1/2) times the normal rate of pay. Work performed on regularly scheduled days off, City Holidays or during an enployee's scheduled vacation shall be considered to be overtime and paid accorc:1in;Jly. Comcensatorv Time Off At the enployees discretion, canpensatory time off may be granted for overtime worlœd at the rate of time and one-half for each hour worlœd in lieu of canpensation in cash. En'ployees who have previously eamed canpensatory time, shall be allowed to schedule canpensatory time off at dates of the enployee's selection provided: I) that prior supervisory approval has been obtained, and 2) it is taken prior to the first pay period in Do- _.¡-.r am 3) the request is made in writing. ... ··,,-eusatory time may be acx:rued, up to 60 boors. Arrj ç. "1 -tory time remaining on the books after this time will be paid off in cash at the rate of time and one-half. -3- ÞIrrf overtime worked after the first pay period in December ,and before the first period of the next calerrlar year must be paid off in cash at the rate of t:Îlœ and one-half. SECI'ION 5: P.E.R.S. roNTRIflJI'ION 'Ihe City agrees to pay the employee's contribution rate to the Public Enployees Retirement system not to exceed 7.0% of applicable salary. F\JrtherIoore, the City agrees to adopt the PERS amen::Jment known as "2% at 55". Enployees agree to pay 1.5% of their salary for 1991-l992 into a trust funi to offset the cost of the PERS amen::Jment' s unfun:ied liability to be paid until 2011. F\JrtherIoore in fiscal year 1992-l993 an additional .5% of salary will be paid into the trust funi. SUbsequent adjust:Irents will fluctuate with the PERS rates . SECl'ION 6: lllSURANCE OJVERAGE Health - Medi.......' Insurance - City agrees to pay a maxiInum of $305.00 for medical coverage for employee and depeOO.ents through the Meyers-Geddes state Enployees Medical and Hospital Care Act. Instances in which the premÜ.nu for medical and hospital insurance plan selected by an employee is less than the City's maxiInum premium contribution, the City agrees to =ntribute a sum, equal to the difference effective at that time, to a deferred c:cIIpWIation plan in the employee's ~. 'Ihe City retains the right of selection and administration over the plan or plans utilized to defer c:cIIpWIation. DenT...' Insurance - city agrees to pay $53.90 per IOOnth for employees and their depeOOents. -4- Life Insurance - City shall provide life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment coverage for each enployee in the amount of two and one half times annual salary to a maxiJm..m¡ benefit of $25G,000. I.Dtxr Tern! Di"""hi.litv Insuran= - City agrees to pay that premium now in effect for each enployee. Like other non-industrial disabilities, enployees may use sick leave an:! vacation leave to supplement lost wages. SEcrION 7: SAIARY CXMPARISON 'Ihe City agrees to evaluate benchmark classifications prior to renewal of this agreement for the ~ of insuring ~tative salaries. SECl'ION 8: HOLIDA.YS Fixed Holidavs 'Ihe City shall provide the following fixed paid holidays for eligible enployees CO\/'ere:1 by this agreement: l. New Years Diy 8. Diy following 'Ihanksgiving 2. Washington's Birtlxiay 9. Christmas Eve - half shift 3. Memrial Diy (only on regular work day) 4. IndepencIence Diy 10. Christmas Diy 5. Labor Diy 11. New Years Eve - half shift 6. Veteran's Diy (only on regular work day) 7. 'Ihanksgiving Diy 12. Martin Iuther Kin;J Diy When a holiday or llOI'HIIOrk day falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the non-work day. When a holiday falls en a SUnday, the following Mcmay shall be è:œetved as the I1OI1-work day. -5- , , Nothing contained herein shall preclude the right of the Department Head with the approval of the lq:p:)inting Authority to resc:hedule 1òOrk assignments or hours of work to meet emergency situatia1S and' other administrative ~"ities caused by the observance of a holiday or non-1HOrk day or period; provided, however, that all such affected enployees are duly CCII!p3I1Sated for said rescheduled 1òOrk assignments. Floatina Holidavs In addition to the foregoing paid holidays, eligible enployees shall be allowed to schedule 20 hours to be used as additional holiday l~ve not to be taken in increments of less than 4 hours. 'Ihis floating holiday leave shall be taken at dates of the enployee's selection, provided: l) that prior supezvisor approval be OOtained, and 2) before the em of the secon:i pay period in December of each calendar year. For new elTployees, floating holiday leave will be pro-rated in the fOllowing manner: 1. Euployees hired after January 1 but before March 3l shall be entitled to 20 hours floating holiday leave in that calendar year. 2. Enployees hired after April 1 but before September 30 will be entitled 10 hours of floating holiday leave that calendar year. 3. Enployees hired after October 1 but before I"IIot-ømher 3l will not be entitled to floating holiday leave in that calendar year. -6- Holidav Pav In order for an employee to receive hisjher regular pay for a holiday or designated non-work day, ...ork lI'I.lSt be perfo:med on the regular scheduled day before and the regular scheduled day after the holiday or designated non-work day. Ðtployees on vacation, injw:y leave, approved short term leave of absence, with or without pay, or who sutmit satisfactory evidence of personal illness shall be considered as ...orking their regular schedule for pay p.¡rposes. SEcrION 9: TEMFORARY DISABILITY BnoIG' .1'1::; Arri employee sustaining an injw:y arising oot of, or in the course of, the performaoce of hisjher job and who cannot work at the duties and responsibilities noI1llally assigned to that job is entitled to receive tenp:>rary disability payments as prescribed by state law. SECI'ION 9.1: USE OF SICK lEAVE 'IO SUPPUMENT TEMFORARY DISl\BILITY PAYMENI'S Arri employee entitled to receive tenp:>rary disability payments may elect to BlWlement such payments with an am:JUnt not to exœed that which is the employee's weekly earnings or weekly earning capacity by use of sick leave payments to the extent that SECl'Iœ 10: VACATION All euployees, other than those holding ~rary status, whose ...ork assi""lIUt<I.t is of a recurring nature of not less than a noI1llal 1òOI"k week shall accrue vacation credit. After six roonths of contirnloos employment accrued vacatioo may be taken. such sick leave has been accrued to the employee's account. -7- · , CXlring the first three years of enployment, an enployee shall earn vacation credit on the basis of 5/6 work day or the hourly equivalent, for each c:x::uplete m:mth of continuing service. CXlring the foort:h year of enployment an enployee shall earn vacation credit at the rate of one and one-foort:h (1 l/4) work days or the hourly equivalent, for each canplete IICnth of continuing service. CXlring the 10th year of enployment an enployee shall earn vacation credit at the rate of one and five-twelfths (l 5/l2) workdays or the hourly equivalent for each IICnth of competed continuous service. CXlring the fifteenth year of enployment and thereafter, an enployee shall earn vacation credits at the rate of one and two-thirds (1 2/3) work days or the hourly equivalent for each IICnth of c:x::upleted continuous service. CXlring the t'Nentieth year of enployment and thereafter, an enployee shall earn vacation credits at the rate of one and five sixths (1 5/6) work days or the hourly equivalent for each IICnth continious service. An enployee may accrue no IICre vacation credit than twice the annual rate being earned. Uþcrt r..""'i~tion of enployment, unused vacation may not be used to extend final euployment date beyon:l the ~ rate being earned. -8- Represented employees may convert, on a once per calerdar year basis, unused vacation time for payment subject to, the follCMing con:litions: 1. 'Ihe employee IIL1St have an earned vacation of a minimum of 15 days. 2. Arr¡ payments made for unused vacation will be subject to all appropriate taxes and deductions as detennined by the FiI1ance DepartJnent. 3. Mini\mUJIl exchan;¡e will be 1 day, maximum exchan;¡e will be 5 days. All d1an;Jes are irrevocable. SEcrION 11: SICK lEAVE ,All full time employees, other than those holding tenqx>rary status, shall earn eight (8) hours per Da1th sick leave time without limit on aocunulation. '!hose pennanent employees 'NOrkin:J less than full time (at least 20 hours per MIek) shall earn in one Da1th the number of hours of sick leave they would nonnally 'NOrk in one day or the equivalent without limit on accumulation. Enployees absent without pay for arr¡ reason for I!K:)re than forty (40) hours during a calerdar IIalth shall not earn sick leave benefits for that 1Ialth. Sick leave may be utilized due to the employee's personal illness, injury, maternity, or sickness or injury in the Urw-i4ats family. Immediate family is defined as spouse and children. Ðrployees shall, whenever possible, make appointments for medical, dental, and similar purp:ses on 1'IIJI'HoICrk hours. If this is not possible, sick leave may be used for these pnp;¡¡es. -9- , , with proper notice an:! approval of the supervisor, sick leave shall be taken in periods of no less than one-half hour increments. '111e City shall pay an enployee for unused balance of sick leave upon retirement, or tennination for other than just cause, acx:ording to the following schedule: 1. If upon retirement, an enployee has accrued 320 hours of sick leave, which shall require the fonnal filing of the appropriate foDIIS with the Public Ðl¡>loyee's Retirement System, a cash payment will be made equivalent to seventy-five percent (75%) of the dollar value of the unused sick leave. SUch payment to be calculated at a wage rate which is the average of the preceding five (5) years for the enployee. 2. If upon tennination for other than discharge with a just cause, an enployee has 320 haJrs of accrued sick leave, a cash payment will be made equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the dollar value of the unused sick leave balance. '111e dollar value for such payment shall be calculated at a wage rate which is the average of the pz--:1irx¡ five (5) years for the enployee. Represented enployees will have the c¢ion, subject to approval, of converting sick, leave to vacation leave on a tI.'o-to-a18 basis. '!he I!IaXÍlIuIn allowable ex:à1anJe will be 96 hours of sick time for 48 hours of vacation leave per calendar ear. MinimJm ex:à1anJe will be 8 hours sick leave for 4 hours of vacation. An enployee may convert sick leave in excess of 320 haJrs to vacation leave on a one-to-a1e basis with a mayimnn of 48 haJrs am a IIIi.nimJm of 4 hours. -10- '¥ , As a corx:lition of convertin;¡' sick leave to vacation, all enployees will be required to use at least óne-half of the vacation accrued durin;¡' the previous twelve IOOnths. Such conversion, either to exchange sick leave for vacation or vice versa shall be subject to the following con:titions: l. All requests to exchan;Je sick leave for vacation time shall be subnitted in writing to the Depart:¡nent Head at least sixty (60) calenjar days in advance of intended vacation utilization. 2. '!he granting of such exchan;Je and subsequent use will be at the discretion of the Depart:¡nent Head. 3. If twelve (12) IOOnths have elapsed since approval of the exchan;Je of sick leave for vacation, and the enployee has not been permitted the use of the converted vacation time, (after subnitting at least one writtén request for utilization) the enployee will have the right to re-convert the vacation time to sick leave in reverse ratio to the original exchan;Je. '!his exchan;Je will be allowed ~ for previously converted sick time to vacation am will not be permitted for regularly accrued vacation time. -11- 4. If an employee, after converting sick leave to vacation time, eJChausts all of his/her remaining sick leave due to injuxy or illness, he/she may make a written request to the Department Head to r&-w",rert'vacation time to sick leave on a reverse ratio basis. ilR'roval wil be subject to an "~---=nent by the Department Head as to the validity of the illness/injuxy and whether or not a written ¡ilysician's statement attesting to the illness/injuxy is required will be at the sole option of the Department Head. 5. If the employee's vacation accrual ~.. the max.imum allowable accrual, he/she will haVe the option to re-convert vacation time back to sick leave on a reverse ratio basis. SUch re-co.."ersion shall be limited to previously converted sick leavejVacation and may not exceed the aIID.II1t ~~ary to reduce the accrued vacation to the mavim'1ID allowable. Regularly accrued vacation time will not be eligible for this re-conversion to sick leave am arr;¡ regularly accrued vacation time accrued in e.Yr"<>c:'S1 of the lIIa)Ii 1I",m allowable will be disallowed am not subject to utilization by the Ellp].ayee. NOlE: As USed in this ,,¡,y..,.....'1t, "reverse ratio", is intended to IIIIIIIn that the ratio of sick leave to vacation will revert to the original ratio at the time the initial exchan;Je was inplemented. -u- SECI'ION 12: PERSONAL lEAVE 'Ihe City shall allow twenty-foor (24) hours of aCCUlm.llated sick leave per calendar year to be used for con:lucting personal business whicll ,cannot be con:lucted outside regular working hours. 'Ihe enployee ImJSt request leave, if non-elllE!Igency, at least forty-eight (48) hours (two working days) prior to the time of utilization on the fœ:m presently provided and with their supexvisor's approval. In cases of emergency, the forty-eight (48) hoor notification P~1re may be waived by the immediate supexvisor provided the form is campleted and the reason for the request is stated upon retum. SECI'ION 13: BEREAVEMENr lEAVE Enployees shall be granted paid bereavement leave not to exceed three (3) work days upon the occasion of death of a close relative. Close relatives are defined as mother, father, sister, brother, wife, husban:l, d1ild, gran:!parent, gran:lchildren, mother-in-law and father-in-law. SECI'ION 14: MILITARY lEAVE MilitaJ:y leave shall be granted in accordance with the provision of state law. All euployees entitled to militaJ:y leave shall give their supexvisor an qp:>rb.mity, within the limits of militaJ:y ~, to detemine when such leave shall be, taken. -13- SECI'ION l5: PREX:;NANC'{ DISABILI'lY !.EAVE A pregnant enployee is entitled up to four (4) m::>nths leave of absence withalt pay for tenqJorary disability resulting from pregnancy, mi"""'rriage, childbirth or rect:Nery therefrom. Employees shall take Ul1piÙd leave of absence during such leave except that accrued vacation pay and sick leave may be taken at the option of the enployee. As with all other tenqJorary disabilities, a physician's certificate is required to verify the extent and duration of the tenqJorary disability. An enployee who plans to take a pregnancy leave I!'I.lSt give a reasonable notice (not less than four (4) weeks) before the date she expects to take the leave and the estimated duration of the leave. '!he City will pay health and vælfare benefits at the same rate as prior to the leave untµ the enployee is released by her physician to return to VIOrk or for sixty (60) days, whichever canes first. SECI'ION 16: AOOPl'ION !.EAVE Upon request, a leave of absence witho.1t pay for up to four (4) weeks will be granted to adoptive parents. A=rued vacation pay am sick leave may be taken at the cptia1 of the enployee during this leave tœ. '!he City will pay health and vælfare benefits at the same rate as prior to the leave. -14- SECI'ION 17: CATASTROFHIC lEAVE 1. '!he City will fom a camnittee to establish a definition of cat:astJ:t:pùc or life-threatening illness. '!his camnittee will evaluate each intividual case when it is subnitted to qualify to receive furxIs. '!he only limitation is that the en-ployee I!IJSt be the one facing the illness. '!he camnittee has the right to ask the awlicant to subnit further documentation fran their ¡ñysician to deteJ:mine the applicant does suffer a cat:astJ:t:pùc or life-threatening illness. 2. All benefitted en-ployees who have r>ass'9d initial Probation with the City will be eligible to receive assistance. An en-ployee does not have to be a contribrt:or to be eligible. An en-ployee or their L"'!JL :sentative IIIJSt carplete a prescribed awlication fom together with stIRJOl"tin¡ medical documentation to the Personnel Office when applying for furxIs . 3. A recipient I!IJSt have USed all of their available leave hours before he/she is eligible. 4. '!he II1i.niJJum time an eoployee oc:W.d receive furxIs ~d be one ~. '!he may;"",", amamt is tIoIO m::nths (IlI'D becall"'S available at this time). -15- · . 5. Vacation leave will be the only leave that may be donated. An enployee may not donate vacation leave hoors which WI:JlÙ.d reduce hisjher total aocrued leave balances to less than 120 hoors. All leave donations are irrevocable. 6. A vacation trcmsfer drive will be held once a year for employees to donate vacation leave. Transfers may be in increments of 1 hem' or IIDre. All donations will be confidential. 'Ihere will be no selling or coercion of employees to donate. If the bank is depleted a vacation trcmsfer drive may be held at the request of the Committee. 7. Donated vacation. leave hoors will be converted to cash and deposited in a time-bank where it will be available for distribution. Interest a=ing fran the bank shall be credited to the time-bank. 01ecks will be issued to the recipient with the regular payroll, which will keep them in an active employment \\'Ode with the City. '!his procedure prevents overpayments or corrections sin::e it canes after the actual leave has been taken. (Conversion allows for adjustments for different rates of pay.) No employee shall receive payment for 1IDre than 100% of their regular pay. -16- SEcrION 18: AæENCE ~l'.1nCATION An enployee is expected not to absent hinEe1fjherself from work for arrj reason other than personal illness without making prior arran:JeI!IeI'1 with hisjher supervisor. Unless prior ~ements are made, an enployee who, for arrj reason, fails to report for work I!U.ISt make a sincere effort to immediately notify hisjher supervisor of hisjher reason for being absent. If the absence, whether for personal illness or othæ:wise, is to continue beyon:1 the first day, the enployee I!U.ISt notify the supervisor on a daily basis unless othexwise arran;¡ed with hisjher supervisor. In proper cases, exceptions will be made. Arrj unauthorized absence of an enployee from duty shall be deemed to be an absence without pay and will be groun:Is for disciplinary action by the Department Head. In the absence of such disciplinary action, arr;¡ enployee who absents hllnse1fjherself for three days or rore withcut authorized leave shall be deemed to have resigned. SUch absence may be covered, however, by the Department Head by a fOllCMing grant of leave with or withcut pay'olhen extenuating circumstances are fourxi to have existed. -17- · ' SEcrION 19 TRAININ:; AND 'IUITION RF.ThIR'~ It is the intent of the City to reooç¡uize the value of training to its enployees; and to adopt a training policy which will encourage en'plåyees to avail themselves of jab related educational OPPOrtunities that will advance their knowledge aIXi interests in the direction of their career with the City; aIXi by doing so to iltprove the M.micipal Service. Employees who wish to seek reiJnbursement fran the City for training program costs shall provide a written request for reiJnbursement to their CepartJnent Head. '!he form provided shall include the type of program, sponsoring organization or institution, meeting times and costs for such program. On::e a training PZ,""L"'" has been awroved by the Department Head arr;¡ errployee covered by this Agreement ~d be- eligible for reiJnbursement unless funds l:uiqeted for this activity have been exhausted. However, no enployee shall receive arr;¡ reiJnbursement until they have provided satisfactory proof of S'1"""'~sful CC11I>letion of the PZ,""L""'. SEcrION 20: CI'IY SPCtISORF.n ~:r.'l'T0N PROGRAMs City enployees shall have the privilege of enrollment in City spoI1SOI'8d recreation programs at City residents' fee structure and in preference to non-residents wishing to enroll. -18- SECITON 21: rxÆ PROCESS In each and ever¡ instance involving the issuarx::e of warning notices, suspensions or the dismissal or discharge of an euplayee, such. will not be effectuated without the enp10yee first having been given, in writing the basis for such. action being taken and the ORXIrtunity to question the reasons therefore of hisjher supervisor or Deparbnent Head. Said ORXIrtunity shall be as soon as is practical after having been served the written notice am shall not constitute arr;¡ limitation othezwise available through the grievance or aRJeal Procedures. Any written warning in an enployee's file will be rem::wed from the file after three years. SECITON 22: IAYOFFS Layoffs of enployees may be made by the A¡:p:¡inting Authority for lack of fun::!s, lack of ~ or for other silnilar and just cause. '!he order of layoff shall be that which, in the opinion of the A¡:p:¡inting Authority, will cause the least disruption of service to the City. Unless otherwise prevented fran doing so as a result of corx:litions or situatioos beyorñ the City's ocntròl, the City will provide a mi.nim.m1 of thirty (30) days notice to arr;¡ enployee subject to being laid off pn"SUant to the Rule an layoffs. -19- . . ' SECI'ICN 23 REINSTA'I»1ENl' '!he names of enployees affected by layoff shall be placed on a recall list for a period of two years in the reverse order of layoff and shall have the first OWOrtmrity for reinstatelrent. Failure to respon:J. within ten days to a written notice of such opportmrity shall cause that name to be reIOOVed from the recall list. With the approval of the Appointing Authority, a pemanent or probationary enployee who has resigned with a good record may be reinstated within twenty-four =nths of the effective date of resignation to a vacant position in the same or ccmparable class he/she previously occupied. Upon reinstatement, the enployee for all p.np::ses, shall be considered as though they had received an original appointment. SECI'ION 24: mm'INUATION OF BEl<u,;¡. .1'l~ All teDns and con:1itioris of enployment not otherwise contained herein shall be maintained at the stan::Iards in effect at the tiIne of execution. SECI'ION 25: SEPARABILI'lY In the event arr;¡ prevision of this ay...........ant is finally held to be illegal by a cant of cc:mprt.ent jurisdiction or void as being in contravention of any law, rule or regulation of any gov.....,......1t aqen::y having jurisdiciton over the ~ject set forth, then the remairœr of the aýl:eeme¡,t shall continue in full force and effect unless the parts so fam:l to be void are held inseparable fraJ the remaining portion of the ayleeme¡,t. -20- · SECI'ICN 26: RATIFICATION Nothing CXI'1tained in this menr:>ran:lum shall be birñin;J upon either the City or the Association following signing of this ~ by the ~es until it has been ratified by the Association's membership am presented am ~roved by the City Ca.mcil of the City. SECI'ION 27: F.1I'T'I'm)F.J) BEtiu n~ It is urx:!e.rstood am agreed that arr;¡ IOOre favorable total c::a¡q:¡ensation package agreed to by the City with arr;¡ other bargaining unit of enployees during the life of this agre..,leI'It will be extended to the CUpertino Enployee's Association. '!he IIDre favoJ:iJale teDns will be i.n:::oqJOrated into this ay...........nt. SECI'ION 28: IE:æ 'Ibis ay............-rt: shall have effectivity nt"OIOIIA"ICing at 12:01 A.M., Julv 1. 1991 am erñing at 11:59 P.M., JUne 30. 1992. ê~¡::¿~ })-,;) Æw:~ -21- CITY OF CUPERTINO CLASSES OF POSITIONS BY PAY GRADE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 Classes of positions Listed Alphabetically Classification Pay Grade 106 l70 199 l23 137 199 192 l89 l20 78 13l l89 l67 192 56 l78 137 l63 l78 99 56 l89 82 203 Account Clerk Accountant Administrative Assistant Administrative Clerk Admini~trative Specialist Assistant civil Engineer Associate Planner Building Inspector II Cable ,Producer Clerk Typist Code Enforcement Electrical Inspector Engineering Technician Environmental Programs Manager Facility Attendant Housing & Services Coordinator Housing specialist Planner I Planner II Program Director Public Information Aide Public Works Inspector Recreation Coordinator Senior Building Inspector (page two) CITY OF CUPERTINO CLASSES OF POSITIONS BY PAY GRADE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT Classes of Positions Listed Alphabetically Classification Pay Grade 88 182 182 99 5ô l6ï Senior Clerk Typist Senior Engineering Technician Senior Traffic Technician Special Program Coordinator Switchboard Operator/Receptionist Traffic Technician CITY OF CUPERTINO CLASSES OF POSITIONS BY PAY GRADE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 Classes of Positions by Pay Grade Pay Grade 56 Pay Grade 13 7 Public Information Aide Administrative Specialist Housing Specialist Pay Grade 58 Switchboard Operator/Receptionist Facility Attendant Pay Grade l63 Planner I Pay Grade 78 Pay Grade l67 Clerk Typist Engineering Technician Traffic Technician Pay Grade 82 Pay Grade l70 Recreation Coordinator Accountant Pay Grade 88 Senior Clerk Typist Pay Grade l78 Housing & Services Coordina~oé Planner II Pay Grade 99 Pay Grade l82 Program Director Special Program Coordinator Senior Engineering Technioian Senior Traffic Technician Pay Grade l06 Account Clerk Pay Grade l89 Building Inspector II Electrical Inspector Public Works Inspector Pay Grade 120 Pay Grade 192 Cable Producer Environmental Programs Mgr. Associate Planner Pay Grade 123 Pay Grade 199 Administrative Clerk Administrative Assistant Assistant Civil Engineer Pay Grade 131 Pay Grade 203 Code Enforcement Officer Senior Building Inspector SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 1 Hour 7,7300 8.1165 8,5223 9,3958 Month 1339.8667 1406,8600 1477,1987 1628.6053 2 Hour 7,7687 8,1571 8,5650 9.4430 Month 1346,5747 1413,8973 1484.6000 1636.7867 3 Hour 7,8075 8,1979 8,6078 9.4901 Month '1353.3000 1420,9693 1492,0187 1644,9507 4 Hour 7,8465 8.2388 8.6507 9,5374 Month 1360.0600 1428,0587 1499.4547 1653,1493 5 Hour 7,8857 82800 8.6940 9,5851 Month 1366,8547 1435.2000 1506,9600 1661.4173 6 Hour 7,9251 8,3214 8.7375 9,6331 Month 1373,6840 1442.3760 1514,5000 1669.7373 7 Hour 7.9647 p 3629 8,7810 9.6811 Month 1380,5480 1449,5693 1522.0400 1678,0573 8 Hour 8,0045 8.4047 8.8249 9,7294 Month 1387.4467 1456.8147 1529.6493 1686.4293 9 Hour 8,0445 8.4467 8.8690 9,7781 Month 1394.3800 1464,0947 1537.2933 1694.8707 10 Hour 8.0847 8.4889 8.9133 9,8270 Month 1401,3480 1471 .4093 1544.9720 1703.3467 11 Hour 8.1251 8,5314 8,9580 9,8762 Month 1408,3507 1478.7760 1552.7200 1711,8747 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 12 Hour 8.1657 8,5740 9.0027 9,9254 Month 1415.3880 1486.1600 1560.4680 1720.4027 13 Hour 8.2065 8,6168 9.0476 9,9750 Month 1422.4600 1493.5787 1568,2507 1729.0000 14 Hour 8.2475 8.6599 9.0929 10.0249 Month 1429.5667 1501.0493 1576,1027 1737.6493 15 Hour 8.2887 8,7031 9,1383 10,0750 Month 1436,7080 1508,5373 1583.9720 1746,3333 16 Hour 8,3301 8.7466 9.1839 10,1253 Month 1443.8840 1516.0773 1591,8760 1755.0520 17 Hour 8.3718 8.7904 9.2299 10,1760 Month 1451.1120 1523.6693 1599.8493 1763.8400 18 Hour 8.4137 8.8344 9,2761 10,2269 Month 1458.3747 1531,2960 1607,8573 1772,6627 19 Hour 8.4558 8,8786 9,3225 10,2780 Month 1465.6720 1538,9573 1615.9000 1781.5200 20 Hour 8.4981 8.9230 9.3692 10.3296 Month 1473.0040 1546.6533 1623.9947 1790.4640 21 Hour 8.5406 8.9676 9.4160 10.3811 Month 1480.3707 1554.3840 1632.1067 1799.3907 22 Hour 8,5833 9.0125 9.4631 10.4331 Month 1487.7720 1 562.1667 1640.2707 1808.4040 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 23 Hour 8.6262 9.0575 9,5104 10.4852 Month 1495.2080 1569.9667 1648.4693 1817.4347 24 Hour 8,6693 9,1028 9,5579 10,5376 Month 1502,6787 1577,8187 1656,7027 1826.5173 25 Hour 8,7126 9,1482 9,6056 10,5902 Month 1510,1840 1585,6880 1664.9707 1835.6347 26 Hour 8,7562 9,1940 9,6537 10.6432 Month 1517,7413 1593.6267 1673,3080 1844,8213 27 Hour 8,8000 9,2400 9,7020 10.6965 Month 1525,3333 1601,6000 1681,6800 1854,0600 28 Hour 8.8440 9.2862 9,7505 10.7499 Month 1532.9600 1609.6080 1690.0867 1863,3160 29 Hour 8.8882 9,3326 9.7992 10.8037 Month 1540.6213 1617.6507 1698.5280 1872.6413 30 Hour 8,9326 9.3792 9,8482 10,8576 Month 1548.3173 1625.7280 1707,0213 1881,9840 31 Hour 8.9773 9.4262 9.8975 10,9120 Month 1556.0653 1633.8747 1715,5667 1891.4133 32 Hour 9.0222 9.4733 9,9470 10.9666 Month 1563.8480 1642.0387 1724,1467 1900.8773 33 Hour 9,0673 9.5207 9,9967 11.0213 Month 1571.6653 1650,2547 1732.7613 1910,3587 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 34 Hour 9.1126 9.5682 10,0466 11.0763 Month 1579.5173 1658.4880 1741.4107 1919.8920 35 Hour 9.1582 9,6161 10,0969 11,1318 Month 1587.4213 1666.7907 1750,1293 1929,5120 36 Hour 9.2040 9.6642 10,1474 11,1875 Month 1595,3600 1675.1280 1758,8827 1939.1667 37 Hour 9,2500 9,7125 10.1981 11,2434 Month 1603,3333 1683,5000 1767,6707 1948,8560 38 Hour 9.2963 9.7611 10.2492 11,2998 Month 1611,3587 1691.9240 1776.5280 1958,6320 39 Hour 9.3428 9.8099 10.3004 11,3562 Month 1619.4187 1700,3827 1785.4027 1968.4080 40 Hour 9,3895 9,8590 10.3520 11.4131 Month 1627.5133 1708,8933 1794.3467 1978,2707 41 Hour 9.4364 9,9082 1 0.4036 11.4700 Month 1635.6427 1717.4213 1803,2907 1988.1333 42 Hour 9.4836 9.9578 , 10.4557 11,5274 Month 1643.8240 1726.0187 1812.3213 1998.0827 43 Hour 9.5310 10.0076 10.5080 11,5851 Month 1652,0400 1734,6507 1821,3867 2008,0840 44 Hour 9.5787 10,0576 10.5605 11.6429 Month 1660.3080 1743.3173 1830.4867 2018,1027 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 45 Hour 9.6266 10,1079 10.6133 11,7012 Month 1668,6107 1752,0360 1839.6387 2028,2080 46 Hour 9,6747 10,1584 10,6663 11,7596 Month 1676,9480 1760,7893 1848.8253 2038,3307 47 Hour 9.7231 10,2093 10.7198 11,8186 Month 1685.3373 1769,6120 1858.0987 2048.5573 48 Hour . 9,7717 10.2603 10.7733 11,8776 Month 1693.76,3 1778.4520 1867.3720 2058,7840 49 Hour 9.8206 10,3116 10,8272 11,9370 Month 1702.2373 1787.3440 1876.7147 2069,0800 50 Hour 9.8697 10,3632 10.8814 11,9968 Month 1710.7480 1796.2880 1886.1093 2079.4453 51 Hour 9,9190 10.4150 10.9358 12.0567 Month 17192933 1805,2667 1895,5387 2089,8280 52 Hour 9,9686 10.4670 10,9904 12,1169 Month 1727,8907 1814,2800 1905.0027 2100,2627 53 Hour 10,0184 10.5193 11.0453 12,1775 Month 1736,5227 1823.3453 1914.5187 2110.7667 54 Hour 10.0685 10.5719 11.1005 12.2383 Month 1745,2067 1832.4627 1924.0867 2121,3053 55 Hour 10.1188 10.6247 1 U559 12.2994 Month 1753.9253 1841,6147 1933.6893 2131,8960 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 56 Hour m1694 10.6779, 11.2118 12.3610 Month 1762,6960 1850.8360 1943.3787 2142.5733 57 Hour 10,2202 10,7312 11.2678 12A228 Month 1771 ,5013 1860,0747 1953.0853 2153.2853 58 Hour 10.2713 10,7849 11.3241 1 2A848 Month 1780.3587 1869,3827 1962,8440 2164,0320 59 Hour 10,3227 10,8388 11,3807 12,5472 Month 1789,2680 1878.7253 1972,6547 2174,8480 60 Hour 10.3743 10.8930 11A377 12.6101 Month 1798.2120 1888.1200 1982.5347 2185.7507 61 Hour 10A262 10.9475 11A949 12,6731 Month 1807,2080 1897.5667 1992A493 2196,6707 62 Hour 10A783 11,0022 11,5523 12,7364 Month 1816,2387 1907.0480 2002.3987 2207,6427 63 Hour 10.5307 11.0572 11.6101 12.8001 Month 1825,3213 1916.5813 2012A 173 2218,6840 64 Hour 1 0,5834 11.1126 11.6682 12.8642 Month 1834A560 1926.1840 2022A880 2229.7947 65 Hour 10.6363 11.1681 11,7265 12.9284 Month 1843,6253 1935.8040 2032,5933 2240,9227 66 Hour 10,6895 11.2240 11.7852 12.9932 Month 1852.8467 1945A933 2042.7680 2252.1547 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19,1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 67 Hour 10.7429 11 ,2800 11.8440 13.0580 Month 1862.1027 1955.2000 2052.9600 2263,3867 68 Hour 10.7966 11.3364 11.9032 13,1233 Month 1871.4107 1964,9760 2063.2213 2274,7053 69 Hour 10.8506 11,3931 11.9628 13,1889 Month 1880,7707 1974,8040 2073.5520 2286.0760 70 Hour 10,9049 11.4501 12.0226 13,2549 Month 1890,1827 1984.6840 2083.9173 2297.5160 71 Hour 10.9594 11,5074 12.0828 13.3212 Month 1899.6293 1994.6160 2094.3520 2309.0080 72 Hour 11.0142 11,5649 12,1431 13,3878 Month 1909,1280 2004.5827 2104.8040 2320,5520 73 Hour 11,0693 11.6228 12,2039 13.4548 Month 1918.6787 2014.6187 2115.3427 2332.1653 74 Hour 11.1246 11,6808 12.2648 13.5219 Month 1928.2640 2024.6720 2125.8987 2343,7960 75 Hour 11.1802 11.7392 12,3262 13,5896 Month 1937.9013 2034.7947 2136.5413 2355.5307 76 Hour 11.2361 11.7979 12.3878 13,6576 Month 1947,5907 2044,9693 2147.2187 2367,3173 77 Hour 11,2923 11,8569 12.4497 ' 13,7258 Month 1957.3320 2055.1960 2157.9480 2379.1387 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 78 Hour 11,3488 11.9162 12.5120 13.7945 Month 1967.1253 2065.4747 2168,7467 2391,0467 79 Hour 11 .4055 11.9758 12.5746 13.8635 Month 1976,9533 2075,8053 2179,5973 2403,0067 80 Hour 11.4625 12,0356 12.6374 13,9328 Month 1986,8333 2086.1707 2190.4827 2415,0187 81 Hour 11,5198 12,0958 12,7006 14,0024 Month 1996.7653 2096.6053 2201.4373 2427,0827 82 Hour 11,5774 12,1563 12,7641 14,0724 Month 2006,7493 2107,0920 2212.4440 2439,2160 83 Hour 11,6353 12,2171 12.8280 14,1429 Month 2016,7853 2117.6307 2223,5200 2451,4360 84 Hour 11,6935 12.2782 12.8921 14,2135 Month 2026.8733 2128.2213 2234,6307 2463,6733 85 Hour 11.7520 12,3396 12.9566 14.2846 Month 2037,0133 2138.8640 2245.8107 2475,9973 86 Hour 11.8108 12.4013 13.0214 14,3561 Month 2047.2053 2149.5587 2257.0427 2488.3907 87 Hour 11.8699 12.4634 13.0866 14.4279 Month 2057.4493 2160.3227 2268.3440 2500.8360 88 Hour 11.9292 12.5257 13.1520 14.5001 Month 2067.7280 217.1,1213 2279,6800 2513,3507 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 89 Hour 11.9888 12,5882 13.2176 14,5724 Month 2078,0587 2181.9547 2291 ,0507 2525,8827 90 Hour 12.0487 12.6511 13,2837 14,6453 Month 2088.4413 2192.8573 2302,5080 2538,5187 91 Hour 12.1089 12,7143 13,3500 14,7184 Month 2098.8760 2203.8120 2314.0000 2551,1893 92 Hour 12.1694 12.7779 13.4168 14,7920 Month 2109.3627 2214,8360 2325,5787 2563,9467 93 Hour 12.2302 12,8417 1 3.4838 14,8659 Month 2119.9013 2225.8947 2337,1920 2576,7560 94 Hour 12,2914 12.9060 13,5513 14,9403 Month 2130,5093 2237.0400 2348,8920 2589,6520 95 Hour 12,3529 12.9705 13.6190 15,0150 Month 214U693 2248,2200 2360,6267 2602,6000 96 Hour 12.4147 13.0354 13.6872 15,0902 Month 2151.8813 2259.4693 2372.4480 2615,6347 97 Hour 12.4768 13.1006 13,7556 15,1656 Month 2162.6453 2270.7707 2384,3040 2628.7040 98 Hour 12.5392 13,1662 13.8245 15,2415 Month 2173.4613 2282,1413 2396.2467 264 U600 99 Hour 12.6019 13.2320 13,8936 15,3177 Month 2184.3293 2293.5467 2408.2240 2655,0680 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 100 Hour 12.6649 13.2981 13.9630 15,3943 Month 2195,2493 2305.0040 2420.2533 2668,3453 101 Hour 12,7282 13.3646 14.0328 15.4711 Month 2206,2213 2316.5307 2432.3520 2681,6573 102 Hour 12.7918 13.4314 14,1030 15,5486 Month 2217,2453 2328.1 093 2444,5200 2695,0907 103 Hour 12,8558 13.4986 14,1735 15,6263 Month 2228,3387 2339,7573 2456,7400 2708,5587 104 Hour 12.9201 13.5661 14.2444 15,7044 Month 2239.4840 2351.4573 2469.0293 2722,0960 105 Hour 12.9847 13.6339 14.3156 15,7830 Month 2250,6813 2363.2093 2481,3707 2735.7200 106 Hour 13,0496 13.7021 14,3872 15,8619 Month 2261,9307 2375.0307 2493,7813 2749.3960 107 Hour 13,1148 1 3,7705 14.4590 15,9411 Month 2273.2320 2386,8867 2506.2267 2763.1240 108 Hour 13.1804 13.8394 14.5314 16,0209 Month 2284.6027 2398.8293 2518.7760 2776.9560 109 Hour 13,2463 13,9086 14,6040 16,1009 Month 2296,0253 2410.8240 2531,3600 2790,8227 110 Hour 13.3125 13.9781 14,6770 16,1814 Month 2307,5000 2422.8707 2544,0133 2804,7760 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 111 Hour 13.3791 14,0481 14,7505 16,2624 Month 2319.0440 2435.0040 2556.7533 2818,8160 112 Hour 13.4460 14.1183 14,8242 16,3437 Month 2330,6400 2447,1720 2569.5280 2832.9080 113 Hour 13.5132 14.1889 14.8983 16.4254 Month 2342.2880 2459.4093 2582.3720 2847,0693 114 Hour 13,5808 14,2598 14,9728 16,5075 Month 2354,0053 2471,6987 2595.2853 2861,3000 115 Hour 13.6487 14,3311 15.0477 16,5901 Month 2365,7747 2484.0573 2608.2680 2875,6173 116 Hour 13,7169 14.4027 15.1228 16,6728 Month 2377,5960 2496.4680 2621 ,2853 2889,9520 117 Hour 13.7855 14.4748 15,1985 16,7563 Month 2389,4867 2508.9653 2634.4067 2904.4253 118 Hour 13,8544 14.5471 15.2745 16.8401 Month 2401.4293 2521.4973 2647,5800 2918,9507 119 Hour 13.9237 14.6199 15.3509 16,9243 Month 2413.4413 2534.1160 2660.8227 2933,5453 120 Hour 13.9933 14.6930 15.4277 17,0091 Month 2425.5053 2546.7867 2674.1347 2948.2440 121 Hour 14.0633 14.7665 15.5048 ' 17.0940 Month 2437.6387 2559.5267 2687.4987 2962,9600 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 122 Hour 14.1336 14.8403 15.5823 17,1795 Month 2449.8240 2572,3187 2700,9320 2977,7800 123 Hour 14,2043 14.9145 15,6602 '7,2654 Month 2462,0787 2585,1800 2714.4347 2992,6693 124 Hour 142753 14,9891 15.7386 17,3518 Month 2474.3853 2598.1107 2728.0240 3007,6453 125 Hour 14,3467 15,0640 15.8172 17.4385 Month 2486.7613 2611,0933 2741,6480 3022,6733 126 Hour 14.4184 15.1393 15,8963 17,5257 Month 2499,1893 2624,1453 2755.3587 3037,7880 127 Hour 14.4905 15,2150 15.9758 17,6133 Month 2511,6867 2637,2667 2769,1387 3052,9720 128 Hour 14,5630 15,2912 16.0558 17,7015 Month 2524,2533 2650.4747 2783.0053 3068,2600 129 Hour 14.6358 15.3676 16.1360 17,7899 Month 2536.8720 2663,7173 2796,9067 3083.5827 130 Hour 14.7090 15.4445 16,2167 17,8789 Month 2549.5600 2677.0467 2810.8947 3099,0093 131 Hour 14.7825 15.5216 16,2977 17.9682 Month 2562.3000 2690.4107 2824.9347 3114.4880 132 Hour 14,8564 15.5992 16.3792 ' 18.0581 Month 2575.1093 2703.8613 2839,0613 3130,0707 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 133 Hour 14,9307 15.6772 16.4611 18.1484 Month 2587.9880 2717.3813 2853.2573 3145.7227 134 Hour 15,0054 15,7557 16.5435 18,2392 Month 2600,9360 2730,9880 2867.5400 3161.4613 135 Hour 15.0804 15,8344 16.6261 18,3303 Month 2613.9360 2744.6293 2881.8573 31772520 136 Hour 15,1558 15.9136 16,7093 18.4220 Month 2627,0053 2758.3573 28962787 3193.1467 137 Hour 15,2316 15.9932 16.7929 18.5141 Month 2640.1440 2772,1547 2910,7693 3209.1107 138 Hour 15,3078 16,0732 16.8769 18.6067 Month 2653,3520 2786.0213 2925,3293 3225,1613 139 Hour 15.3843 16.1535 16.9612 18,6998 Month 2666.6120 2799.9400 2939.9413 3241,2987 140 Hour 15.4612 16.2343 17.0460 18,7932 Month 2679.9413 2813,9453 2954.6400 3257.4880 141 Hour 15.5385 16.3154 17.1312 18,8872 Month 2693,3400 2828.0027 2969.4080 3273.7813 142 Hour 15,6162 16.3970 17.2169 18.9816 Month 2706,8080 2842.1467 2984.2627 3290.1440 143 Hour 15.6943 16.4790 17.3030 19,0766 Month 2720.3453 2856.3600 2999.1867 3306,6107 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19,1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 144 Hour 15.7728 16.5614 17.3895 19,1720 Month 2733.9520 2870.6427 3014.1800 3323,1467 145 Hour 15.8517 16.6443 17.4765 19,2678 Month 2747.6280 2885.0120 3029,2600 3339,7520 146 Hour 15,9310 16.7276 17,5640 19,3643 Month 2761.3733 2899.4507 3044.4267 3356.4787 147 Hour 16.0107 16.8112 17,6518 19.4611 Month 2775,1880 2913.9413 3059.6453 3373,2573 148 Hour 16,0908 16,8953 17.7401 19,5585 Month 2789.0720 2928.5187 3074,9507 3390,1400 149 Hour 16.1713 16.9799 17.8289 19,6563 Month 2803.0253 2943.1827 3090.3427 3407.0920 150 Hour 16,2522 17.0648 17.9180 19.7546 Month 2817,0480 2957,8987 3105,7867 3424,1307 151 Hour 16,3335 17,1502 18.0077 19,8535 Month 2831.1400 2972,7013 3121,3347 3441,2733 152 Hour 16.4152 17.2360 18.0978 19,9528 Month 2845.3013 2987.5733 3136.9520 3458.4853 153 Hour 16.4973 17.3222 18.1883 20.0526 Month 2859.5320 3002.5147 3152.6387 3475,7840 154 Hour 16.5798 17 .4088 18.2792 20,1529 Month 2873.8320 3017.5253 3168.3947 3493.1693 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 155 Hour 16.6627 17.4958 18.3706 20,2536 Month 2888,2013 3032,6053 3184.2373 3510,6240 156 Hour 16,7460 17,5833 18.4625 20,3549 Month 2902,6400 3047,7720 3200.1667 3528,1827 157 Hour 16.8297 17,6712 18.5548 20.4566 Month 2917,1480 3063.0080 3216.1653 3545.8107 158 Hour 16,9138 17,7595 18.6475 20,5589 Month 2931 ,725;3 3078,3133 3232,2333 3563,5427 159 Hour 16.9984 17,8483 18,7407 20,6616 Month 2946,3893 3093,7053 3248.3880 3581,3440 160 Hour 17.0834 17,9376 18.8345 20,7650 Month 2961.1227 3109,1840 3264,6467 3599,2667 161 Hour 17,1688 18,0272 18,9286 20,8688 Month 2975.9253 3124,7147 3280,9573 3617,2587 162 Hour 17,2546 18,1173 19.0232 20.9731 Month 2990.7973 3140,3320 3297.3547 3635,3373 163 Hour 17,3409 18,2079 19.1183 21.0779 Month 3005.7560 3156.0360 3313.8387 3653.5027 164 Hour 17.4276 18,2990 19.2140 21,1834 Month 3020.7840 3171.8267 3330.4267 3671,7893 165 Hour 17.5147 18.3904 19,3099 . 21.2892 Month 3035.8813 3187.6693 3347,0493 3690.1280 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19,1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 166 Hour 17.6023 18.4824 19.4065 21 ,3956 Month 3051.0653 3203.6160 3363,7933 3708.5707 167 Hour 17.6903 18.5748 19,5035 21,5026 Month 3066.3187 3219,6320 3380.6067 3727,1173 168 Hour 17.7788 18.6677 19.6011 21,6103 Month 3081,6587 3235.7347 3397.5240 3745,7853 169 Hour 17,8677 18,7611 19,6992 21,7184 Month 3097.0680 3251,9240 3414,5280 3764,5227 170 Hour 17,9570 18.8549 19.7976 21 ,8269 Month 3112.5467 3268.1827 3431,5840 3783.3293 171 Hour 18,0468 18.9491 19,8966 21 ,9360 Month 3128,1120 3284.5107 3448.7440 3802,2400 172 Hour 18.1370 19.0439 19,9961 22,0457 Month 3143.7467 3300,9427 3465.9907 3821,2547 173 Hour 18,2277 19,1391 20,0961 22,1559 Month 3159.4680 3317.4440 3483.3240 3840,3560 174 Hour 18.3188 19.2347 20.1964 22.2665 Month 3175.2587 3334,0147 3500.7093 3859.5267 175 Hour 18.4104 19.3309 20.2974 22,3779 Month 3191.1360 3350.6893 3518.2160 3878,8360 176 Hour 18.5025 19.4276 20.3990 22.4900 Month 3207.1000 3367.4507 3535.8267 3898,2667 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 177 Hour 18.5950 19,5248 20.5010 22.6024 Month 3223,1333 3384,2987 3553.5067 3917,7493 178 Hour 18,6880 19.6224 20,6035 22.7154 Month 3239.2533 3401.2160 3571,2733 3937.3360 179 Hour 18.7814 19.7205 20.7065 22,8289 Month 3255.4427 3418,2200 3589.1267 3957,0093 180 Hour 18,8753 19,8191 20,8101 22.9431 Month 3271 ,7187 3435,3107 3607,0840 3976,8040 181 Hour 18.9697 19.9182 20,9141 23.0578 Month 3288,0813 3452.4880 3625.11 07 3996.6853 182 Hour 19.0645 20.0177 21.0186 23.1730 Month 3304,5133 3469,7347 36432240 4016,6533 183 Hour 19.1598 20,1178 21.1237 23,2889 Month 3321,0320 3487,0853 3661.4413 4036,7427 184 Hour 19.2556 20,2184 21,2293 23.4053 Month 3337.6373 3504,5227 3679,7453 4056,9187 185 Hour 19,3519 20.3195 21,3355 23,5224 Month 3354.3293 3522.0467 3698.1533 4077.2160 186 Hour 19.4487 20.4211 21 .4422 23,6400 Month 3371.1080 3539.6573 3716.6480 4097,6000 187 Hour 19.5459 20.5232 21 ,5494 ' 23.7582 Month 3387.9560 3557.3547 3735.2293 4118.0880 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 188 Hour 19.6436 20,6258 21.6571 23.8770 Month 3404,8907 3575,1387 3753.8973 4138,6800 L~ Hour 19.7418 20.7289 21.7653 23.9963 Month 3421,9120 3593.0093 3772.6520 4159.3587 190 Hour 19.8405 20,8325 21.8741 24.1162 Month 3439.0200 3610.9667 3791,5107 4180,1413 191 Hour 19.9397 20,9367 21.9835 24,2368 Month 3456,2147 3629,0280 3810.4733 4201,0453 Hour 20,0394 21,0414 22.0935 24,3581 Month 3473.4960 3647,1760 3829.5400 4222.0707 193 Hour 20,1396 21.1466 22,2039 24.4798 Month 3490.8640 3665.41 07 3848.6760 4243.1653 194 Hour 20.2403 21,2523 22.3149 24,6021 Month 3508.3187 3683,7320 3867.9160 4264,3640 195 Hour 20.3415 21,3586 22.4265 24.7252 Month 3525.8600 3702.1573 3887,2600 4285,7013 196 Hour 20.4432 21.4654 22.5387 24.8489 Month 3543.4880 3720.6693 3906,7080 4307,1427 197 Hour 20.5454 21,5727 22.6513 24.9731 Month 3561.2027 3739.2680 3926.2253 432R6707 198 Hour 20.6481 21.6805 22.7645 25.0978 Month 3579.0040 3757.9533 3945.8467. 4350,2853 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 199 Hour 20,7513 21,7889 22.8783 25.2233 Month 3596.8920 3776,7427 3965.5720 4372.0387 200 Hour 20.8551 21,8979 22,9928 25,3495 Month 3614,8840 3795.6360 3985.4187 4393.9133 201 Hour 20,9594 22.0074 23.1 078 25.4764 Month 3632.9627 3814.6160 4005.3520 4415:9093 202 Hour 21,0642 22.1174 232233 25,6037 Month 3651,1280 3833,6827 4025.3720 4437.9747 203 Hour 21,1695 22.2280 23.3394 25.7317 Month 3669,3800 3852.8533 4045.4960 4460,1613 204 Hour 21,2753 22.3391 23.4561 25,8603 Month 3687,7187 3872,1107 4065.7240 4482.4520 205 Hour 21,3817 22.4508 23.5733 25,9896 Month 3706.1613 3891.4720 4086.0387 4504,8640 206 Hour 21 .4886 22.5630 23.6912 26.1196 Month 3724.6907 3910.9200 4106.4747 4527,3973 207 Hour 21,5960 22.6758 23.8096 26,2501 Month 3743.3067 3930.4720 4126.9973 4550.0173 208 Hour 21.7040 22.7892 23.9287 26.3814 Month 3762.0267 3950,1280 4147,6413 4572.7760 209 Hour 21,8125 22.9031 24.0483 26,5132 Month 3780.8333 3969.8707 4168.3720 4595.6213 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 210 Hour 21,9216 23.0177 24.1686 26.6459 Month 3799,7440 3989.7347 4189.2240 4618,6227 211 Hour 22.0312 23,1328 24.2894 26,7791 Month 3818,7413 4009,6853 4210.1627 4641,7107 212 Hour 22.1414 23.2485 24.4109 26,9130 Month 3837.8427 4029.7400 4231,2227 4664,9200 213 Hour 22,2521 23,3647 24,5329 27,0475 Month 3857,0307 4049,8813 4252,3693 4688,2333 214 Hour 22.3634 23.4816 24,6557 27,1829 Month 3876.3227 4070.1440 4273.6547 4711,7027 215 Hour 22.4 752 23.5990 24.7790 27,3189 Month 3895,7013 4090.4933 4295,0267 4735,2760 216 Hour 22,5876 23]170 24.9029 27.4554 Month 3915.1840 4110,9467 4316,5027 4758.9360 217 Hour 22,7005 23.8355 25,0273 27,5926 Month 3934,7533 4131.4867 4338,0653 4782,7173 218 Hour 22.8140 23.9547 25.1524 27.7305 Month 3954.4267 4152.1480 4359.7493 4806.6200 219 Hour 22.9281 24.0745 25.2782 27.8692 Month 3974.2040 4172,9133 4381.5547 4830.6613 220 Hour 23,0427 24,1948 25.4045 ' 28.0084 Month 3994.0680 4193,7653 4403.4467 4854.7893 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 221 Hour 23.1579 24.3158 25,5316 28,1486 Month 4014,0360 4214,7387 4425.4773 4879,0907 222 Hour 23.2737 24.4374 25.6593 28.2894 Month 4034,1080 4235.8160 4447.6120 4903.4960 223 Hour 23,3901 24.5596 25.7876 28.4309 Month 4054.2840 4256.9973 4469,8507 4928,0227 224 Hour 23.5071 24,6825 25,9166 28,5730 Month 4074,5640 4278.3000 4492.2107 4952,6533 225 Hour 23,6246 24,8058 26.0461 28,7158 Month 4094,9307 4299,6720 4514,6573 4977.4053 226 Hour 23.7427 24,9298 26.1763 28.8594 Month 4115.4013 4321.1653 4537.2253 5002,2960 227 Hour 23.8614 25.0545 26,3072 29,0037 Month 4135,9760 4342.7800 4559.9147 5027,3080 228 Hour 23,9807 25,1797 26.4387 29,1486 Month 4156.6547 4364.4813 4582.7080 5052.4240 229 Hour 24.1006 25.3056 26.5709 29.2944 Month 4177 .4373 4386,3040 4605.6227 5077,6960 230 Hour 24.2211 25.4322 26.7038 29.4410 Month 4198.3240 4408.2480 4628.6587 5103,1067 231 Hour 24.3422 25,5593 26.8373 ' 29.5882 Month 4219,3147 4430.2787 4651 ,7987 5128,6213 , SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 232 Hour 24.4639 25,6871 26,9715 29,7361 Month 4240,4093 4452.4307 4675.0600 5154,2573 233 Hour 24,5862 25.8155 27.1063 29,8847 Month 4261,6080 4474.6867 4698.4253 5180,0147 234 Hour 24,7091 25,9446 27,2418 30,0341 Month 4282.9107 4497.0640 4721,9120 5205,9107 235 Hour 24,8326 26,0742 27,3779 30,1841 Month 4304,3173 4519.5280 4745,5027 5231,9107 236 Hour 24,9568 26,2046 27,5148 30.3350 Month 4325,8453 4542.1307 4769.2320 5258.0667 237 Hour 25.0816 26,3357 27,6525 30.4869 Month 4347.4773 4564.8547 4793.1000 5284,3960 238 Hour 25.2070 26.4674 27,7908 30,6393 Month 4369.2133 4587,6827 4817,0720 5310,8120 239 Hour 25,3330 26.5997 27,9297 30.7925 Month 4391,0533 4610,6147 4841,1480 5337,3667 240 Hour 25.4597 26.7327 28.0693 30.9464 Month 4413.0147 4633.6680 4865,3453 5364.0427 241 Hour 25.5870 26,8664 28.2097 31,1012 Month 4435,0800 4656.8427 4889.6813 5390,8747 242 Hour 25,7149 27,0006 28.3506 31.2565 Month 4457,2493 4680,1040 4914,1040 5417,7933 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19. 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 243 Hour 25.8435 27.1357 28.4925 31.4130 Month 4479,5400 4703,5213 4938.7000 5444,9200 244 Hour 25.9727 27.2713 28,6349 31,5699 Month 4501,9347 4727.0253 4963,3827 5472,1160 245 Hour 26.1026 27.4077 28.7781 31,7279 Month 4524.4507 4750,6680 4988.2040 5499,5027 246 Hour 26,2331 27,5448 28,9220 31,8865 Month 4547,0707 4774.4320 5013,1467 5526.9933 247 Hour 26,3643 27,6825 29,0666 32,0459 Month 4569,8120 4798.3000 5038.2107 5554.6227 248 Hour 26.4961 27,8209 29,2119 32,2061 Month 4592.6573 4822.2893 5063.3960 5582,3907 249 Hour 26.6286 27,9600 29.3580 32,3672 Month 4615,6240 4846.4000 5088.7200 5610,3147 250 Hour 26,7617 28,0998 29,5048 32,5290 Month 4638,6947 4870.6320 5114,1653 5638,3600 251 Hour 26,8955 28,2403 29.6523 32.6916 Month 4661.8867 4894.9853 5139.7320 5666,5440 252 Hour 27.0300 28,3815 29.8006 32,8551 Month 4685.2000 4919.4600 5165.4373 5694.8840 253 Hour 27.1652 28.5235 29.9497 . 33,0196 Month 4708,6347 4944.0733 5191,2813 5723.3973 , SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 254 Hour 27,30W 28.6661 30.0994 33.1846 Month 4732.1733 4968.7907 5217,2293 5751,9973 255 Hour 27.4375 28.8094 30.2499 33,3505 Month 4755,8333 499~,6293 5243.3160 5780,7533 256 Hour 27.5747 28.9534 30.4011 33,5173 Month 4779.6147, 5018.5893 5269.5240 5809,6653 257 Hour 27,7126 29.0982 30.5531 33.6848 Month 4803,5173 5043,6880 5295,8707 5838.6987 258 Hour 27.8512 29,2438 30,7060 33.8534 Month 4827,5413 5068.9253 5322,3733 5867,9227 259 Hour 27,9905 29.3900 30,8595 34,0226 Month 4851,6867 5094.2667 5348.9800 5897,2507 260 Hour 28.1305 29,5370 31,0139 34,1928 Month 4875,9533 5119,7467 5375,7427 5926,7520 261 Hour 28,2712 29.6848 31.1690 34,3639 Month 4900,3413 5145.3653 5402.6267 5956.4093 262 Hour 28.4126 29.8332 31.3249 34,5357 Month 4924,8507 5171.0880 5429.6493 5986,1880 263 Hour 28.5547 29.9824 31.4815 34,7084 Month 4949.4813 5196.9493 5456.7933 6016,1227 264 Hour 28.6975 30,1324 31,6390 34,8821 Month 4974,2333 5222,9493 5484,0933 6046,2307 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 1991 RANGE STEP A STEP B STEP C MAXIMUM 265 Hour 28.841 0 30.2831 31,7973 35.0566 Month 4999.1067 5249.0707 5511.5320 6076A773 266 Hour 28.9852 30A345 31.9562 35,2317 Month 5024.1013 52np133 5539.0747 6106,8280 267 Hour 29.1301 30.5866 32.1159 35A078 Month 5049,2173 5301,6773 5566,7560 6137,3520 268 Hour 29,2758 30.7396 32.2766 35,5849 Month 5074A720 5328,1973 5594,6107 6168,0493 269 Hour 29A222 30,8933 32A380 35,7629 Month 5099.8480 5354.8387 5622,5867 6198.9027 270 Hour 29.5693 31.0478 32,6002 35.9417 Month 5125,3453 5381,6187 5650.7013 6229,8947 271 Hour 29,7171 31,2030 32.7632 36.1215 Month 5150,9640 5408.5200 5678,9547 6261.0600 272 Hour 29.8657 31.3590 32,9270 36.3021 Month 5176,7213 5435.5600 5707.3467 6292,3640 273 Hour 30,0150 31.5158 33.0916 36A835 Month 5202.6000 5462.7387 5735.8773 6323,8067