CC Resolution No. 8514 RESOll1l'Iœ roo 8514 A RESOll1l'Iœ OF 'mE CITY CDJNCIL OF 'mE CITY OF aJPERl'INO ::;~.l"l"ilG DATE FOR CXNSIDERATIœ OF l\NNEXIOO AREA DESIGNA'lED "SAN FERNANOO roJRl' 91-2", PRuI:'tad'Y I.OCA'JE) œ 'mE SOO'IH SIDE OF SAN FERNANOO roJRl' BE'lWEEN SAN FERNANOO AVENUE AND wrr F.I";r.I\N ROIID; APPROXIMA'lELY .16 ACRE, MATIŒN (APN 357-12-014) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of CUpertino has received a request for annexation of territory designated "San Fernando Court 91-2" fran property owners, Terence and Renee Mattoon; and WHEREAS, the property ,0.l6± acre on the south side of San Fernando Court between San Fernando Avenue and McClellan Road (APN 357-12-014) is oontlguous to the City of CUpertino and is within its urban service area: and WHEREAS, annexation would provide for use of City services; and WHEREAS, this territory is uninhabited and was prezoned on J\.me 4, 1984 to City of CUpertino Rl-7.5 zone; and WHEREAS, City of CUpertino, as Iead Agency for enviranmental review CXI1pleted an initial study and granted a Negative Declaration for annexation; and WHEREAS, the County surveyor of Santa Clara County has found the map and description (Exhibits "A" and "B") to be in acrordance with Govermnent Code Section 56826, the boundaries to be definite and certain, and the proposal to be in CXI1pliance with IAFCX)'s road annexation policies; and WHEREAS, the fee set by the County of Santa Clara to oover staff rosts for aOOve certification has been paid; and WHEREAS, as provided in Governmer1t Code Section 56826 the City Council of the City of CUpertino shall be cxmducting authority for a reorganization including an annexation to the City; and WHEREAS, Governmer1t Code Section 56837 provides that if a petition for annexation is signed by all owners of land within the affected territory the City Council may app=ve or disapp=ve the annexation without public hearing; RESOliJTICN 00. 8514 N::M, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of CUpertino hereby initiates annexation proceedings and will cxmsider annexation of the territory designated "San Fernando Court 91-2" at their regular meeting of Nov€tIDer 18, 1991. PASSED AND AWl".115U at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 2lst day of October, 1991, by the following vote: vote MeI1iJers of the Citv Council AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, KcH?e1 OOES: None ABSENT: None ABS'mIN: None ATl'EST: APPRO\1ED: Isl Dorothv Cornelius City Clerk Isl Barb KDDœ1 Mayor, City of CUpertino "EXHIBIT A" Annexation to the city of CUpertino Entitled San Fernando ct. 91-2 Date: July 1991 , All that real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, state of california, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast =rner of Lot 44 as shown on that certain map entitled, "Tract No. 211, stevens Creek SUl:xiivision, Map No.4", which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, state of California, on April 6, 1942 in Voltnne 7 of Maps, at Page 31, said point also being along that certain annexation to the city of CUpertino entitled "Blackberry 91-0" by Resolution 8380: '!hence N 45033'W, 66.15 feet along said annexation "Blackberry 91-0" to the southwest =mer of Lot 44; '!hence N 2902l'E, 121.92 feet to the northwest =mer of Lot 44 said point also being along the southerly right-of-way line of San Fernando Court; Thence along said southerly right-of-way line of San Fernando Court through a curve to the southeast with a radius of 177.31 feet, a central angle of l6028~ and an arc lergth of 50.95' to the northeast =rner of lot 44; '!hence S 23043'W, 135.44 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing: 0.16 Acres, more or less 6,750 Square Feet, more or less. AFN: 357-12-014 By: K.R. REVISED: 10-3-91 , STEVENS CRK BLVD GRANADA ð ~ t HERMOSA ~ L MirA z ~ ALMADEN < SAN FERNANDO ALCAZAR w z I" DOLORES m SITE SCALE: 1"=60' ~ \ cCLELLAN 48 LOCATION MAP \ ð.= 16'28' R = 177.31' L = 50,95' CT, 42 LOT 44 7,211 sq. ft, 0,16 o.cres 43 ANNEXA TION BLACKBERRY 91-0 (RES. 8380) 41 P.O.B. :s; EXHIBIT B PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ENTITLED SAN FERNANDO CT. 91-2 = BOUNDARY LINE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION = EXISTING CITY ANNEXATION BOUNDARIES SCALE, 1" = 60' REVISED: 10-3-91 DATE: JULY 1991 BY: RIEDEN,K.