CC Resolution No. 8517 RESOI1JTICN N). 8517 A RE.<qJJTICN OF 'mE CITY CXXJlCIL OF 'mE CITY œ aJPER1'IN) ES'I2\BLISHIlG A RESERVE FUND '.OC) DCJJŒ ANY RI!MAIN!ER PUBLIC EMPIDYEES RETIRI!H!Nl' ::iI:i.lJSl'l (PERS) SURPWS N:XXXJNT M:NIES PIDS 1.5% œ SALARY œ EMPIDYEES CXJ\/ERE[) BY PERS AND PROIlIDDC Fœ. INŒREST EARNnQI WHEREAS, the City COUncil of the City of CUpertino neq.:>tiates with Ellployee groups for a total .....'l""'lSation package; and WHEREAS, as part of the total .....,I""'JSation package the City of CUpertino revised their contract with the Public &1ployees Retireœnt System to provide for "2% at 55" retirement; am WHEREAS, it is desirous to establish a funding mechanism to inplerœnt this contract :revision; }Dl, ~01<ß, BE IT REOOLVED, that the City COUncil of the City of CUpertino hereby authorizes the establishment of a reserve fund which is to include any remaining PERS smplus 8IIDUIlt IIDlÚ.eS plus 1.5% of salaJ:y of Ellployees oovered by PERS with fund to earn interest at the City's annual yield an invesbœnts. 'Ibis fund shall have the same effective elate as the ef,tective elate of other itans awroved through the labor neq.:>tiation J:'L,^"""s: July 1, 1991. PASSED AND ALOt-.11!a.l at a City of CUpertino this 7th vote: regular Iœeting of the City COUncil of the clay of October, 1991 by the following ~ MeIIi:Jers of the City COUnr.; 1 AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel tœS: None ABSENl': None j I' v'( .-f .,' /"", , \, AB8'mIN: None /./, , " , <'J. r: r-/ " ' J, .','7 , ',". '" : ß ,,' ATŒST: APPRO\1ED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Barb Koppel ~, City of CUpertino