CC Resolution No. 8578
WHEREAS, each year the City Council adopts a Management <::arpensation
Program which includes a policy regarding reinbursesænt for attendance at
ronferences, neetings and training sessions; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary for that policy to be anended to provide for
cœpliance with new federal regulations;
NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Policy No. 3 of the City of
CUpertino Management <::arpensation Program is anended as per attached
Exhibit "All.
PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular neeting of the City Council of the
City of CUpertino this 21st day of Januarv , 1992, by the
follCMing vote:
vote MerltJers of the Citv Council
AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen
NOES: None
/s/ Dorothv Cornelius
City Clerk
/s/ Lallralee Soren~en
Mayor, City of CUpertino
Exhibit I'A'I
Resolution No.
City of CUpertino
Policy No. 3
A. Manaaement Personnel
It is City of CUpertino policy that eligible persons, other than the
City Manager, under the Management Calpensation Program shall be
reiInbursed in acccrdance with the schedules, teJ:ms and cxmditions as
set forth herein for attendance at ronferences, neetings and training
sessions as defined belOlN' for each. It is the intent of this policy
to encourage the continuing education and awareness of said persons in
the technical inprovanents and innovations in their fields of endeavor
as they apply to the City. One means of inplaœnting this
encouragement is through a fonnal reilItJursaœnt schedule for
authorized attendance at such ronferences, neetings and training
B. Non-Manaaement Personnel
When authorized by a Deparbœnt Head, a non-management person may
attend a ronference, neeting or training session subject to the stated
teJ:ms and conditions included herein for each with paynent toward or
reirobursaœnt of certain expenses incurred being limited to authorized
actual costs thereof.
A. Budaetarv Limitations
Funding capability for paynent toward or reini>ursaœnt of expenses
incurred for attendance at ronferences, meetings and training sessions
shall be limited to the ðIIPUIlt appropriated as a line itan for each
applicable aIlDunt.
B. Conferences
A conference is an armual neeting of a 1NOrk related organization the
!ÆII1bership of which may be held in the nane of the City or the
C. DeDartIænt Head
Director of Finance
Director of Parks and Recreation
Director of Planing and Developnent
Director of Public W:>rks
Assistant to the City Manager
City Clerk
D. Designated Assistants
Recreation Supervisors
Assistant Planning Director
Building Official
Deputy Director of Public W:>rks
Public W:>rks SUperintendent
Traffic Engineer
E. IDeal Area
A local area is that within an approximate 100 mile radius or
hours drive of the City.
F. Meetinas
A "meeting" shall IœaIl a cxmvention, =nference, seminar, 'NOrkshop,
meal or like assanbly having to do with numicipa1 g:wernment
operations. An enployee serving on a panel for interviews of job
applicants shall not cme under this definition.
G. Middle Manac:1eIænt
The number and designation of middle management persormel shall be
those management positions exclusive of DepartIœnt Heads and the City
Manager as set forth in Policy No. 1 of the Managaœnt Catpensation
H. Trainina Session
A training session is any type of seminar or 'NOrkshop the attendance
at which is for the purpose of obtaining infODllation of a 'NOrk related
nature to benefit the City's operations or to enhance the attendee's
capabilities in the discharge of assigned duties and responsibilities.
A. Reaistration
Registration fees for authorized attendance at a maeting or training
session will be paid by the City.
B. Traruroortation
When an expenditure is authorized or is eligible for reinDursement the
City will pay transportation rosts fran the attendee's hare to the
destination and return on the basis of the rosts for the nearest route
by air at air roach fare. Transportation rosts also may include
liIrousine or taxi service to and fran the attendee's hare and the
airport or for airport or destination parking charges for personal
autœDbiles so parked when such is used in lieu of travel by air. Use
of a personal autarobile for city business shall be re.Ìllbursed at a
rate per mile then in effect for such use except in no case shall it
exceed air roach fare.
Requests for car rentals must have prior awroval by the City Manager
for re:irobursement.
Rei.ItiJursement for use of a personal autonDbile on City business within
a local area will not be made so as to supplement that already being
paid to those persons receiving a IIDIlthly mileage allowance.
C. Hotel
Payments toward or reinbursaœn.t of hotel or lodging expenses is
limited to the actual rosts of the rocm. SUch payments or
reirobursements shall not be made for hotel or lodging expense when
incurred within the local area. Exceptions to this requirement shall
be for attendance at the Armual League of California Cities Conference
and for those nights when attendance at other ronferences, neetings,
and training sessions official functions IoIOUld preclude the return to
the City by the attendee within two hours after the end of the noDJ1al
\\1Orking day.
D. other Excenses
Payments toward or reinbursement of expenses at such functions shall
be limited to the actual rosts a:msistent with the awlication of
reasonable standards.
Costs of special luncheon or dinner neetings or other programs on the
agenda and not rovered by registration fees may be paid or reinbursed
in addition to this daily allowance when awroved by the City Manager.
The authorized average daily rate of other expenses shall not exceed
$50.00 for attendance at ronferences, mæti.ngs, or training sessions.
No pay¡œnt shall be made unless, where available, receipts are kept
and subnitted for all expenses incurred. When receipts are not
available, qualifying expenditures shall be re.inDursed upon signing of
an affidavit of expenditure.
No pay¡œnt shall be made for any expenses incurred which are of a
personal nature or not within a standard of reasonableness for the
situation as may be defined by the City Manager.
A. BnrlrlFrl-....rv Lllnitations
Notwithstanding any attendance authorization rontained herein,
reimbursement for expenses incurred or expenditures made relative to
ronferences, rreetings or training sessions shall not exceed the
budgetary limitations.
B. A Department Head and one designated assistant may attend a
ronference. Attendance by any other aIployee, management or
non-managemant, may be authorized by the Department Head subject to
such attendance being on the a¡ployee's own tbæ (cœpensatory tbæ
off or vacation tllœ) and with transportation and lodging being at the
aIployee's own expense. The City may pay registration fees.
C. Meetinas
Any a¡ployee, managemant or non-management, may attend a neeting when
authorized by the Department Head.
D. Trainina Sessions
Any employee, managemant or non-managemant, may attend a training
session when authorized by the Department Head.
A. 1\pDrooriation POlicv
It shall be the policy of the City to appropriate funds as set forth
herein with such appropriations being subject to availability of
resources .
b. A¡:propriations will be made on the basis of $2,715.00 for each
Department Head, and $1,350.00 for each designated assistant to be
used as payments toward or reil!bursaænt of expenses incurred for
attendance at ronferences and neetings. 'lhe ronference or neeting,
location and attendee shall be at the discretion of the Department
c. Trainincr Sessions
Payments toward or reirobursanent of expenses incurred in attendance at
training sessions will be appropriated annually through the budget
There also will be an appropriation to the Department of Parks and
Recreation each year to be used as pay¡œnt toward or reil!Dursaænt of
expenses incurred for its in-service training programs.
Excluded fran this funding capability is that aIIDUIlt to be cieteI:mi.ned
each year and appropriated to the Personnel Division for mats
incurred in training programs of a general nature and applicable to
all enployees.
Revised July, 1983
Revised July 1, 1985
Revised July, 1987
Revised July 1, 1988
Revised July 1, 1991
Revised January 21, 1992