DRC 04-06-06 Design Review Committee April 6, 2006 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON April 6, 2006 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Lisa Giefer, Chairperson Taghi Saadati, Commissioner Committee Members absent: none Staff present: Gary Chao Staff absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 2, 2006 Minutes of the March 2, 2006 Design Review Committee were approved. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTSjREMOV AL FROM CALENDAR: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: Resident, Jennifer Griffin, expressed concern over the lack of Ash trees in from of the Elephant Bar restaurant and wanted to make sure other recent developments are in conformance with the "Heart of the City" landscaping requirements. CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application: Applicant: Location: EXC-2006-02 KCR Development, Inc. (Marketplace) 19620-19780 Stevens Creek Blvd Sign exception to allow signs to exceed the maximum height limitation and for several tenants to have two wall signs as part of a sign program at an existing shopping center. (Marketplace) 2 Design Review Committee April 6, 2006 Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff member Chao explained that the applicant is requesting the exception so that east and west bound traffic on Stevens Creek Blvd can see the signs for the businesses located at the back side of the new Marketplace shopping center. The building was designed such that there are elevated, large wall spaces to mount larger signs for anchoring tenants. The Sign Ordinance allows for buildings over 5000 square feet to have 24"sign heights. The sign program provides an option to tenants to have "double stacked" signs with a maximum height of 36" and not to exceed 50% of the width of the linear frontage. The project description should have stated that several tenants are asking for 1 additional sign where 2 are allowed, for a total of three signs, specifically for the interior tenants. Commissioner Saadati wanted to clarify whether the sign illustrations in the packet were the actual signage drawing art or conceptual renderings, and that the pictures in the provided documentation are not to scale and don't show the actual placement. Commissioner Saadati also expressed concern about the bright colors of the signs, which seemed to be clashing with the building's color scheme. Staff member Chao stated that the pictures were a representation and not the actual signage. The actual signs are conditioned to be brought back for additional review prior to the building permit issuance. Chairperson Giefer also expressed concerns about the size of the signs shown in the documentation and the sign colors. She asked about the proposed mounting of a sign above an existing trellis. There was also a conversation concerning the exposed neon lighting. The applicant confirmed that the sign illustrations in the packet are not to scale and are just renderings to show a generalization of the signs and their artwork. He also added that they are requiring a condition to future tenants that if their signs have 2 two rows of lettering, that the second row letters must be 50% smaller than the first row lettering. A resident commented that she would like to see the sign colors muted, the signs to not be overly numerous and to require more trees be planted around the project. Commissioner Saadati approved the sign exception and asked Staff to ensure that the sign colors are compatible and that the sign are proportioned to each other. Chairperson Giefer agreed with Commissioner Saaddati and seconded the approval with the conditions that the larger, single rowed 30" to 36" signs come back to the Design Review Committee for additional approval, there be no exposed neon without specific approval and that the trellis along the Stevens Creek Boulevard elevation should be embellished and raised around the signs per Staff suggestion. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Saadati moved to approve application EXC-2006-02 Chairperson Giefer None None 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None 3 Design Review Committee April 6, 2006 NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully submitted: fut- ~bhÿU Beth Ebben Administrative Clerk g:planning/DRC Committee/Minutes040606