Wednesday, October 18, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 4:06 p.m.
Present: Charles Corr, Julie Farnsworth, Gayla Hibbert, Bob Joyce, Ja-Lih Lee, Carmen
Lynaugh, Elinora Mantovani, Bob Rizzo, Kathy Stakey (alternate), Dorothy Stow,
Mary Ann Wallace, Councilmember Michael Chang, Councilmember Sandra
James, City Manager David Knapp, Director of Public Works Ralph Qualls,
Director of Community Development Steve Piasecki, Santa Clara County Library
Director Susan Fuller
1. Introduce Ralph Qualls
The City Manager introduced Ralph A. Qualls, Jr.,the new Director of Public Works.
2. Presentation on masier planning
3. Consider recommending library site
5. Develop committee work schedule
Steve Piasecki presented Items 2, 3, and 5 together. He gave a brief overview of the mixed-use
project that Deke I lunter is panning at Town Center and distributed a site analysis flow chart.
This chart illustrated the issues and objectives of the new library along with a tentative timeline
for the steering committee. He suggested retaining Paul Lettieri of Guzzardo Partnership as site
planner and having a workshop to discuss the pros and cons of alternate locations relative to the
Elinora Mantovani presented the Master Plan Subcommittee's report.
4. Consider recommending architect
Ralph Qualls stated that his intention is to work in conjunction with the site analysis timeline and
go out with Request tiu Proposals as soon as possible, then attempt to recommend an architect to
the City Council in the spring.
b. Schedule next meeting and develop agenda
The next meeting was scheduied for November 1,4:00 p.m., to review the library site objectives
and issues.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:06 p.m. /I
Recording Secretary
City Hail
10300 Torre Avenue
w= Cupertino,CA 95014-3255
,$w" Telephone: (408)777-3354
CITY OF FAX: (408)777-3333
November 1, 2000
The meeting was called to -i�er at 4:08 p.m.
Present: Charles Corr, Jean Gallup,Chris Gatley, Ja-Lih Lee, Carmen Lynaugh,Bob
Rizzo,Kathy Stakey (alternate), Dorothy Stow, Mary Ann Wallace,
Councilmember Michael Chang, Councilmember Sandra James, Director of
Public Works Ralph Qualls,Director of Community Development Steve
Piasecki, Santa Clara County Library Director Susan Fuller
1. Approval of minutes of October 18, 2000 meeting
Corr moved to adopt the minutes, Rizzo seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
2. Identification of Library Siting Objectives(Steve Piasecki)
Piasecki reviewed the chart of site analysis and presented a listing of preliminary
objectives for the library. fie informed the committee that Paul Lettieri would be present
at the site planning workshop to be held at the next regular meeting on November 15.
Committee members were; asked to review the preliminary objectives and address any
Discussion followed regarding the book return, visibility, traffic congestion, site
measurements, coverings or porticos, building orientation and solar design, underground
v. surface parking, the plan for the old library, links with trails, traffic flow, and
neighborhood impact. Piasecki stated he would add ^;• new objectives and communicate
them to the site planner.
s. Next meeting date and time
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 15, at 4:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:56 p.m.
Recording Secretary
City Hall
10300 Torre Avenue
4 Cupertino,CA 95014-3255
. _ Telephone: (408)777-3354
CITY OF FAX: (408)777-3333
Wednesday,November 15, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 4:06 p.m.
Present: Charles Corr, Julie Farnsworth, Jean. Gallup, Gayla Hibbert, Bob Joyce, Carmen
Lynaugh, Bob Rizzo, Elinora Mantovani, Sheila Mohan, Dorothy Stow, Mary Ann
Wallace, Councilmember Michael Ch,:;a-, Mayor Sandra James, Public Works Director
Ralph Qualls, Director of Community Development Steve ."iasecki, City Manager
David Knapp, Santa Clara County Library Director Susan Fuller
2. Site planning workshop
Steve Piasecki reviewed the site analysis chart and timeline for the library project. He then
introduced Paul Lettieri, Land Planner/Landscape Architect, from Guzzardo Partnership.
Mr. Lettieri explained the objectives and relationships of each siting plan. He pointed out the
commonalities of each plan: converting Torre Avenue to a pedestrian-scale street with
diagonal parking, a walkway down the center of Torre, the extension of the Town Center
project, off-site parking, and the preservation of the redwood grove near the present library.
Each plan allows for a 2-story library building of 50-70,000 square feet and has options for
He described each plan, beginning with Site A, which shows the library placed close to Torre
Avenue and occupying the green space between the current library and City Hall. it allows for
separate courtyard spaces, more parking at the rear of the building, and the potential for
expansion in the future. The entrance for the library faces Torre .Avenue and features a civic
terminus such as a obelisk, tower or fountain between the Civic Center area and the Town
Center area.
Site B also depicts the library in the green space, but it is moved back away from Torre Avenue
behind the centerline of City Hall and shows a courtyard directly in front of the building. The
library building senses as the terminus of Town Center Lane and shows more visual space at the
front of the building. It gives a more urban way of thinking about the site, allows the buildings
to "talk" to each other, allows for covered bike parking near the entry, and a drive-up book
drop-off at the rear of the building.
Site C has a completely different approach with the library placed on the current soccer field
just south the present library. It is more suburban, as it presents the City Hall and library as
stand-alone buildings. The library entrance is oriented toward the northwest corner of the site
with more surface parking than Sites A and B. There is less of a civic feel due to the lack of a
building terminus in conjunction with the Town Center project .
Site D is a modification of Site B with the removal of the current library addition and extra
surface parking placed in that area (approximately 65 stalls). The current building may
potentially be used for future expansion.or leased out for other uses.
Mayor James asked about cost of removing the current library addition. Mr. Lettieri explained
the cost would vary, that the cost of demolition would have to be weighed against the cost of
additional parking spaces and other options. Wallace asked if the current library would be
brought up to code. She was informed that it would be in any case. Corr asked if existing
curbline was being used since the building was not moved into the soccer field on three of the
diagrams. He was told that he may be taking 18 feet based on the current survey information,
but there are ways, such as angled parking, to increase efficiency and add spaces. Stow asked
how the buildings in Sites B and D would look to neighbors on the west side. She was
informed that trees would provide screening. Farnsworth asked if library patrons would be able
to see into those neighbors' back yards and was told this could be handled architecturally or
with trees as screening.
Discussion followed regarding the pros and cons of the various sites. By a vote of 10-4, Site B
was selected as the committee's recommendation to City Council for a library site.
3. Next meeting date and time
The.,, next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6, at 4:00 p.m.
The meeta-ig was adjourned at 5:53 p.m.
Recording Secretary
City Hal!
10300 Torre Avenue
® tmot Cupertino,CA 95014-3255
CUPERTINO Telephone: (408)777-3354
FAX: (408)777-3333
Wednesday, December 6, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m.
Present: Charles Corr, Julie Farnsworth, Jean Gallup, Gayla Hibbert, Ja-Lih Lee,
Carmen Lynaugh, Sheila Mohan, Bob Rizzo, Kathy Stakey, Dorothy Stow,
Mary Ann Wallace, Councilmember Michael Chang, Mayor Sandra James,
Public Works Director Ralph Qualls
® 1. Approval of minutes of November 1, 2000 meeting
Gallup moved to adopt the minutes, Lee seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
2. Approval of minutes of November 15, 2000 meeting
Rizzo moved to adopt the minutes, Corr seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
3. Next meeting date and time
4. Report on December 4, 2000 City Council Meeting— Mayor James
Chang gave a brief synopsis of the December 4, 2000 meeting and Council approval of the
Steering Committee's recommendation of Site B for the new library.
5. Presentation on Project Schedule and Milestones— Ralph Qualls
Qualls presented a proposed timetable for future meetings of the steering committee and
schedule for final architect selection for the library, and a draft of the cover letter for the R.FP.
He suggested that the committee form a panel to interview finalists and select the architect. A
memo detailing suggestions for the makeup of the panel was given to the committee. In
response to a question regarding construction management, he stated that he was in favor of
is hiring a construction management firm to oversee the project.
Stakey asked for a clarification on whether inflationary factors would be built in if there were
increased costs due to building delays. She was informed that an inflationary factor was built
into the budget of$22 million and the cost will not go up beyond that amount.
Stakey asked how the public would stay informed about the RFP process and selection of an
architect. She was told that the panel would present their recommendations to the Committee
at a regularly scheduled meeting and interested citizens may attend that meet;-zg. Also, the
public would be involved at the City Council level when the Committee makes their
6. Discussion of meeting dates for 2001 -Mayor James
By consensus, the Committee agreed with the proposed timeline for architect selection. The
timeline tentatively sets the schedule as follows:
• Issuance of RFP for architect January 5, 2001
• Receive responses February, 2001
• Interview of finalists by selection panel March, 2001
• Report to Committee on consultant selection March 21, 2001
■ Recommendation of consultant to Council April, 2001
The next meeting of the Committee was scheduled for Wednesday. January 3, at 4:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Recording Secretary
City Ha!1
10300 Torre Avenue
ooI Cupertino„CA 95014-3255
CUPERTiNO Telephone: (408)777-3354
FAX: (408)777-3333
Wednesday, January 3,2001
The meeting was called to order at 4:11 p.m.
Present: Charles Corr, Julie Farnsworth, Jean Gallup, Gayla Hibbert, Elinora
Mantovani, Kathy Stakey, Dorothy Stow, Mary Ann Wallace, Public Works
Director Ralph Qualls, City Manager Dave Knapp
1. Selection of Steering Committee members for consultant selection interview panel.
Qualls distributed a revised Architect Selection Schedule and reviewed the schedule dates.
Following discussion by the committee, it was suggested that the selection of subcommittee
members be delayed until the next regular Steering Committee meeting when all members can
be present. The revised schedule is as follows:
• Issuance of RFP for architect January 10, 2001
• Receive responses February 22, 2001
• Interview of finalists by selection panel March 21, 2001
• Report to Committee on consultant selection April 4, 2001
• Staff negotiation of contract with finalist April, 2001
• Co.,tract approval by City Council Mav 7, 2001.
Qualls informed the committee members that copies of the RFP will be mailed to them at the
same time they are mailed to the architectural firms. Ile emphasized several points of the
selection process such as: 1) A short list of candidates will be interviewed on March 21: 2)
Each firm will be allowed to make a 15-minute presentation and % hour will be allowed for a
question and answer session: 4) The subcommittee will select the top 2-3 ranked firms and
present their qualifications to the full Steering Committee., and 5) The staff will negotiate the
contract with the finalist prior to making their recommendation to the City Council on May 7.
it is anticipated that there will be a first recommendation on the conceptual design by City
Council in the fall of this year and construction may be started by the middle of 2002. A
more precise schedule will be available after the RFP process is complete.
Mantovani asked about the estimated time of completion for the Deke .Hunter project on Torre
Avenue and if this was a factor in the library process. She was informed that a second
presentation was being made to the City Council and it was anticipated that the application
process would be complete sometime this summer.
?. Next meeting date and time
By consensus, the neat meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, February i, 4:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:43 p.m.
'0 iriL c�
Recording Secretary
City Hall
10300 TOM Avenue
tenor Cupertino.CA 95014-3255
CUPED" INO Telephone: (408)777-3354
FAX: (408)777-3333
Wednesday, February 7, 2001
The meeting was called to order at 4:32 p.m.
Present: Charles Corr. Julie Farnsworth. Jean Gallup, Carmen Lynaugh, Elinora
Mantovani, Bob Rizzo. Kathy Stacey. Dorothy Stow, Mary Ann Wallace, Public
Works Director Ralph Qualls, Mayor Sandra James, City Manager Dave Knapp
1. Minutes of the December 6, 2000 meeting.
2. Minutes of the January 3. 2001 meeting.
Mantovani moved to approve the minutes as written. Farnsworth seconded and the motion
carried unanimously.
3. Selection of four(4) Steering Committee members for consulta-it selection interview panel to
be held on March 21, 2001.
Stow proposed the following as members of the consultant selec:ion interview panel: Julie
Farnsworth. Elinora Mantovani. ,lean Gallup. and Chuck Corr. A] nominees said the\, were
available to serve on the panel_ Mayor .Fames staled that it has been a City Council policy that the
Council be represented on such efforts and. therefore, represented op the interview panel.
By consensus, it was agreed that the consultant selection interview panel will consist of Julie
Farnsworth. Elinora Montovani. Jean Gallup. Chuck Corr. and Mayor James. Other members o
the panel will include Ralph Qualls. and three outside architect practitioners to be selected (by
4. Next meeting date and time—April 4. 2001.
7'hc next meeting was schedi.iled for t4 cdnesday. :^.pril 4. 4:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:56 p.m.
Recording Secretary r�