CC Resolution No. 8819 RESOll1l'Irn 00. 8819 A RESOll1l'Irn OF 'mE CITY CXUNCIL OF 'mE CITY OF CUPERTDV RESCINDIlC RESOll1l'Irn 00. 8790 AND ESTABLISHIlC RIJIES <D\IERNnI; RECRUI'IMENT, APPOINIMENT AND REAPPOINIMENT 'ID CITY AD\TISORY aDIES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cupertino wishes to establish unifonn teJ:ms and a:mdi.tions of office to advisory Cœmittees and Camtissions¡ and WHEREAS, there are within the City of Cupertino many citizens with talent, expertise and experience who wish to serve the a:mmmity¡ and WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is in¡x>rt.ant to provide these citizens the opportunity to cxmtribute to their a:mmmity¡ N::W, 'D1wœ;loOt<l!:, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Cupertino establishes the following rules c;pveming recruitrrent, awointment and rea¡:p>intrrent to City of Cupertino advisory bodies. A. RECRUI'IMENT 1. 'l'i.u TIDIlths before regular teJ:ms expire, or illlœdiately following receipt of a resignation, the Public Infonnation Officer publishes notice of vacancies in the CUDertino Scene and newspapers and puts the infonnation on cable 'IV. 2. 'l'i.u deadlines are included in the notices. '!he awlication pericx:i is extended for five days if an incuni:Jent has not awlied by the first published deadline. During the extended period only nonincuni:Jents may awly. 3. AWlications will be kept active for a maxinumt of one year after Council review. 4. 'lhose persons with awlications on file are advised of the vacancy by the City Clerk and may activate that awlication. 'lhe awlication is not reactivated autanatically. Upon receipt of the notice, the awlicant JmJSt call the City Clerk's Office and state s/he wishes to be CDl18idered. 5. An awlicant may file for a maxinumt of bio amnissions at any one awlication period. -1- RESOillI'ICN 00. 8819 6. A merrèer of an advisory body, having cx:.rrpleted biio cx>nsecutive te!:rns, must wait one year before being eligible to ~ly for the same cxmnission or cxmnittee. 7. Notice of vacancies will be distributed by the City Clerk to the ChantJer of CaTlœrc:e, service organizations, and other organizations as élWLu¡,u.iate with respect to the openings. 8. Notices of the vacancies will be posted in the City Clerk's office. 9. A¡;:plication fonns will be available in the City Clerk's office and will be mailed with infonnation abJut the openings upon request. 10. When the final deadline has passed, the City Clerk's Office will mail ~licants the date, tiIæ and location of the interviews along with sartple questions to cx>nsider. 11. '!he City Clerk's Office will ropy the ~licant's materials for Counc.ilmeotlers. '!he material will also be available for public review in the City Clerk's Office and the Cupertino Library. B. IN'lERVIE.WS AND APPOIN'IMENTS 1. After review of the ~lications and other material, any aàli.tional question a Counci1melriJer wants to have asked will be forwarded to the Mayor prior to the meeting. Follow-up questions nay be asked by other Counci1melriJers during the interviews. 2. All ~licants shall be present in the roan when the n-eeting is called to order. '!he Mayor will then explain the process and ask that they leave the roan until it is time for their interview. 'Ibis is optional as the meeting is public. After the ~licant is interviewed, s¡he nay choose to ranain in the roan. 3. '!he order in which interviews are scheduled to take place will be deteI:mined by a drawing of names. 'Ibis will be à>ne in advance by the City Clerk. 4. Interviews are infonœl and usually last 5-10 minutes. Counci1neti:Jers are looking for: (a) familiarity with the subject; (b) decision-making ability; (c) cxmnitment to the position ~lied for -2- RESOUJl'ICN 00. 8819 5. AW>intment will be made follCMing a vote in public. Ballots will be distr:ibxted, the CouncilmelltJers will vote and sign the ballots. votes will be announced by the City Clerk. '!he mmber of ballots will be detennined by the mmiJer of ~licants and vacancies. (Glidelines for detennining the nurrt:Jer of ballots is attached Exhibit "A".) 6. Following awointments, all ~licants will be sent a letter and ~lications will be kept for one year. 7. Presentation of Certificate of AW>intment will be scheduled for the next Council meeting. C. GENERAL PROV'ISICNS 1. If a vacancy occurs for an unexpired tenn and interviews for awoint:ment to that advisory body have been cx:mducted within the previous ninety days, the unexpired tenn may be filled fran those ~lications follCMing the required posting of the vacancy. 2. Restrictions listed in this resolution do not ~ly to tesrporary awointments for unexpired teI:ms. 3. A JIBI'iJer shall be cxmsidered reIIDVed fran an advisory body under the following amditions. (a) A JIBI'iJer misses IIDre than three ronsecutive meetings. (b) A JIBI'iJer misses 25% of the body's meetings in a calendar year. 4. No ~lication shall be accepted after the deadline. 5. All provisions of this resolution shall ~ly unless otherwise decided by the City Council on a case by case basis. PASSED AND Awl!'l1!aJ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertil10 this 13th day of January , 1993, by the follCMing vote: -3- RESOllJTIæ W. 8819 vote AYES: Merli:Jers of the Citv Council Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo NJES: None ABSENT: None ABS'I2\IN : None ATIEST: APPRO\IED: /s/ Dorothv Corllelius City Clerk /s/ Nick Szabo Mayor, City of CUpertino -4- Vacancies 1 2 3 RESOIl1l'ICN 00. 8819 Exhibit "A" GUIDELINES FCR APPOIN'IMENTS '10 AIJlJISCRY <:rMŒTlEES AIDlicants Ballots 1-5 1 6-10 2 ßDre than 10 3 1-7 1 8-12 2 ßDre than 12 3 1-9 1 10-14 2 ßDre than 14 3 -5-