CC Resolution No. 8833 RESOLUrION NUMBER: 8833 A RESOU1l'ION OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERI'INO ALLCM:NG CERTAIN crA1MS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE m '!HE AMJUNI'S AND FRCM '!HE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESæIBED FOR SAUlRIES AND W1IGES FOR '!HE PAYROLL PERIOD ElIDING JANUARY 24, 1993 WHEREAS, the Director of Finance, or his designated r~ esentative has certified to the accuracy of the followirg c1a:iJns an:! demaß: s an:! to the availability of furXIs f= payment hereof; an:! WHEREAS, the said cla:iJns an:! demaß: s have been audited as required by law; NOW; nŒm:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby allows the followirg cla:iJns an:! deman:Js in the annmts an:! fran the furXIs set f=th: GROSS PAYROLL - $ 207,629.77 Less Ðlployee Deductions _ $ (59,396.91) NEl' PAYROLL $ 148.232.86 Payroll check numbers issued - 12064 thra1gh, 12223 Void check numbers - 12063 thra1gh, ~~ ßQ , Director of F" PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meetin;J of the the City of CUpertino this 16th clay of Februarv followin;J vote: VOl'E MEMBERS OF '!HE CITY CDUNCIL City Council of , 1993, by the AYES: NOES: ABSENl': ABSrAIN: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo None None None 1U'U~D"'l': lIPPRJVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Nick Szabo May=, City of CUpertino