CC 03-07-2023 Item No. 9. Contract with Nomad Transit (Via)_Response to Councilmember Questions3/7/2023 City Council Meeting Item #9 Contract with Nomad Transit LLC (Via)
Staff’s responses to questions received from councilmember are shown in italics.
Q1: Will this be going out to bid? If so, when? If not, why? (Moore)
Staff response: The charging station construction work would go out to bid per the public contracting
code. This will be put out to bid as soon as is feasible, but design drawings need to be prepared before
that can happen.
Q2: Is there a City cost to expanding Via to Santa Clara plus 2 sites in Mtn View? (Mohan)
Staff response: There is no cost (to Cupertino) to expand into Santa Clara. Adding the Mountain View
Caltrain and El Camino Hospital stops may necessitate more driver hours be allocated to the project. If
more hours are needed, there would be an additional cost. Cupertino would be responsible for 25% of
this additional cost (50% to TIRCP, 25% to Santa Clara, 25% to Cupertino).
Q3: I would like to know how the cost share formula is determined between Cupertino and Santa Clara?
Will it be adjusted periodically based on usage data. (Chao)
Staff Response: The Cost Share Formula was based on anticipated ridership. Cupertino has an
established ridership which has taken a few years to grow, and Santa Clara will need to grow their
program. This is why Cupertino has a higher allocation in years 1 through 3. It is anticipated that Santa
Clara may have larger usage in year 4, and thus has a larger allocation then.
It should be noted that phase 1 of Santa Clara expansion includes approximately ½ of the area of the
City. Phase 2 would incorporate approximately another 25% of the City so that after year 4, the
expansion would include ¾ of the City area.
After year 4, contracts with both Via and Santa Clara would be renegotiated providing for an
opportunity to true up usage data and therefore potential cost allocations in the future. However, the
allocations indicated in the staff report are set by the terms of the TIRCP Grant and are “not to exceed”
amounts. The totals between the Cities are independent of each other, meaning that Cupertino would
pay only for those costs associated with Cupertino trips, and Santa Clara would pay for those trips in
Santa Clara.