Arguments redactedF
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,6u-gument Against Measure A
This initiative limits density. When evaluated by education leaders this poorly worded
initiative was given a "D" for "dense".
Except for the laughable, minor exceptions made for the Vallco area, this initiative, if
passed, would place strict limits on all property owners, regardless of the area of the city
in which they lived, All future affordable housing, even along transportation corridors,
would be eliminated, increasing traffic and making it impossible for teachers, sheriffs,
and firefigliters to live in our city,
Sheriff Laurie Smith says, "This initiative is an insult to public safety officers. It openly
says to public safety officers, firefighters, nurses and teachers, 'You are riot welcome in
Cupertino.' I strongly urge you to oppose it."
Cupertino currently faces a brain drain. Many of our brightest and best public servants
are being forced out of Cupertino to places like Tracy and Merced. Building adequate
affordable housing in the city is the key component in retaining these individuals who
serve our community.
That's why education leaders including every board member of the Cupertino Unified
School District oppose these measures. They are simply bad government. More
importantly, Cupertino schools are seen as best in the state. Many educators are worried
that these extreme initiatives will hurt the image of our Community and thus impact the
quality of our schools, Good govern, ment processes are essential for the health and well-
being of all of our institutions.
Our General Plan already sets density limits for our community. It takes a reasoned
approach that allows higher densities along transportation corridors, yet protects single
family neighborhoods,
Please join the Cupertino Union School Board, Sheriff Laurie Smith, the Cupertino
Chamber of Commerce, and other education and public safety leaders in opposing this
inflexible and poorly written initiative,
Vote NO on Measure A
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A"YES" vote for HEIGHT standards will promote 'growth in a sensible;
manner; preserving the high quality of life in Cupertino. This initiative measure
would establish standards for HEIGHTS of new buildings, The guidelinesin this
measure DO NOT AFFECT SINGLEI , The initiative also
DOES 1 T affect duplex, triple or fourplex housing.
Cupertino is being transformed from a suburban community into a dense
urban city. The character of Cupertino was permanently changed by the dense,
very tall (100 ft. high), buildings at the SE corner of De An a and ,Stevens Creel.
We are in danger of losing our views of trees, surrounding hillsides, and sky,
because tall buildings could tura our city streets into urban canyons.
Approval of this measure gill:
• Prevent overcrowding our schools and retain the high quality of
• Slow the increase of traffic and congestion.
• Preserve views of our beautiful valley.
• Lessers strain on the city's public services and infrastructure.
This initiative measure specifies general guidelines for building heights of 36
ft. Thea are exceptions for the Vallco Park Planning District, where the height
limit is 45 ft; and there are no limits on commercial buildings in the Wolfe load
Commercial Corridor, as defined in the text of the initiative.
The measure DOES NOT'AFFE T existing buildings. If an existing building
is remodeled, it can Deep its original height, even if that height is greater than the
limits of this measure.
If a new project, which is within the guidelines of this initiative, is proposed,
it will go through the usual planning and approval process. Exceptions to this
initiative for protects outside the limitations can be approvedby city voters in an
Vote "YES" to Save Our City.
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Argument Against Measure
Vote NO on Measure
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Argument Against Measure G
Tbat's why good government advocates such as the League of Women Voters and the
entire City Council oppose these initiatives. Please join us in opposing these harmful and
ill-advised initiatives.
Vote NO on Measure C
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