Teen 10-19-05 I- CUPERJINO T œn Commi~ion Wedne~day, October Ie¡, 2005 6:00 PM Cupertino £:port~ Center, Conference. 'Room 21111 £:teven~ Crœk. 'Blvd., Cupertino Approved Minute.~ CALL TO ORDE! Meeting Called to order at 6:06 by Grossman 'PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners 'Present: Fung. Grossman, Gupta, Jiang. Keng. Kim, Un, 'Pradhan, 'Rahgozar, 'Rajagopal, Çahay, yglesias, Zafar Commissiona Absent: none £:taff'Present: Frey MINUTEÇ FROM 'P'REVIOU£: MEETlNGÇ- Octobe.r 5, 2005 Zafar motioned to approve the minutes: Kim seconds, motion passe-so COMMUNfCA TlONÇ a) Oral- b) Written- OLD 'BUÇINEÇÇ a) Goals for the year - I. 'Pradhan motions to 'Plan and Implement four "Lounge Nights" at the Teen Centa by June.. yglesias seconds. Motion 'Passes. 2. £:inan motions to meet once with the Rne Arts and 'Parks and Recreation Commissions regarding a Teen Art £:how. To have 15 teens showing inte.rest in participating in the show. And to implement the show by June. 'Pradhan seconds. Motion passes. 3. yglesias motions to plan and implement the Roel'. the ¡..jouse event with at least 4 bands participation by June. Gupta seconds. Motion 'Passes. 4. Zafar motions to plan and present a workshop at the Yak Attack with a majority of the commissione-rs thae-. Gupta seconds. Motions 'Passes. 5. Rahgozar motions to update the teen web site at least 2 times pa month. 'Pradhan seconds. Motion passes. NEW'BUÇINE£:Ç a) Team 'Building MfÇCELLANEOUÇ-NO ACTION REQUIRED a) Commission Report b) £:taffreport - Vak Attael'. 3/25, Volunteering at Jubilee, 'Bios, Website ADJOU'RNMENT - Mœting adjourned at 7:55 pm to T œn Commi~~ion mœting of November 2, 2005. 'Respectfully £:ubmitted: t{(,.( ~ ~ Kim Frey, 'Recreation Coordinator v v - , vO