Teen 10-05-05 I CUPERJINO T œn Commi~~ion Wedne~day, October 5, 2005 6:00 PM Cupertino £:port~ Center, Conference. 'Room 21111 £:teven~ Crœk. 'Blvd., Cupertino Approved Minute.~ CALL TO O'RDE'R Meeting Called to order at 6:03 by Grossman 'PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 'ROLL CALL Commissioners 'Prese-nt: Fung. Grossman, Gupta, Jiang. Keng. Kim, Un, 'Pradhan, 'Rahgozar, 'Rajagupal, Çahay, V glesias, Zafar Commissiona Absent: none £:taff'Pre-sent: Frey MINUTEÇ FROM 'P'REVIOUÇ MEETING£:- £:epte-mba 21, 2005 Çahay motioned to approve the minutes: 'Pradhan seconds, motion passes. COMMUNICATION£: a) Oral- b) Writte-n- OLD 'BUÇINEÇÇ a) Goals for the year - not finished... communication - - Webstte, Newsletta: Teen Centa Night; Art Çhow: Yak Attack Workshop: 'Rock the- I-Jouse. £:ub Committees: Communication - 'Be-n, Andy, June, Nate, Apoorva: Art show - 'Ben, 'Roya, Apoorva, Nate, June: T ee.n Centa Night - Natasha, Vrinda, 'Rukmani, Ana, Diane OLD 'BUÇINE£:Ç a) 'Riel'. Kitson - 'PIO City of Cupertino. MIÇCELLANEOUÇ-NO ACTION 'REQUI'RED a} Commission 'Re-port b) £:taffreport - Vak Attack 3/25, Volunteering at Jubilee, 'Bios, Website ADJOU'RNMENT - Mœting adjourned at .5:01 pm to T œn Commi~~ion mœting of October Jq, 2005. 'Respectfully £:ubmitted: ~l~ Kim Frey, 'Recreation Coordinator· 0