Teen 09-07-05 I- CUPEIQ1NO T œn Commi~~ion Wedne~day, £:e.ptembe.r 7, 2005 5:30 PM Quinlan CommunHy Center - Cupertino 'Room 101.55 N. £:te.lling 'Road, Cupertino Approve.d Minute.~ CALL TO ORDER Meeting Called to order at 5:52 by Frey 'PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissionm 'Pre-se-nt: Fung. Grossman, Gupta, Jiang. Ke.ng. Kim, Un, 'Pradhan, 'Rahgozar, 'Rajagupal, £:ahay, V gie-sias Commissione.r Abse-nt: Zafar £:taf!' 'Pre-se-nt: F re-y MINUTEÇ FROM 'P'REVlOUÇ MEETlNGÇ- COMMUNICA TlONÇ a) Oral- 'Patriei'. Kwok and Dolly £:andoval spoke. to commission to encourage and lead them b) Written- NEW'BUÇINEÇÇ a) £:elect a commission chair, vice chair, secretary - commission selected Andy Grossman to be chair, Roya 'Rahgozar to be vice chair, and June Kim to be secretary. b) Vote on a regular meeting schedule - Rrst and third Wednesday of the- month from 6-& at the çports Center Conference room. MIÇCELLANEOUÇ-NO ACTION REQUIRED a) £:taf!' report - 'Bios, Roster, Emails, Attend meetings-council and othe.rcommissions, bring calendars for next meeting. website, teen cente.r., golden Jubilee. ADJOU'RNMENT - Mœting adjourned ólt 6:42 pm to T œn Commi~~ion mœting of£:e.ptember 21, 2005. Re-spectfully £:ubmitted: KiJi~n Coordinator