Teen 06-01-05 I CUPEIQ1NO T œn Commi~ion Wedne.s:day, June I, 2005 6:00 PM Quinlan CommunHy Center - Cupertino 'Room 101.55 N. £:telling 'Road, Cupertino Approve.d Minute.~ CALL TO O'RDE! Meeting Called to order at 6:08 pm by Mertol 'PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 'ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dickson, Fung, Grossman, Jiang, Kim, Mertol, Rahgozar, Weintraub, Weng, Zafar Commissioner Absent: Cohn, Raviv Staff Present: Frey MINUTEÇ FROM 'P'REVIOUÇ MEETlNGÇ- May 1&. 2005 GroS!:man motioned and We-intraub s=nded to paS!: minute-s with change-so Motion 'Passe-s. COMMUNICA TlONÇ a) Oral- b) Wri1te-n- OLD 'BUÇINEÇÇ a) 'Pre-se-ntation to Council b) MIÇCELLANEOUÇ-NO ACTION 'REQUI'RED a) Commissione.r re-port b) Çtaff re-port - ADJOU'RNMENT - Mœting adjourned at 6:22 pm to T œn Commi~~ion mœting of £:e.ptembe.r 7, 2005. 'Re-sp~~~IIY ê~~~ed: Ki~r~~¥e:r~n Coordinator