P&R 06-13-2022 (Special Joint)CITY OF CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Teleconference Joint Special Meeting Monday, June 13, 2022 6:30 PM MINUTES Chair Xu called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. via remote teleconference. ROLL CALL Parks and Recreation Xiangchen (Minna) Xu, Sashikala Begur (6:46 p.m.), Gopal Commissioners: Kumarappan, Carol Stanek Planning Commissioners: Steven Scharf, Sanjiv Kapil, Vikram Saxena, R (Ray) Wang Bicycle Pedestrian Ilango Ganga, Jack Carter, Erin Lindskog (6:35 p.m.), Commissioners: Gerard Eschelbeck Commissioners absent: Seema Swamy (Parks and Recreation), Muni Madhdhipatla (Planning), Grace John (Bicycle Pedestrian) Staff present: Joanne Magrini, Rachelle Sander, Jessica Javier, Kevin Khuu, Lisa Cameli, Susan Michael, Matt Morley, David Stillman, Kimberly Lunt, Piu Ghosh, Cyrah Caburian Guest speakers: Jan Eiesland, Myrna Ortiz, Steve Lang, Mike Campbell ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Connie Cunningham, Cupertino resident, strongly recommended consideration of zoning during the housing element discussion to encourage all to be able to build and live in the community. Lisa Warren, Cupertino resident, thanked the Commissions for the having the joint meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None NEW BUSINESS 1.Subject: Consider an update to the Joint Commission on the status of the Environmental Summary Report, public outreach process, and next steps for the Lawrence-Mitty Master Plan project. Recommended Action: Receive an update on the status of the Environmental Summary Report, public outreach process, and provide input on next steps for the Lawrence-Mitty Master Plan project. Written Communications for this item included an email to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Joanne Magrini, Director of Parks and Recreation, introduced Lisa Cameli, Project Manager, to present on the item. Lisa presented an overview of the project phases and site context. Lisa introduced Jan Eiesland, MIG Consultant, who presented a project overview on the existing conditions and environmental summary report. Jan introduced Myrna Ortiz, MIG Consultant, who presented on the community outreach, online survey results, and key considerations for the site. Vice Chair Carter suggested signage be put up to inform bicyclists that there is no crossing past Mitty Way going north. Commissioner Lindskog recommended that there should be more research into the northern access and connection to create a more bikeable and walkable path for students at Cupertino High School. Commissioner Eschelbeck recommended looking into widening the bridge by Sterling Barnhart Park, especially if there is no northern access point. Commissioner Wang raised concerns surrounding safety and patrolling since there are homeless encampments in that area. Chair Xu suggested making it clearer for residents that parking will not be possible for the site. Jennifer Griffin, Cupertino resident, supported a passive corridor for residents to enjoy the creek, nature, and area. Recommended benches, exercise equipment, and dogs on leashes due to coyotes in the area. Connie Cunningham, Cupertino resident, read her written communication as submitted. Betsy Megas, Santa Clara resident and VTA Bicycle Pedestrian Committee member, supported access to the north, trees, and shade on the trail corridor. Recommended a soft separation between the trail and park uses. Lisa Warren, Cupertino resident, recommended a name change for the site to avoid confusion with the freeway and San Jose. Raised concerns surrounding Calvert Drive and it being a one-way street in regard to north access and safety. Supported berms being kept as needed for the tree roots. Commissioner Saxena expressed concerns regarding general liability and site safety. Chair Ganga recommended widening the bicycle pedestrian access part, widening the bridge from Barnhart Avenue to the park, extending the bicycle pedestrian access across Lawrence Expressway through Mitty Way or connecting through Moorpark Avenue and Barnhart Avenue, extending the sound wall from the south to north side, and a northern access point. Suggested the City be actively looking for private properties on Sterling to acquire for additional access points into the park. Supported the park opening from sunrise to sunset to not disturb the wildlife. Commissioner Kapil raised concerns surrounding the air quality due to the surrounding traffic in the area. Recommended that the soil samples results be made available to the community. Commissioner Stanek supported completion of the trail with a northern connection, the sound wall as a high priority, and dogs on leashes. Recommended that if there is interest for dogs off leashes, that should be looked at separately. Expressed concerns regarding requests for a performing arts and picnic space. Chair Xu expressed concerns regarding planting of new trees due to the drought. Also supported adding restrooms. ADJOURNMENT Chair Xu adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessica Javier, Administrative Assistant Parks and Recreation Department Minutes approved by the Planning Commission at their 07/12/22 meeting Minutes approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission at their 07/14/22 special meeting Minutes approved by the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission at their 07/20/22 meeting