Written Communications PRC Meeting
May 6, 2021
Written Communications
Item 7
Use of Public Tennis Courts and Regulation of
From: Liana Crabtree
To: City of Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission
Subject: written communication,Parks and Recreation Commission meeting,5/6/2021,Agenda Item 7
Date: Thursday,May 6,2021 10:47:43 AM
CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Parks and Recreation Chair Stanek, Vice Chair Xu, Commissioners Begur,
Kumarappan, and Tambe, and Parks and Recreation Director Magrini:
Please recognize this letter as written communication for the 5/6/2021 commission
meeting, Agenda Item 7 "Use of Public Tennis Courts and Regulation of Use".
I am writing in support of adding some number of public tennis courts to the
City's online facilities reservation system
My family rejoined the Cupertino Sports Center in 2020 as means to get outside and
play together during the pandemic. We regularly use the online reservation system to
reserve a tennis court at the Cupertino Sports Center, though--as the weather has
improved, vaccination rates are on the rise, and generally people are feeling more
confident about being outside with others--it has gotten more challenging to find open
court times at the Sports Center, even when reserving a week in advance.
It would be so helpful to be able to reserve a public tennis court using an online
reservation system. The prospect of going to the public courts to play, but finding
them all full and having to wait for a group to relinquish a court when it suits them or
getting into a back-and-forth discussion of a group's play duration is not appealing. An
online reservation system allows players some confidence that they can go to a court
at a predetermined time with a reservation receipt and be able to play for an hour and
a half.
Not all public courts can be set aside for online reservation use. Some people don't
have access to devices that would allow them to make online reservations or display
a reservation receipt electronically or as a printout. I hope that each tennis court
facility would still include some number of courts dedicated for walk-on use.
I have not figured out how to cancel a Sports Center reservation online. (I call the
Sports Center when we need to cancel.) Probably my problem is operator (my)
ignorance. It would be helpful if, reservation confirmed, players could cancel
reservations online if their plans change.
Thank You to the Parks and Recreation Commission for addressing the interest in
adding an online reservation system for public tennis courts. Thank You also to Chair
Stanek for alerting the community on NextDoor that the topic would be discussed
during this evening's commission meeting.
Liana Crabtree
Cupertino resident
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From: Sven Leann
To: City of Omer ano Parks and Rwreahan Commilw on
Subject: Online Rexnraaon for Al PuNic Tennis Courts
Date: Thursday,May 6,202111:03:07 AM
CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization.Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Hello Parks and Recreation Commission,
I am a regular tennis player and enjoy tennis in the city tennis court facilities.
I would like to request the city to start offering a free online reservation system for city parks tennis courts
using the existing web site:
Please consider adding all tennis public courts from all city parks to the online reservation service so that
players may reserve court time, check-in online when starting so that it is transparent to all as to when
someone started and end time is automatically followed by referencing online reservations.
Court reservations can be forfeited if an online check-in is not done within 15 minutes of reservation start
To prevent over use you may consider limiting booking time to 1.5 hours per day per user account.
Please consider posting advance notice of the new reservation system a few weeks before at parks
tennis courts so that players may be informed in advance and prepared for the change.
I appreciate the city parks and recreation commission looking into this matter to make it simpler and more
efficient for players to utilize courts.
Please we the nextdoor thread below for the difficulties posed by lack of such a (free)online reservation
Memorial Park tennis courts-- Please stick to time limits
Memorial Park tennis courts -- Please stick to
time limits
Our family of 4 hasjust started playing tennis and we generally go to
Memorial Park. Over the last 2 months, w_.
Steven Leung