Written Communications PRC Special Meeting
April 8, 2021
Written Communications
Item 2
Updated Athletic Field Use Policy
From: Jim Koren
To: CO of D vrerano Parks and ReaeaOai Commi aon
subject: Comment for Park and For: Meefig an 4/8/2021
Date: Malay,lgnl 5,202110:30:20 FM
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1) Regarding Sunday hours of 10-2. I understand the 10:00AM restriction,but the afternoon
end time of 2:00 PM seems early to me. I suspect that some sports tournaments might like a
longer aftemoon window. The survey showed that more than 50%of the people didn't mind
allowing later play times. Maybe 4:00PM or 5:00PM might be better. Also, why can't the
staff be allowed to use their judgement They could have a simple criteria of only allowing a
limited number of long playing times during a year.
2) Regarding summary from other Cities: You forgot to ask some questions to calibrate these
city's policies: Do the city's residents like the city's use policy? What have surveys of their
residents shown?
Jim Koren