P&R 09-02-2021CITY OF CITY OF CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION I m'I Teleconference Meeting CUPERTINO Thursday, September 2, 2021 7:00 PM MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chair Stanek called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. via remote teleconference. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Carol Stanek, Xiangchen (Minna) Xu, Sashikala Begur, Gopal Kumarappan, Neesha Tambe Commissioners absent: None Staff present: Joanne Magrini, Kevin Khuu, Jimmy Tan, Brian Gathers, Jason Bisely, Alex Corbalis CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. Subject: Drought Measures and Impacts to Recreation Facilities Recommended Action: Receive a presentation on drought measures being implemented by the City and impacts to recreation facilities. Joanne Magrini, Director of Parks and Recreation, introduced Jimmy Tam, Assistant Director of Public Works, and Brian Gathers, Public Works Supervisor, to present on the item. Chair Stanek recommended updating the annual water use comparison chart percentages to reflect the same date ranges as well. Commissioner Tambe suggested considering greater water conversation methods and policies and incorporating them as much as possible into all park projects. Commissioner Kumarappan suggested the City work with water companies to create some water comparison method for residents to compare their water use to others. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. Subject: Meeting Minutes for the July 1, 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Recommended Action: Review and approve the minutes for the July 1, 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Commissioner Tambe motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Begur seconded. Motion carries with 3 yes and 2 abstain. POSTPONEMENTS None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 3. Subject: Nature Play Recommended Action: Receive a presentation on Nature Play regarding future projects and implementation and provide feedback. Jason Bisely, Recreation Coordinator, presented to the Commission on the item. Commissioner Kumarappan suggested collaborating with local artists, talent, and residents to incorporate their artistic ideas and creations into future projects. Commissioner Tambe shared research of the mental and physical health benefits of nature play elements and structures and emphasized nature play as a way to expose kids and adults to nature and increase awareness. Chair Stanek referred to the labyrinth at the Saratoga Quarry Park as an example of nature play and suggested it as a possible idea to incorporate into City parks. 4. Subject: Outdoor Recreation Diversity Recommended Action: Receive a presentation on Outdoor Recreation Diversity regarding future projects and implementation and provide feedback. Alex Corbalis, Recreation Coordinator, presented on the Commission on this item. Commissioner Tambe recommended incorporating natural and environmental elements into the outdoor recreation diversity fitness and workout equipment. Also suggested incorporating turf area at parks for yoga or tai chi. Vice Chair Xu commented on the benefits of outdoor recreation diversity to all ages. Chair Stanek referenced the ropes course that was originally at Shoreline, highlighting the opportunities and benefits for the users and instructors. 5. Subject: Response to the Mayor Regarding Potential Use of the Discretionary Funds by Commissions. Recommended Action: Discuss and provide a response to the Mayor regarding potential use of their discretionary funds by Commissions. Chair Stanek presented on this item, explaining about the $100 discretionary fund offered by the Mayor for each Commission to utilize to provide a benefit to the community. Commissioner Begur shared the history of this item. Chair Stanek shared her thoughts on what to utilize the fund for and presented a proposal: a community event to encourage the public to visit a labyrinth, located at the trail from the McClellan Ranch West Parking lot. Visitors would take their photo at the site and submit to the City to enter into a raffle. Requested feedback from the Commission whether to proceed with the proposal and for any input. Suggested forming a subcommittee to continue and initiate the project. Commissioner Kumarappan supports the proposal, but also suggested utilizing it as seed money to invoke ideas from the community to incorporate into current and ongoing projects. Commissioner Tambe suggested incorporating it into a digital passport idea to engage the community. The passport could encourage residents to visit the labyrinth, answer a City survey or sign up for a City emailing list, and attend an upcoming City event or visit another City site for example. Commissioner Begur supported Commissioner Kumarappan's and Commissioner Tambe's idea and suggested acquiring the raffle prizes from local businesses. Chair Stanek and Commissioner Begur volunteered to form a subcommittee to continue this project. The Commission agreed to acquire the prizes from local businesses. Commissioner Tambe motioned to create a subcommittee to move forward with the project as discussed and initiate it. Commissioner Kumarappan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6. Subject: Monthly Update Reports. Recommended Action: Receive monthly update reports from the Director of Parks and Recreation and Commissioners. Parks and Recreation Director, Joanne Magrini, provided the Director's update. Commissioner Tambe attended the ribbon cutting for Linda Vista Trail and McClellan Ranch Community Gardens. Encouraged residents to apply for a garden plot and walk the Steven Creek Trail. Chair Stanek attended and spoke at the ribbon cutting for the Linda Vista Trail and McClellan Ranch Community Gardens. Shared a garden program led by the Master Gardeners called "Plant an Extra Row". Shared details on the upcoming Silicon Valley Day n Night Festival on September 11. FUTURE AGENDA SETTING Joanne reviewed the upcoming items for the October meeting: - Presentation on Summer Programs and Events - Update on the Jollyman Dog Off Leash Area Trial - Parks and Recreation Discounts and Fee Waivers - Potential for Adding a Second Regular Meeting for the Parks and Recreation Commission - Update from the Discretionary Fund subcommittee Chair Stanek requested adding an Update on the Field Use Policy to a future meeting agenda. Commissioners to attend the upcoming Mayor's meetings as follows: - September 8: Commissioner Kumarappan - October 13: Commissioner Begur - November 10: Vice Chair Xu - December 8: Commissioner Tambe ADJOURNMENT Chair Stanek adjourned the meeting at 9:02 p.m. to the October 7, 2021 meeting at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Khuu, Management Analyst Parks and Recreation Department Minutes approved at the October 7, 2021 regular meeting