Written Communications Parks and Recreation Commission
Meeting 8/6/20
Written Communications
Item #4
Rancho Rinconada Recreation and Park District
Survey Results and Options for Additional
Community Outreach
From: Jennifer Griffin
To: City of Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission
Subject: Concerns About Rancho Rinconada Survey
Date: Thursday,August 6,2020 12:57:07 PM
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Dear Park and Recreation Commission:
I have read the information about the Rancho Rinconada survey which I
participated in last spring. I have some concerns about the surbey.
It appears that there were 11 responses from one household. Was this
house actually in Rancho Rinconada? Can this be verified? How can
you have 11 responses from one household? Was the survey designed
to have one response from each household or as many as 11 people in
a household? That is a lot of people in one household. I would be wondering
who lived in that house?
How does the survey make sure only Rancho Rinconada residents respond?
I think that there should be another survey that is just for Rancho Rinconada
I don't think Next Door should be involved in the survey. Not every one is
on Next Door and Next Door has a lot of problems. It is not secure.
I do think the survey should be redesigned if they are going to use it again.
When I was taking it I did not feel it was secure and I was afraid our comments
would be shown to people who should not see them. I do not think the survey was
secure enough and confidential.
Please redo the survey if that is what you are going to do and only let Rancho Rinconada
resdents participate. It is our one million dollars assets that are in the pool facility and the
land and no one outside of Rancho Rinconada can comment on or have the authority
to say how that how that money is to be
retained on-site at the facility or is addressed in any other way. Rancho Rinconada is in the
Special District and no one else. Others should not be deciding what to do with the one
million dollars assets and it is not theirs to"give"to the city.
Please redo the survey and make it secure and more confidential and only for Rancho
Rinconada residents . And also do not let 11 people from one household weigh the
responses. My husband has a Masters in Statistics and he said this was not a random
sampling and the data responses are skewed.
Thank you very much.
Jennifer Griffin
From: sandra yeaton
To: City of Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission
Subject: Fw: rancho Please distribute this to all commisioners and director magrini
Date: Tuesday,August 4,2020 10:14:27 AM
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From: Sandra yeaton
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 9:24 PM
To: Carol Stanek<cstanek@cupertino.org>
Subject: Re: rancho
thank you carol.
I think some of the comments were concerns about taxes. We pay the same property tax
regardless . 4.61 percent of it now goes to the special district. I'm not aware of Barrington
Bridge ever being concerned before. Their comments seem a little contrived. Based on my
knowledge and experience of nearly 30 years on that board, I can say the city with
experienced people in Parks and Recreation are infinitely more capable and honest in their
ability to create something really good for all the community opposed to people with no
experience (at least for the past 7 years) who have no interest other than that of the 1/2
million dollar tax that comes in there every year and the little system they have set up spend
it. Not on programs. i will watch the meeting on tv. I can only hope this comes out well for
the community. I went to LAFCO because this District is not operating for the people. It
would be a travesty if it were allowed to continue.
sandra yeaton
From: Carol Stanek<cstanek@cupertino.org>
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 8:08 PM
To: Sandra yeaton
Subject: Re: rancho
Hi Sandra,
Rancho Rinconada is on the Parks and Rec Commission agenda for Thursday. I've attached
the agenda if you'd like to review the item.
Wishing you well,
Carol Stanek