PC 02-22-2022 Item #2 Housing Element Update Study Session_Written CommunicationsPC 02-22-2022
Item #2
Housing Element
Update Study Session
(Continued from
1/25 PC)
Written Comments
Cyrah Caburian
From:Anne Ezzat <aezzat95014@gmail.com>
Sent:Tuesday, February 22, 2022 10:55 AM
To:City of Cupertino Planning Commission
Subject:Housing element Map and Item #2
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sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Commissioners,
It was no surprise to see the housing element map concentrating the majority of proposed housing in certain areas of
the city. Housing should be more evenly distributed throughout the city, not just because it is equitable and fair, but
because of infrastructure issues. Please try to disperse new housing in a more equitable fashion.
Thank you and best regards,
Brooke Ezzat. . .
Cyrah Caburian
From:Jenny Griffin <grenna5000@yahoo.com>
Sent:Tuesday, February 22, 2022 3:25 PM
To:City of Cupertino Planning Commission
Subject:Housing Element Sites
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recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Planning Commission,
There are so many sites listed in the list of potential Housing Element sites for the Planning Commission Study Session
on Housing Elements for February 22, 2022. Why are there so Many sites? We will have no place to shop or buy
groceries or get gas or go to a pharmacy.
Everything will have been zoned up to ten stories and high density housing. There will be No place left to buy food.
Once, HCD rezones all this land to high density housing, it can never be rezoned back. And it All has to be rezoned by
January 1, 2023. We will have no land left in Cuoertino. There will Be no grocery stores or gas stations or parkland. It will
all have been rezoned to some Sort of high density thing the state is running.
I feel like our city and our places we buy food and get medicine have been taken over by some Sort of outside power.
We have no control over what they are doing to our city.
This is not a good plan, to take away all the shopping and grocery stores and doctors offices.
There will be no parkland and no schools. It will just be all reasoned high density land That someone else is taking over.
I am really surprised if we will have any land left for even churches once this is all over.
Thank you.
Jennifer Griffin
Cyrah Caburian
From:Jenny Griffin <grenna5000@yahoo.com>
Sent:Tuesday, February 22, 2022 4:08 PM
To:City of Cupertino Planning Commission
Subject:Houses and Apartment Complexes on Housing Element Site List
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recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Planning Commission:
There are houses and Apartment Complexes on this Housing Element Site List For the Study Session on 2/22/22 for the
Planning Commission.
The Gardens of Fountain Bleu are on this list. The Calabasas Creek flooded this Site a few years ago. This also means that
apartment complexes in West San Jose That abutt Cupertino residential neighborhoods could be on San Jose's Housing
Element sites and could be zoned up to 100s of unit of density and no one in Cupertino would ever know. I had not
thought Cupertino residents would have to Worry about that too.
That means Sage Apartments and Shadow Oaks could zoned massive density by San Jose And no one would ever know
it. This is the same problem Cupertino residents would Face next to Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Saratoga or Lo s Altos
Apartments complexes that got Rezoned for Housing Element sites next to Cupertino lands. Residents of Cupertino
would never Know.
San Jose has like 100,000 Housing Element sites that have to provide in this Housing Element cycle so they will be
rezoning everything, including churches and apartment complexes.I
Also, why are houses in the Housing Element sites? This is not a good plan.
If they rezone apartment complexes,they will evict the current people in the apartment complexes And have no parking
spaces and the streets will all be clogged.
It is not good to rezone houses or apartment complexes. Now, we also have to worry about What San Jose is rezoning as
well as Sunnyvale and the other cities around cupertino.
This is getting very complicated and may drive up rents and cause evictions.
Jennifer Griffin
Cyrah Caburian
From:Peggy Griffin <griffin@compuserve.com>
Sent:Tuesday, February 22, 2022 4:58 PM
To:City of Cupertino Planning Commission
Cc:City Clerk
Subject:2-22-2022 PC Meeting Agenda Item #2 Housing Element
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sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Planning Commission, Staff and EMC Planning Group,
Thank you for the material in advance of tonight’s meeting. I have a few suggestions and questions below.
1. The Layers referenced in “Attachment 1 Memorandum…” use Layer A, B, C, etc. but the maps provided in
“Attachment 2 Map Attachments” are numbered Map 1, Map 2, etc. It would be much easier to follow if you
used the same terms in both so we could know exactly which map you were referring to.
2. One of the overlays is to show parks. Please add with it, our Neighborhood Commercial Centers. These are
where our produce markets, etc are located and are very important to each neighborhood.
1. Isn’t there a requirement that you can’t displace people?
2. The Staff Report mentions upzoning R2 and R3 zones but what about Planned Development Single Family areas?
There are lots of those.
1. Do NOT consider our Neighborhood Commercial Centers. We need the retail there to support the increased
housing density and to encourage walking/biking to local retail.
2. Please distribute the density more across the entire city. This helps our suffering schools, reduces traffic
congestion and provides density to support our local neighborhood centers.
3. Please allow and include the Housing Commission to provide and review the housing element sites. We need
more input and they are there to help!
Peggy Griffin