FAC 07-26-2021 CITY OF Im MINUTES CUPERTINO FINE ARTS COMMISSION Monday, July 26, 2021 FINE ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER At 6:35 p.m., Chair Kasamsetty called the meeting to order via virtual teleconference. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Sudha Kasamsetty, Diana Matley,Janki Chokshi, Esha Rao, Satish Tare Commissioners Absent: None Presenters: Archana Panda, Library Commission Chair Staff Present: Joanne Magrini, Kelsey Christian APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Subject: Approve the May 24 Fine Arts Commission Minutes Recommended Action: Approve the May 24 Fine Arts Commission minutes Commissioner Matley motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Chokshi seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Subject: Approve the May 24 Fine Arts Commission and Library Commission Special Meeting Minutes Recommended Action: Approve the May 24 Fine Arts Commission and Library Commission special meeting minutes Commissioner Matley requested to amend the minutes to clarify her statement that the art wall and donor wall should reflect one another and look cohesive in the provided space, and that she is happy to have the opportunity to bring art to the community and the library. Commissioner Chokshi motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Rao seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None Chair Kasamsetty moved New Business Item 6 to the beginning of the agenda. NEW BUSINESS 6. Subject: Poet Laureate Selection Process and Selection Committee Recommended Action: Receive an update from the Library Commission Poet Laureate Subcommittee regarding the Poet Laureate selection process and select two members to join the selection committee. Chair Panda from the Library Commission reported that the Library Commission is seeking two members from the Fine Arts Commission to join the Poet Laureate selection committee. Commissioner Matley motioned that Chair Kasamsetty and Commissioner Chokshi be selected as the representatives for the Poet Laureate selection committee. Commissioner Tare seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 3. Subject: Timeline and Marketing Plan for Proposed Community Art Talks Recommended Action: Review and discuss proposed community Art Talks, including timeline and marketing plan. Staff gave report on the timeline and marketing plan for the Art Talks. The first Art Talk will be held at Blackberry Farm on Thursday,August 19 at 6 p.m. featuring mural artist Sarabjit Singh. Chair Kasamsetty made a motion to accept the timeline and marketing plan. Commissioner Tare seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Subject:2021 Artist Award Program Timeline,Application Criteria,Award Description, and Evaluation Forms Recommended Action: Review and finalize the 2021 Artist Award Program, including timeline, application criteria, award description, and evaluation forms. Staff gave report on the 2021 Artist Award Program timeline, application criteria, award description and evaluation forms. Commissioner Choksi motioned to accept and finalize the 2021 Artist Award Program, including the timeline, application criteria, award description, and evaluation form. Commissioner Rao seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 5. Subject:Marking Plan for the 2021 Artist Award Programs and Theme for the 2021 Young Artist Award Program Recommended Action:Discuss the marketing plan for the 2021 Artist Award Programs and finalize the theme for the 2021 Young Artist Award program. Commission discussed the award program marketing plan of publicizing the program on the City's website, and on the City's social media channels. Each commissioner will also distribute the program flyer to appropriate art groups or organizations. Commissioner Chokshi motioned to approve the award program marketing plan. Commissioner Matley seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Commission discussed themes for the Young Artist Award Program. Chair Kasamsetty made a motion for the 2021 Young Artist Award Program theme to be "Your Dreams for the Future". Commission Matley seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Subject: Future Partnership Opportunities with Community Events and Festivals Recommended Action:Discuss future partnership opportunities with community events and festivals. Staff gave a report on community events and festivals with recommendations of what events and festivals would be appropriate for the Commission to attend and host a vendor booth. Commissioner Chokshi let the Commission know that she is part of the Steering Committee for the Cupertino Rotary Family Fall Festival. She had reserved a booth for the Fine Arts Commission in anticipation that the commission would want to be present at the festival. The Commissioners discussed: -flyers that will market the Art Talks and the Artist Award Programs -being able to secure a five minute spot on the entertainment stage to promote the commission. -creating QR codes for the flyers to encourage people to the commission's webpage -decorate the booth with artwork from previous artist award winners Commissioner Chokshi made a motion for the Fine Arts Commission to accept a booth at the Family Fall Festival on September 11. Chair Kasamsetty seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 8. Subject: Monthly Update Reports Recommended Action: Receive an update report from the Fine Arts Commission staff liaison and commissioners. Chair Kasamsetty attended the July Mayor's meeting and reported that the Mayor will be giving each commission$100. Commissions are to come up with ideas of how they would like to spend the money. She also shared that she and Commissioner Chokshi visited the library and discussed with the community librarian how the commission could secure a wall in the library to showcase artwork. Commissioner Chokshi discussed that she met with the community librarian about securing a wall in the library to showcase artwork. They discussed what type of hangers would be needed. Commissioner Rao reported that she attended the June 9 Mayor's meeting. They Mayor's meeting was dedicated to voting on the CREST award winners. Commissioner Matley reported that she attended the May Mayor's meeting. COMMISSION ATTENDANCE AT UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS Commissioners discussed attendance for the upcoming Mayor's meetings. Attendance will be as follows: August 11-Commissioner Chokshi/Commissioner Tare (will attend to shadow Commissioner Chokshi) September 8-Commissioner Matley October 13-Commissioner Tare FUTURE AGENDA SETTING The staff liaison reviewed the tentative agenda for the September 27 meeting. Chair Kasamsetty made a motion to add the following items to the list of future agenda items: -Discussion on how to spend$100 from the Mayor's Fund -Sponsoring an art wall at the library Commissioner Rao seconded the motion. ADJOURNMENT Chair Kasamsetty adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m. to the September 27,2021 meeting at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted By, Kelsey Christian, Recreation Coordinator Parks&Recreation Department Minutes approved at the September 27, 2021 regular meeting