P&R 02-24-2021 (Special)
Teleconference Special Meeting
Thursday, February 24, 2021
6:00 PM
Chair Stanek called the meeting to order at 6:01p.m. via remote teleconference.
Commissioners present: Carol Stanek, Xiangchen Xu, Gopal Kumarappan, Neesha
Tambe, Sashikala Begur (joined at 6:07 p.m.)
Commissioners absent: None
Staff present: Joanne Magrini, Whitney Zeller, Alex Corbalis
1. Subject: Meeting Minutes for the February 4, 2021 Parks and Recreation
Commission Meeting.
Recommended Action: Review and approve the minutes for the February 4, 2021 Parks
and Recreation Commission meeting.
Commissioner Tambe motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Kumarappan
seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 votes yes and Commissioner Begur absent.
2. Subject: Third Session of the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Park Amenity
Improvement Prioritization Process.
Recommended Action: Conduct the third session of the Parks and Recreation Strategic
Plan park amenity improvement prioritization process
Recreation Coordinator, Alex Corbalis, conducted the prioritization process for Three
Oaks Park, Sterling Barnhart Park, Wilson Park, Varian Park, Portal Park, and Jollyman
Three Oaks Park
Pickleball Striping
No Recommendation
Hydration stations
Staff recommended replacing the one existing water fountain with a hydration station
Commissioners agree with staff recommendation
Garbage and Recycling
Staff recommend replacing the existing receptacles in the picnic areas with two trios
Commissioners agree with staff recommendation
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommend adding three benches spaced along the central pathway
Commissioner Begur commented that there are sufficient benches there already, and
would like to spend the money elsewhere
Commissioner Kumarappan agreed the money could be used elsewhere
Commissioners do not recommend any additional benches or picnic tables at this site
Inclusive Swings and Elements
Staff noted that the Commission recommend we revisit inclusive elements systemwide
at the end of the prioritization process
Commissioners recommended that we highlight this park during the final prioritization
for inclusive elements.
Commissioner Tambe commented that this could be a good site for a meditation garden,
walking path or tai chi space, as recommended by the community
Commissioner Begur commented that Verizon is trying to put a tower somewhere in this
park, as something to keep in mind.
Sterling Barnhart
No recommendation
Hydration stations
No additional needed
Staff commented that the hydration station had recently been replaced or will be replaced
Commissioner Begur commented that she believes this park had the hydration station
with the dog bowl
Garbage and Recycling
No additional needed
Benches and Picnic Tables
No additional needed
Staff recommended adding two trees near the existing benches and tables on the eastern
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Inclusive Swings and Elements
Commissioners recommended that we highlight this park during the final prioritization
for inclusive elements.
Staff will check to see if there are existing inclusive swings
Commissioner Xu commented that this park has no restroom
Commissioner Tambe asked in proximity to Lawrence Mitty property, if there is any kind
of connection that can be made to this park, as it could be a good idea to add a hydration
station along the trail if we connect it to the Lawrence Mitty property
Director of Parks and Recreation, Joanne Magrini, commented that it will be considered
during the planning phase for developing the Lawrence Mitty property.
Commissioner Kumarappan commented that we don’t have a restroom at this park, but
people who are using the trail will stop at the park to get water, and that it could be a
good place for a restroom in the future.
Wilson Park
Pickleball Striping
No recommendation by staff
Commissioner Begur commented that this is a big park but that pickleball is out of the
scope of what we are looking at now since there are no tennis courts
Hydration Stations
Staff recommend replacing the two existing wall mount water fountains at the restrooms,
one at the playground, and replace one wall mount at the north restrooms.
Chair Stanek recognized that because of the athletic use at this park it is a high priority
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Garbage and Recycling
Staff recommended replacing the existing at the three ball fields with three trios and
replacing the existing at the picnic area with one trio
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommended adding two benches in the existing shade on the west side of the
south playground, and one on the path south of the south playground
Director Magrini noted that there are no benches currently, and the added benches would
add a line of site for parents to the playground area
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Not recommended by staff
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Outdoor Table Tennis
Not recommended at this location
Commissioner Tambe commented that she did not agree that outdoor table tennis should
be removed entirely from consideration and that it could be done in Cupertino. She
added that there may be a small gazebo next to the building that could be a good place
for outdoor table tennis. If not there, there are other locations that could be potential
Commission had some interest in outdoor table tennis at Wilson
Exercise Equipment
Commissioners recommended that we highlight this park during the final prioritization
for exercise equipment
Commissioner Tambe recommended to consider nature play and exercise equipment as
the same thing, and that Wilson could be a good location to implement it
Mile Markers
Recommended as a maintenance project
Commissioner Tambe noted that the City had been working on a trail may be connect at
the back of the park.
Varian Park
Pickleball Striping
Staff recommend restriping one court pending the restriping at Memorial Park
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Hydration Stations
Staff recommended replacing one existing at the tennis court and to add one near the
south playground
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Garbage and Recycling
Staff recommended to remove the existing at the BBQ area and add two trios on the path,
one north of the north playground and one between the playgrounds
Commissioner Kumarappan noted there is no waste receptacle near the tennis court
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation, with the addition of moving one
existing garbage can to the tennis court
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommend adding one bench south of the western park entrance and two benches,
one north and one south of the east entrance
Commissioner Stanek commented that there are a number of picnic tables that provide
areas for people to sit
Commissioner Kumarappan commented that because the community said it is needed,
near the tennis courts it would be a good area for people coming from the main road. He
agreed with the Chair that in other areas there is enough seating
Director Magrini added that this is a location that the 2‐5 tot lot playground is being
upgraded and benches will be considered at the playground area and incorporated there
Commissioner Tambe asked about the community feedback and where it came from
Staff commented that it was a senior that sent an email during the prioritization process
Commissioner Tambe agreed with Commissioner Kumarappan about adding one bench
at the top, but the remaining are adequate
The Commission recommended one bench at the entrance coming from the street
Not recommended
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Outdoor Table Tennis
Not recommended
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Mile Markers
Recommended as a maintenance project
Commissioners recommended that we highlight this park during the final prioritization
for inclusive elements, nature play, and exercise equipment
Portal Park
Pickleball Striping
Not recommended
Hydration Stations
Staff recommended replacing the existing water fountain and adding a hydration station
to the restrooms for a total of two hydration stations
Commissioner Kumarappan recommended adding something near the playground
because the existing water fountain was heavily used
Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation and suggested a low priority of
adding one at the playground
Garbage and Recycling
Staff recommended replacing the existing at the north picnic area with two trios and the
two existing at the playgrounds with two duos
Commissioner Kumarappan recommended moving an existing garbage can near the
Chair Stanek commented that the area behind the building is underutilized and could
have something added to increase use
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation, as well as reusing an existing garbage
can to place at the building as a lower priority
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommended adding two benches spaced on the path towards the building and
two near the northern edge of the north playground.
Commissioner Kumarappan recommended spacing the two benches evenly along the
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Staff recommended adding two trees with the recommended benches at the northern
Commissioner Kumarappan supported adding trees
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation but at a low priority
Outdoor Table Tennis
No recommendation provided
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Exercise Equipment and Inclusive Swings
Commissioners recommended that we highlight this park during the final prioritization
for inclusive elements.
Jollyman Park
Pickleball Striping
Not Recommended
Hydration Stations
Staff recommend replacing the existing at the baseball field and add one between the
north playground and soccer field and one at the restroom
Chair Stanek commented that we will want something near the playground and will
want to consider the inclusive playground
Commissioner Begur commented that she does not think we should add one if we will
be addressing the playground area in the future
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Director Magrini clarified that the Inclusive playground will be at the south playground,
where the existing hydration station is
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommended adding two benches near the central pathway that runs through the
middle of the park
Director Magrini noted that we are recording community requests for the DOLA area but
should not make decisions based off the trial until it is approved
Commissioner Begur commented that we don’t need any right now and can hold off
Commissioners recommended holding off and revisiting at a future time (next year)
Garbage Cans and Recycling
Staff recommended replacing the existing at the north playground with one trio near the
BBQ pits
Commissioner Xu recommended adding more on the trail close to the DOLA area
Commissioner Kumarappan recommended putting a trashcan near the DOLA and a duo
at the playground
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
No recommendation
Outdoor Table Tennis
Staff recommend adding one east of the restrooms
Commissioner Tambe commented that this is a great place for outdoor table tennis and
that the community around Jollyman Park is a concentration of diverse ethnicities, which
is a great spot for this amenity. She added it would be a great place for a pilot if we wanted
to gauge community use
Commissioner Xu added that in China it is very popular to have outdoor table tennis
made with concrete
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Exercise Equipment and Inclusive Swings
Commissioners recommended that we highlight this park during the final prioritization
for inclusive elements.
Nature Play
Commissioner Tambe commented that she would like to see if there is a natural element
that could delineate the DOLA area and could also act as a seating and play area. More
broadly, she would like to see this concept explored in our parks
Director Magrini commented that we have talked with Public Works about fallen trees
and the potential to reuse them as nature play or natural elements
Commissioners and staff discussed the final prioritization process
Commissioner Kumarappan asked if the data can be separated as a stack ranking where
we can draw a line of what we want to fund
Director Magrini provided a brief presentation
Commissioner Tambe clarified that the LAFCO board has not changed, but the Rancho
Rinconada Recreation and Park District Board has new members. She added that she
attended the Mayor’s meeting and updated that under housing there will be a $10 million
ask for below market rate housing, Audit Committee is doing a review of the treasury
report, Fine Arts Commission is looking to connect with the Parks and Recreation
Commission as we work on park improvements, Sustainability Commission is reviewing
a carbon fee that is in a house bill and are working on the City’s Sustainable Plan, Gary
reached out with the hope that we will incorporate sustainability in our park
improvements, the teen essay contest is wrapping up this weekend, Teen Commission is
working on safe routes to school, TIC commission is working on 5G, Library
groundbreaking is starting, Public Safety is looking at wildlife and personal safety
around the City.
Community Member Jennifer Griffin commented on the Rancho Rinconada Recreation
and Park District as reported by Director Magrini
Chair Stanek commented that if Commissioners know they will not be able to attend or
will be late to a meeting, to message the Liaison, Admin, and Chair to ensure that we will
have a quorum.
Commissioner Tambe added that her and Commissioner Begur attended an informal
community meeting with Councilmember Chao, shared what the Commission is
working on, and received feedback from the community. She noted that there was
discussion following the meeting and there was concern about maintaining the Brown
Act rules. Commissioner Begur commented that they were meeting under the context of
office hours and added that Councilmember Chao would like to continue to hold these
meetings on a regular basis. Commissioner Tambe noted that the office hours are
important and should continue.
Commissioner Kumarappan commented that he would like to know more about the
topics reviewed and asked if the Commissioners could share the presentation with staff
to distribute.
Vice Chair Xu thanked Commissioners Tambe and Begur for attending and representing
the Commission. Commissioner Xu commented that this Friday Councilmember Chao
will have another community meeting with the Safety Commissioners and would like to
see more opportunities to collect community input.
8. Subject: Ongoing Items and Future Agenda Items.
Recommended Action: Review and provide feedback on ongoing items and future
agenda items.
The Commissioners discussed upcoming meetings, including a Special meeting on March
24th, agenda topics for April 1st, and the potential for a special meeting in April.
Jennifer Griffin provided public comment and asked about how special meetings are
Chair Stanek adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. to the March 4, 2021 meeting at 7 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Whitney Zeller, Administrative Assistant
Parks & Recreation Department
Minutes approved at the March 4, 2021 regular meeting