P&R 02-04-2021
Teleconference Meeting
Thursday, February 4, 2021
7:00 PM
Chair Kumarappan called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. via remote teleconference.
Commissioners present: Carol Stanek, Xiangchen Xu, Gopal Kumarappan, Neesha
Tambe, Sashikala Begur
Commissioners absent: None
Staff present: Joanne Magrini, Whitney Zeller, Kirsten Squarcia,
Alex Corbalis, Jeff Ordway, Jenny Koverman
1. Subject: Training on Commissioner Handbook Approved by City Council on
January 19, 2021.
Recommended Action: Conduct training on Commissioner Handbook.
The Commission accepted a presentation from City Clerk, Kirsten Squarcia.
2. Subject: Chair and Vice Chair Selection.
Recommended Action: Conduct the selection of the Chair and Vice Chair.
Commissioner Tambe motioned to nominate Vice Chair Stanek as the new
Commission Chair. Commissioner Xu seconded the motion. Motion carried
unanimously with five votes yes.
Commissioner Begur motioned to nominate Commissioner Xu as the new
Commission Vice Chair. Commissioner Tambe seconded the motion. Motion carried
unanimously with five votes yes.
3. Subject: Meeting Minutes for the January 20, 2021 Parks and Recreation
Commission Special Meeting.
Recommended Action: Review and approve the minutes for the January 20, 2021 Parks
and Recreation Commission special meeting.
Commissioner Begur motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Kumarappan
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with five votes yes.
4. Subject: Proposed Project Evaluation Criteria and Process.
Recommended Action: Review and approve the proposed project evaluation criteria
and process.
Administrative Assistant, Whitney Zeller, reviewed the item and noted one change to
the published attachment clarifying that changes to due dates will be published in the
Future Agenda Setting item on the Parks and Recreation Commission agenda.
Commissioners agreed with the evaluation criteria and processes provided.
5. Subject: Review and Provide Feedback on the New Community Garden
Recommended Action: Review and provide feedback on the new Community Garden
Recreation Coordinator, Jeff Ordway, provided a presentation on the item.
Commissioner Tambe commented that staff have done a fantastic job starting the
guidelines from the ground up. She proposed prioritizing residents who qualify for the
Santa Clara County Healthy Cities Program on the waitlist, as it would be good to help
those who are financially struggling and give them access to their own food system.
Commissioner Tambe added that she would like to continue to see a trusted
community first approach to the guidelines, with a backup plan for when incidents
occur. She noted that she would like to add to the guidelines that when satellite gardens
are implemented, they will be reserved for people who are most immediately in
proximity to them so that communities on the East side of Cupertino do not need to
travel to the main gardens.
Commissioner Begur thanked staff for their work and commented that keeping the
Master Gardener classes open to the public would be a good way to keep residents on
the waitlist engaged and interested in the garden.
The Commissioners were in agreeance to support the idea of prioritizing residents on
the waitlist who qualify for low income or food assistance.
6. Subject: Second Session of the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Park Amenity
Improvement Prioritization Process.
Recommended Action: Execute the second session of the Parks and Recreation Strategic
Plan park amenity improvement prioritization process.
Canyon Oak Park
Pickleball Striping
No recommendation
Hydration Stations
Not recommended
Waste Receptacles
Staff recommendation is to replace existing singles with one duo
Commissioners agree with staff suggestion
Benches and Picnic Tables
Public Works indicated they wanted to rearrange benches and move the bench at South
corner to the North, remove one of the benches in the North corner and the two in the
center and reuse them at Little Rancho park. Six benches would remain.
Commissioners agree with staff recommendation
Staff suggested adding trees at the benches surrounding the playground. (4 in total)
Commissioners agreed with the suggestion but listed it at a lower priority.
Outdoor Table Tennis
Not recommended
Franco Park
Pickleball Striping
Not Recommended
Hydration Stations
Not recommended by staff
Commissioner Begur commented that a hydration station could be good to add.
Chair Stanek commented that a priority for water stations was for where sports occur,
and Franco is a small park.
Commissioner Kumarappan commented that it could be good for people walking
Commissioner Tambe was ok with staff’s recommendation.
Commission’s suggestion is to go with staff’s recommendation, not a priority but could
consider in the future.
Waste Receptacles
Staff recommendation is to change two to recycling or to add two recycling to create duos.
Commissioner Xu commented that she did not see recycling at the park. It would be a
good place to add recycling.
Commissioners agreed with staff’s recommendation
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommendation is no additional needed
Commissioners agree with staff recommendation
Mile Markers and Inclusive Swings
No recommendation to add
Staff commented that inclusive swings were left off of last meeting’s sites, they will be
included tonight and the next meeting.
Commissioner Tambe mentioned that sound could be an issue for those who wou ld
utilize inclusive swings, but any inclusive elements that can be included would be good.
Civic Center Plaza
Pickleball Striping
No Recommendation
Hydration Station
Staff recommendation is to add one on the side of the Library, across from Library Field
Commissioners agree
Commissioner Kumarappan asked if the Library Expansion Project would impact the
recommended area. Director of Parks and Recreation, Joanne Magrini added that because
of construction, it might be more feasible to extend water to the area to put in the
hydration station
Director Magrini mentioned that it may be possible to add a wall mounted hydration
station outside the restrooms at Community Hall
Waste Receptacles
Staff do not recommend any additional waste receptacles
Commissioners agree with staff recommendation
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommend replacing some of the benches in the sand area with picnic tables.
Another idea is to add charging tables as a capital improvement project (CIP)
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation
Director Magrini added that having a space to eat outside has been an issue raised during
Commissioner Kumarappan added that based on the space, it is a good idea to have areas
for patrons to work outside
Commissioner Tambe echoed Commissioner Kumarappan comments
Staff do not recommend additional shade
Commissioner Tambe recommended having a couple more shade trees if it is possible to
plant an evergreen in the central area.
Commissioner Kumarappan supported Commissioner Tambe’s suggestion to add shade
Commission recommended a lower priority to add shade trees centrally.
Outdoor Table Tennis
Not recommended
Exercise Equipment
Not recommended
Not recommended
Director Magrini mentioned that there are recreation equipment vending options and it
would be best to incorporate at an area where multiple recreation options can be utilized.
Commissioner Tambe commented on the water feature at City Hall and recommended
incorporating a water play element.
Commissioner Tambe commented that it would be good to have changing tables in both
the men and women’s restrooms.
Library Field
Pickleball Striping
Not recommended
Hydration Stations
Staff noted that the hydration station at Civic Center would address the needs at Library
Commissioner Kumarappan recommended adding a hydration station at the field
Commissioner Tambe seconded Commissioner Kumarappan’s suggestion to add a
hydration station at the field, so users do not need to walk across the field and parking
lot to access water
Commissioners recommend putting a hydration station at the field.
Waste Receptacles
No additional needed
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommend adding two benches along Torre Avenue
Commissioner Tambe commented that we should add one towards the bottom or near
the parking lot for those watching sports and activities at the field.
Commissioner Kumarappan agreed adding one at the top and one at the bottom of the
Chair Stanek recommended putting them somewhere where it will not infringe on field
Commissioners agreed to staff’s recommendation as well as adding benches at the top
bottom of the field.
No additional needed
Outdoor Table Tennis
Not recommended
Exercise Equipment
No recommendation provided
Mile Markers
No recommendation provided
Staff provided no recommendation
Commissioner Tambe reemphasized the necessity for keeping this as a cricket field, as it
is the only one. She noted that we have the #1 youth league and only have one field.
Commissioner Tambe commented to make sure it stays committed to cricket as there is
no other dedicated space for it in the City at this time.
Commissioners took a recess from 8:57 p.m. to 9:03 p.m.
Creekside Park
Pickleball Striping
Not recommended
Hydration Stations
Staff recommendation is to replace the one wall mounted water fountain, one at the
Southwest corner at the park, and one at the Northeast corner at the park.
Commissioners agree
Waste Receptacles
Staff recommendation is to replace the existing around field 3 with two trios on the
sidelines, replace the existing at the west picnic table with two trios, replace the existing
North of the parking lot with one duo, replace the Northeast with a single, and one at the
entrance, replace the duo and single Northwest and Northeast of the picnic area with one
trio, replace the single near the Northeast bike rack with a trio.
Vice Chair Xu commented that residents have commented about the trash near the fields.
People walking on the trail have asked if we can put some kind of protection from balls
for people using the walking trails.
Commissioners support staff recommendation.
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommendation is to add a bench near the bridge
Commissioner Begur commented that there may be benches South of the bridge already.
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation, but set as a lower priority
Not recommended
Outdoor Table Tennis
No recommendation provided
Commissioner Begur commented that she would prioritize spend the money on getting
a table tennis at the rec room over adding a bench
Commissioner Tambe agrees with Commissioner Begur.
Will return to the recommendations for this at a later date
Outdoor Fitness Equipment
Staff recommendation is to add additional fitness equipment as a capital improvement
Commissioners agree with staff recommendation
No recommendation provided
Mile Markers
Staff recommendation is to add them as a separate in-house item by Public Works.
Commissioners agree
Inclusive Swings
Director Magrini commented that we are addressing the equipment replacement at the
tot lot and will try to add in inclusive elements with that replacement project.
Commissioners agree
Checkers Table
No recommendation provided
Tennis Court
No recommendation by staff
Commissioner Kumarappan commented that when he visited the sites, park users
commented that it would be a good place for a tennis court.
Memorial Park
Pickleball Striping
Staff recommendation is to restripe courts 2 or 3 for pickleball
Commissioner Stanek asked why we wouldn’t restripe more than the two
Director Magrini mentioned that storage would be needed for nets and other equipment
and staff would like to pursue it here and see how it works at Memorial before
implementing it elsewhere.
Commissioner Begur recommended implementing a virtual signup to reserve the court
for pickleball vs. tennis to allow staff to change out the nets.
Director Magrini commented that at Memorial there are six courts so it would be the
easiest site to allow for courts to be open for both tennis and pickleball.
Commissioner Tambe commented that we need to either have a timeline or have a couple
more courts for pickleball because there was a demand noted in the Master Plan feedback.
She added that she would like to see multi use of courts.
Commissioner Kumarappan clarified staff’s recommendation which is to start with two
courts and see how well they are utilized. They would use courts 2 and 3 which are least
popular with tennis players and then determine which would be better based on things
like storage and access.
Commissioners recommend restriping two courts at Memorial Park
Hydration Stations
Staff recommendation is to replace the water fountain along the Northern pathway
between community center and playground, replace the water fountain at the softball
field, and replace the wall mount at the southern restrooms near the playground
Commissioner Kumarappan commented that near the amphitheater there are a lot of
people who use that area and suggested adding one in that area.
Commissioners support staff’s recommendation with the addition of Commissioner
Kumarappan’s suggestion to add a hydration station near the amphitheater
Waste Receptacles
Staff recommendation is to add a trio north of the parking lot on Olive in the center, and
replace the cans at the softball field with one trio
Commissioner Kumarappan recommended adding a trio near the southern playground
Commissioner Stanek commented that for festivals, staff will bring in additional
receptacles, we need to focus more for the ongoing use
Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation, as well as adding a trio near the
southern playground if not already existing
Benches and Picnic Tables
Staff recommendation is to address any issues during a redesign
Commissioners agree with staff recommendation
Staff recommendation is to replace the crescent row of trees near Quinlan picnic area with
better trees that will provide more shade. Additionally, staff recommend adding a shade
structure over the same general area over the concrete pad. The amphitheater is
recommended for shade structure but addressed during the redesign.
Commissioner Begur recommended to address the entire area as a redesign rather than
implementing something that may be impacted.
Commissioner Tambe agreed that we should envision the long term, but added the
benefit of
replacing the trees would outweigh the potential lost cause.
The Commissioners agree with staff’s recommendation, but as a lower priority.
Outdoor Table Tennis
Not recommended
Commissioner Tambe recommended adding it at Memorial Park, referencing Director
Magrini’s comments about a vending machine system as well as its proximity to the
Senior Center
Commissioner Begur agreed it could potentially be a good location but should be
included in the redesign.
Commissioners agreed with staff recommendation
Exercise Equipment
Not recommended
No recommendation provided
Mile Markers
Staff recommendation is to add them as a separate in-house item by Public Works.
Commissioners agree
Inclusive Swings
Staff recommend implementing inclusive swings
Commissioners agree with staff recommendation
Checkers Table
Not recommended
Commissioner Tambe commented that there is good space for nature play and would be
nice to include natural elements
7. Subject: Monthly Update Reports
Recommended Action: Receive monthly update reports from the Director of Parks and
Recreation and commissioners.
Director Magrini provided a presentation and updated the Commission on department
projects, COVID impacts to parks and recreation, and upcoming events.
Commissioner Tambe shared that she had met with staff regarding the Kennedy
Middle School project to create connectivity and eliminate social isolation within the
City. They will be moving forward and having the top three participants will have an
opportunity to present their ideas to the Teen commission. Commissioner Tambe added
that she will be helping judge the essay contest for the Teen Commission and that
herself and Commissioner Begur will be participating in an informational
Commissioner session on how to become a Commissioner. The event is facilitated by
Vice Mayor Chao and will be held on the 12th. Commissioner Tambe will attend the
February Mayor’s meeting.
Commissioner Kumarappan thanked staff for their help during his time as Chair and
congratulated Chair Stanek and Vice Chair Xu on their new positions.
8. Subject: Schedule for Annual Items, Future Agenda Items, and Prioritization for the
Parks and Recreation Commission Work Program Items.
Recommended Action: Review and provide feedback on the schedule for annual items,
future agenda items, and prioritization for the Parks and Recreation Commission Work
Program items.
Commissioners requested to consolidate the annual calendar and work program
calendar into one document for review.
Commissioner Begur offered to attend the March Mayor’s meeting.
Chair Stanek commented that she will discuss the agenda with Director Magrini to
bring to the Commission next month, and that the Commission needs to consider that
Community Funding and the Strategic Plan finalization will both be on the March
meeting agenda.
The Commissioners agreed to hold a special meeting on February 24 at 6 p.m. to
facilitate the third session of the Strategic Plan park amenity improvement prioritization
ADJOURNMENT – Chair Stanek adjourned the meeting at 10:09 p.m. to the
February 24, 2021 meeting at 6 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Whitney Zeller, Administrative Assistant
Parks & Recreation Department
Minutes approved at the February 24, 2021 special meeting